What's next? All just fucking dots pretending to be lines pretending to be shapes pretending not to be just a literal handful of colors pretending not to have all the pointless whitespace around it pretending not to be sluggish and lagggy as shit despite there being hardly anything there?
"flat design" goes next-level
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Where is this even from?
next remove the squares and reduce the lines to make them tinier like so
This. They are telling consumers that they are stupid and they have contempt for them. Really, why is anyone here even using a smartphone with its Fisherprice walled garden design layout?
This design reminds me of the alphabet learning blocks in elementary school lol.
Is there some article or else pushing for this?
Give link so it can be passed around and laughed at.
From an actual website where some soycuck designed "social media" "icons" literally like that.
I'm fine with that. Makes it easier to finally kill myself.
allowing faggots and females into tech was a mistake tbh.
'Bout time. ypeepo been hogging that technology for too long. It our time now.
Could you actually post the site? Otherwise we're complaining about potentially nothing
In the future "flat design" is just sparse animated colored pixels on a white screen and you have to guess where the buttons are for intuitive learning experience. Meanwhile the entire thing requires 16G of RAM to run because it pulls in 30 Javascript libraries which pull in 100 Javascript libraries each.
If that's the price we have to pay to end the patriarchy, isn't that still a good thing? No one said the road to equality was going to be easy.
"Make things as simple as possible *but no simpler*" ~ Ahmad Mohammed, inventor of the clock
rakim was a visionary
Everyone now sees the truth. There is no stopping progress, and there is literally no reason not to kill ourselves now. We surrender against (((them))).
How black would you say you are?
and they will use even more resources to show this than to show the current logos
Take a look at this faggot! someone obviously forgot about the impending race war.
I think you have a reading comprehension deficiency
I can't wait until we get to the logical endpoint of flat design: Just a white space with no indication whatsoever what part of it does what and you get the exciting fun of randomly clicking everywhere to see what happens. Sometimes the rascals will even include a bunch of normal whitespace to lengthen the adventure of discovery
Flat Design is skinny, anemic, white person design IN ISOLATION, because it fails to expend the energy toward the evolution of A SYSTEMIC GRAPHICAL DESIGN.
Its a Saturn approach, not a Porsche approach
Design is free contrary to cars.
That's why people hate Windows 8 and 10s "design".
If you got a Porsche for the same price as a Saturn some people would take the Porsche even if it had the same specs and only 2 doors.
Windows 8/10 is Microsoft accepting that their OS will always be an overestimated subpar working station and turning Windows into an ad space so they can cash in as much as possible from their dying system before the year of the Linux on the desktop arrives.
Never going to happen. I expect this happening with Haiku or some *BSD before the clusterfuck that is desktop Linux.
this guy gets it n3t.host
I think things are bad, and in the grand scheme, individuals don't have much say in what global events will take place. However, if you believe that there's no reason to live, why are you posting about it instead of leading by example?
Ironically, I also found this...
It matched this thread so perfectly, I just had to include it.
wtf is this used in
So basically we're eventually going to just end up with a command line gui.
I wish there was a command line GUI that allowed me to drag and drop the parts of my command from toolboxes, and combine them, like those visual programming languages.
And shell scripts should be executable by scanning VR codes, so I don't have to care about anything.
The lines are actually pretty neat and well defined.
I also prefer such design and it was my plan to do that if I ever design a new DE out of qt.
Lines icons be put into font files and have no qualms of being in SVG form while it can also look good behind transparent blurred backgrounds when replaced with white foreground though I'd still prefer actual icons if it goes beside a text.
Also, I think that it's not really a problem considering most of these "icons" are made with first letters. It's made similar DPIs so that you don't get some clusterfuck of different fonts trying to look like icons. Also coherence and simplistic the fact that icons literally have different borders (square circle or outlines)
Rather just proof that actual designers do not have the last word, or not getting hired because some pajeet offered to do the job in 1 day...
Hello fork bomb
When will we go back to Motif/NeXT?
What for? If you can touch-type then typing out the command is faster than drag&dropping it.
NeXT is steve jobs garbage. Why people praise that shit baffles me.
spirit walks
At least is it .svg? Cause it's the only point of flat design.
These icons are just buttons. It makes absolutely no difference what they look like, it changes nothing if I make my screen buttons look unique from the screen buttons that come pre loaded. Mine are just a bunch of black and white pictograms that remind me what to press, for all I care they could be a bunch of featureless colored squares, it would be a hell of a lot better than the snap chat and duck duck go duck floating above a picture of a mountain stream, or my girlfriend.
Tell me another one, Zig Forumsanon.
Fuck this analogy. I want a big truck. Not a series of tubes.
Flat design is scalable. Even on a traditional desktop environment, it helps now that screens with high PPI and DPI are becoming commonplace.
Why are you posting a meme from 1998?
Bumping this again.
I just want a link so I'm not bitching over nothing.
When is the (((jew))) going to tire himself of his unpaid job? Haha!
Die (((jude))).
We Never Surrender. We are Free.
(((they))) are dead. We are with Life.
Hypercard? (beware, one of the restoration projects has a tranny as its leader).
The languages that were demostrated in Xerox PARC videos?
Why do you call these new interfaces "dumber" or "nigger-oriented" when it's actually harder to guess where a button or hyperlink is. It's like we're back in Microsoft Bob/ imgmap days which simply means bad UI design, not catering towards low-iq population because they are the first who gets scared-off by lower accessibility interfaces.
If you're complaining it's already about nothing, don't advertise for some fag.