I joined a hacker space recently thinking I would finally be able to learn all about electronics and realized I don't know what I actually want to actually do there. A few years ago when I was still in high school I wanted to be around like minded people interested in electronics and computers but never knew where to start (the closest I got to that was lurking and posting here and joining a robotics club where they didn't let me do or teach me anything). Now that I've joined this facility, I want to work on projects but tasks I thought would be simple seem to be too hard for me at my current skill level and I have no idea where to even start. What's worse is that projects that I can do at home seem meaningless because even if they seem fun in concept, it all seems pointless in the end while I learn nothing. For example I was planing on modifying a piratebox to try and host a custom forum and doom server off it's local connection for tenants at my friend's apartment I'm sure there's a better way of doing this but bear with me. While doing research on how I would achieve this I realized that nobody would actually use this and I would be doing a fuck ton of work to basically have normalfags talk to each other from their apartment rooms with their, more likely than not, uninteresting thoughts. This happens to me for basically every project I can do and I don't know what to do about it.
TL;DR I have access to a hackerspace. What should I do with it.
Hacker Spaces
Unless you want to do electronics for niggers, you're going to have to learn electronics the hard way. Otherwise you're stuck with "Follow these steps on your Anduino and make this fucking cool maker stuff!"
What do you actually want to do? I'd suggest taking a look at "The Art of Electronics" and its accompanying lab book "Learning the Art of Electronics." More complex designs are going to require you have a good understand of calculus and physics (especially for analog), but there's a lot you can get started on right away. TAOE is a pretty good guide, and if you get stuck, now you know what you need to learn.
Also, "HackerSpaces" are a meme.
I swear I saw you posting asking for "h4x0rsp4c3s" a week ago or something.
Unironically install Gentoo
This user is right. Find out what you want to do, find out what you need to learn to do it, and suffer through the tedium it takes to learn that stuff. Can't all be fun and games.
Just like "Linux User Groups"?
Learn things, that's why hackerspaces exist.
You don't know if that's true unless you try.
And who cares if it doesn't get used. You might learn something along the way.
start by asking about the basics behind programming. what programming means, learn about flowcharts, what is a token, a statement, a variable, a function, learn flow control, learn C and the basics of it's memory model, this is types, arrays, pointers unions and structs. learn about state machines and buffers. make small demo programs from basic flowcharts. learn about linking and how to use Makefiles.
then ask about the basics of electronics: the meaning of electricity, what is an electrical current, the flow of current, voltage, intensity, resistance, energy, wattage, what is a resistor, what is a diode, what is an electromotive source and what is a switch.
then you do basic circuits and eventually you will wrap your brain around how all of those little things work together in one system.
buy a small AVR microcontroller that you can manipulate from USB. a $2 arduino nano clone is a good option.
learn how to setup your controller by manipulating registers through bitmasks. learn the GPIO layout. do not use the arduino libraries, they are too abstracted and don't really tell you what happens in the MCU. learn how to manipulate the internal pullup resistor and how to work with interrupts. buy a 15W soldering iron, a solder sucker, 40/60 solder and some flux. learn how to solder.
learn about how to drive motors and their specs. then you will be ready for medium-advanced electronics and robotics.
TL; DR: don't be a pajeet, and learn how your code affects your equipment.
I don't even know what a "Linux User Group" is, but it sounds like a place where fat neckbeards gorge on Pizza while waxing lyrical about how much they "fucking love" Linux. None of the people will be kernel developers, but there will be one gnome like man who once pushed a commit to a mainstream package. The composition of the room will be white, with one geeked out negro who hasn't yet realized he's black, and 1-2 obese "girls" because they're so random.
Use your computer for "serious business," if you attach your entire identify and social life to your operating system of choice, you're no better than the typical cultofmac fanboy.
If you want basic electric understanding read the book "Make electronique" by charles platt.
If you want a better understand of computing in general read the book "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software" by Charles Petzold.
You need to get yourself a goal and go in that direction. If you know people who as broken stuff ask them if you can try to repair it and try/research how to.
So tor network just began at around that time and there was literally nothing on search engines. I don't have the link anymore,
There's no hacking at all, it's just MakerFag shit. 3D print a buttplug/dildo, insert a servo motor attached to a little weight, add some prebuilt "bluetooth module", make an App to control the intensity. Look ma, muh smart pozz stick!
Most hackerspaces are just shitty makerspaces with "science is cool" mem ers. Unless you can find a hackerspace that actually hacks shit or builds actual shit using programming and hardware, they're no better than science fanclubs with members wearing shit-tier shirts from FYE.
Try to find people who do it professionally and as a hobby or people who are autistic. Don't bother working on projects with anyone else.
In the end you get out what you put in and using the hackerspace for it's equipment and then fucking off is fine.
I'm pretty sure User Groups are more on the side of "Hey Steve, my wayland conf file broke again- any idea how to fix it?" and "I got my TRS-80 to play music by manipulating RF interference" rather than "look at me such a nerd lmao". At least that's the impression I get with what little I know of them pre-2000/2010.
Yeah, I'm sure the era of PC enthusiasts and LAN parties will be totally the same in 2019.
Doesn't seem like they can win. Also this actually looks like Africa, would would even be opposed to them bettering themselves in their own nations?
*who would
Some people can't suspend their niggerhate for even a second.
I did installed Gentoo. What's next?
He didn't mock them, he just posted picture of linux user groups.
Heh a captive portal, forum, and doom server off a open WiFi ap would take 1 hour at most to setup. What do you mean by a fuckton?
see: black panther/wakanda propoganda
once the niggers "better themselves" then they will inevitably come for whitey and to rape da womens
niggers must be kept in the mud in which they dwell or we shall be over run, as is currently happening due to (((affirmative action))) and other such gibs
It sounds like you're just dumb OP. You have no drive or motivation to learn the basics and then want to build a death ray as your first project.
Those times were fun. Meeting a "hacker" and you were amazed when he linked you to a website that just showed you your own desktop.
Any sort of public tech group is going to be a fag orgy in the making. It's all hipsters wanting to get drunk and swap dildos.
0day Forum: qzbkwswfv5k2oj5d.onion
Torum: gf2juatsqdph6x2h.onion
HACKTEAMS: hackurxal34aznxe.onion
Sage Platform: sageranjccfovtn3.onion
Let me guess, you think tying your 20 year olds kid's shoestrings is "helping" too.
Rape and torture your children to discipline them!
If your 20 year old kid has to keep coming home for you to do it for him, that's not helping. (The current situation where nogs flood to Europe, or Europe floods cash to them). If you can teach them to do it themselves, they will go out and live their own life independently. Remember, the nogs aren't actually leaching from you, because you are not a linux contributor, in fact, you leech just as much as they do, and that's ok. We developers are fine with that.
I see no problem with them bettering themselves. The problem is how they're destabilized by the royals and corporations and give "aid" at the expense of nothing but self-gain. Almost any aid ever given to them do not outweigh the gain.
>accidental spread AIDs (invented by none other than the anglos now you know)
Either way, karma is gonna be your bitch.
Forgot to mention about the african warlords who are funded by your one and only royal families. Gotta block the most efficient entrance to ice wall am I right? South Africa belongs to the Commonwealth, go figure :^).
Linux User Group >>> Hackerspaces
CCC is for faggots and kikes
The Eternal Anglo strikes again.
Thank you for your recommendations. I'll check those out.
I'm kinda retarded. Having someone else point out exactly what I would need to do makes it seem way easier so thank you for that.
Yeah, you're right. I need to set my scopes way lower until I get better.
Installing Gentoo is easy though. It's literally just copying a bunch of commands from a manual until you have a working system.
Blackhats For Bitcoin - your number one darknet cybercrime solution. We are professional hackers offering our services, both blackhat and whitehat, for an affordable rate.
[email protected]
Nice one bro. You even suck at scamming.
Hackerspaces will always be a meme that will run out of funding very soon enough and its disappearance will only make it worse for the likes of 'you'.
It's either filled with clusters of 'nostalgic' boomer analog or diskette age tools that 'no millennial has ever touched or heard of'.
And that inefficient amount of tools and "lots of stuff to work or learn with" are nothing but a distraction to settle with the real shit. It's nothing but an upgraded manchild and boomer playground or an escapade hideout for escapism while outside there's real journalists, whistleblowers, crisis actors (traitors), mil insiders getting killed for trying to step up against the bad guys and maybe they even used (((securedrop and tor))) because "snowden the clown told them to use it *chuckle* - former CIA contractor" is what they want you to believe .
Maybe host an underground bunker like a hideout for Julian Assange or other similar delegates or develop another replacement for TOR because it's fucking under the magic fingertips of none other than George Soros and people are dying.
It's just some sekrit club museum for circlejerkers. Might as well just build a museum and spread knowledge that way because knowledge is a form of power not something that makes you look "cool" on close peers only. Also their idea of being selective about people isn't good. A true teacher will accept anyone. A true church denies no one.
I swear to god Zig Forums gets more and more retarded each day. What's even a Boomer anymore? Apparently everyone who's older than whoever uses the word. I'm a Millennial and I've grown up with disks. That window of technology existed in the mainstream for less than 20 years.
I find that youtube algorithm shit and censorship shit horrid but when I see some of you idiots posting, it's hard to say they're not doing the right thing by unlisting that conspiracy garbage.
He's in the right place tho, certainly enough idiots here
Sick of political division?
Than checkout my new movie!
Use it to de-program others!
Baby boomer = post WWII end of economic depression
They were planned for obsolesce. I'm referring to the 8" floppys that these hackerspace boomers flaunt like it's some holy grail rare collection.
Did your discord friends ran out of memes?
Also, you sound like an undergrad.
You should also include the facebook experiment where they tried to modify the feeds to manipulate people's feelings and eventually put them under anxiety and depression.
anti-diskette is a codeword for anti-white.
it's a full retardation here.
and i thought libs were the so called `edgy` ones.
You fell for the old Maker (tm) and Hacker (tm) meme. You could just accept you wasted money and not go.
Honestly this "maker" meme is pretty fucking stupid. Fuck it.
I don't do projects to appease others.
I do most of my projects for just my own curiosity, AND if it benefits humanity or others find my projects interesting THEN even better, ya know? More the merrier.
Your project isn't that hard. One router with OpenWRT and USB sticking on the side of it.
Projects you want to do. Or if someone has better project than what you wanted to do just ask them if you can join them.
Hackerspaces are essentially commie spaces tho, so I hate you and everyone in it.
Commie gobbledy gook video.
Stop shilling it.
OK take some steps to go through this:
1. The great thing about hackerspaces is they get your ass out of the house, and if you find cool people, you will become less depressed.
Think back to the time you were a newfag. Remember when they told you to LURK MOAR? Do that. Don't be an edgy memetard right away, but listen to what people have to say and learn a few interesting new approaches on how to build shit. People appreciate it when they have someone who listens to them.
Then, toss a few vanilla funny memes here and there and SLOWLY edge closer to Zig Forums-level edgelordery. You will find redpilled people there, you simply need to find the right language. Don't spill spaghetti all at once right away.
2. Basically learn how to use the tools there, If you are smart, you will find an interesting project to work on.
Use Arduino as babby's first embedded controller and take the time to go through ALL of the labs, buy some breadboards and components or raid their stock.
BUY A PAPER LAB MANUAL on electronics, usually some small independent bookstore or Microcenter has one, so your ass doesn't get distracted by your screen while you have literally "designated work time." Shit it up as much as you like, you are learning. Later on buy a beagleboneblack or a linksprite ACADIA i.mx6, skip the memeberry pi as its both shit and botnet.
3. Learn bigger tools, like machining metal parts on a lathe or mill or woodworking with power saws. You will know more skills and earn a greater sense of accomplishment when you do this. Plush chicks dig a man who knows how to work with his hands.
Above all, meet people and try to keep in contact with them. They may have good ideas, but they also want you to have some good ideas too. Don't be afraid of the memey shit like quadcopter kits, they are legitimately clever, like the Alienwhoop, where you can even attach a camera and fly it around fpv style. Don't be afraid to got to events, but tread lightly. Once you have enough support, or time spent working, you can actually start to enjoy a certain amount of influence in the hackerspace, and you can become an oldfag pretty quickly, and even hold office, with perks like free membership or control over hardware procurement. TBH I wish we had a smarter CTO: the tranny in question (yes there are trannies there, you will have to infiltrate hackerspaces to change them from the inside) had a chance to spend a decently low price for 10G speeds plus a backup line before it was gonna come out, and it would have seriously put us on the map for collabs with big shots, maybe even would have turned us into an incubator. Xir messed up big time, and we are still in the doldrums because of it.
Oh yeah, these things are a sausagefest: pumpingstationone.org
Don't be surprised if the "girl" you are talking to has a dick, but then most trannies are brianna wu-tier anyway
shit sorry wrong pic, alienwhoop drones are pretty based as far as babby-tier hackerspace kits go. Learn better soldering too, and brazing/welding later. You will easily be more skilled than the average millenial "coder"
How do I find a hackerspace when I'm neet and lonely? I don't know any in my city.
Unironically how learning works. Of course, you don't learn to engineer anything by making state of the art actually useful projects. You start to learn by making artificially simplified , limited or even out right useless trinkets in order to see how they work.
When first learning about analog electronics, I analyzed possibly 1000 restive networks over like ~8 mo. These ironically where circuits with static outputs that were really not all that intresting at all. When first learning to program, you learn "Hello World". When before you learn Nuclear Physics, you learn Newtons law with boxes in one dimension.
There is zero chance you will accomplish anything worthwhile without spending years studying mundane borings things and buidling/analyzing countless useless trinkets
Random collection of stuff I Value - The Post.
Thats kind of useful list for becoming an embeded engineer, but there are tons of other options.
GNAA Hacker Space Premier Project Confirmed.
hypocrisy exposed.
look here for your city
TAOE is the standard for a reason but it's a little arcane and unnecessary for beginners. Get this to start it's the best didactic manual of PRACTICAL electronics so you can jump in and just MAKE SHIT immediately.
I normally don't bother buying books instead just ripping pdfs/epubs off libgen. This one is an exception because if you're thinking about making something you can just think through the processes required and thumb through the models to very quickly get an idea of what is required. It's got charts explaining how components work, their standards, symbols, notation and every model you'll use with diagrams even noting caveats. It makes it very easy to conceive a project thinking through the initial steps and then going directly to digikey(or wherever) to order exactly what you need.
It even has explanations of basic electronic devices that might give you ideas
you'll never make money in hardware though
Whoo, actual sane advice.
been there
Wow. Just wow.
These are our enemies. Why are we supporting them?
Masons, Masons everywhere...
Fucking slide threads everywhere
Yeah, fuck off boomer. Nobody cares.
you know what? fuck your AIDS