Why software developers are such idiots to work 40-60 hours per week?
Why they have intellect for software development but they are idiots in life? Software developers have strong position as an employee and they earn a lot of money per hour. Why won't they demand to only work 20-35 hours per week? and I'm talking about working less and earning less. but still earning much compared to people working fulltime or overtime in shit jobs.
What's the point of working 40 hours per week or more if you sold your entire life to work? What will you have from it? That you will buy expensive house, car, and show it to others? I could understand working 40-60 hours per week temporary to earn money that you will use to buy a house or to start a business. But if someone works so many hours per week for years then he is a slave and idiot. You don't even get anything from that money because you don't have time to spend it or do something for yourself, rest, have fun with your hobbies, develop your own projects. You lost at life.
As a software developer you could work 3 days per week 9 hours per day (27 hours per week) or 4 days per week 8 hours per day (32 hours per week) and you would still earn decent amount of money and have comfortable life, not luxurious but good enough. Also, if you had more free time, you could think how to escape from slavery, for example starting a business, or improve yourself and your skills. Someone could even work 2 days per week 8 hours a day or 3days per week 6 hours a day and still be able to live, have a place to sleep, have a car, even save some money. He would have plenty of time for himself.
Why instead of doing what I described, software developers are stupid slaves owned by corporations?
Translate this message to other languages and spread it to all IT workers and software developers.
Liam White
if you worked 2-3 days per week you could live much further from the city, because driving to work would be smaller problem (2-3 times instead of 5 times per week). further from the city = way cheaper land and housing
Justin Cook
Also its a lot nicer out here.
Eli Fisher
Elijah Howard
Most corps don't want to hire you for less than 40 hours. There is overhead per employee so 4 employees working 10 hours each costs the company more than 1 employee working 40 hours.
As to why tech people do it: competitive job market. Don't want to work "voluntary" over time? Poojeet will take it. There's also a prestige factor for some companies. I know people who have gone to Google or Apple for less pay just because they're convinced it's a prestigious position to work some entry-level position for a globohomocorp. There's also tech industry resume fetishism where people do all sorts of shit, for free even, because "it looks good on my resume" which generally circles back around to the competitive job market.
Chase Brooks
why do you allow them to? why won't we destroy corps with bombs, CEO & shareholders assassinations rich people, jews, corporations have to start obey us, if they don't, we need to remove them
also, if you say I can modify question: Why software developers won't work 40 hours per week for 4-6 months, then rest for 6-8 months? or during rest, try to start a business, start a revolution
Mason Butler
Because software development is low-effort per hour
Justin Phillips
But I do agree, working yourself to the bone both mentally and physically is fucking stupid and asking to get exploited by (((employers)))
Connor James
I've posted a thousand times that working in tech is retarded these days. There are so many more mundane jobs where the work is easier, the hours are better, and the pay isn't bad either. Keep software as a hobby. You cannot and will not win, you'll never become top dog if you weren't privileged already or immensely lucky. The game is rigged against you from the start. They'll just use you up and throw you out. Nobody is giving you the hours back you lose to them. Life is finite. Your shelf life is also limited in IT and especially in software development. If you're entering middle age you're already considered "too old" by many companies. It's ridiculous and not like that in almost any other field.
I left the IT field a few years ago. I was so stressed and I had basically no private life anymore. Life seemed utterly pointless because it just consisted of work and deadlines, I was about to kill myself. No joke. Best decision I ever made. I'm now a craftsman. I work with my hands. I even earn better than before considering the significantly less hours I put in. When I go home, I don't feel depressed and empty, I feel like I've actually done something and spend my day with normal people not with the utter freakshows you come across in the IT field. I'm more healthy both physically and mentally than I ever was in my entire life. Quit. Do it now.
Austin Scott
i heard that some interns or transiently employed people at microsoft were asked to write large portions of tons of software for them back in the dos days. himem.sys, etc... and they did do it. Pathetic is it not? Im sure that the pay was peanuts compared to what they should have obtained, considering the usefulness that a lot of people got out of their slave labour.
Daniel Gutierrez
Why is everyone so convinced that software developers spend 40 hours so efficiently? Most developers I know are basically browsing the internet about 30% of the time, spend 30% going in zombie mode where they might as well be internet browsing, and then 40% actually focused on work. Yeah that leads to people staying longer than 8 hours on many days, but that's usually self-inflicted.
Jackson Wilson
Do you believe that it's humanly possible for programmers to crank out code for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for weeks on end? The mental processes involved in creating programs are far too intense to sustain for 8 hours a day for day after day.
Jonathan Anderson
I agree, and that's my point. 8 hours of programming isn't comparable to 8 hours of assembly line work, because programming is much more forgiving about taking a break (which is a net benefit for efficiency).
Jack Miller
So your work hour is 12 hours including 4-hour rest time! Physical workers don't need this rest time for brains!
You programmers have to work more than assembly line workers because you need time to rest your brain.
You need 4-hour intermission so you have to work for 12 hours if you want to fulfill 8-hour-work, right?
Andrew Turner
From what I've heard, most of the time you really aren't doing much of anything, but when there's a deadline you're spending around 70 hours a week to work on the project. Most people probably have college debts to pay off, and shitty rents considering where most of the tech-startups are located. That's why they put up with it. Not to mention they're probably surfing the web half the time instead of coding. If anything I'd expect them to have little say at all, at least as a codemonkey.
James Gray
I work 40 hours a week. That's not a lot of hours at all, if you do any labour you'll likely do more and will constantly work ,2x 15 minutes breaks for 8 hours of work vs me doing whatever and whenever I want, what matter is that the tasks you took will be done at the end of the week. I probably spend half a day coding and half a day doing my own stuff. I can also work from home, but my office is just few minutes walk so I rarely take it.
Thomas Price
Profit was never part of the equation for me. I already have more money than I'll ever spend and easily work more than 40 hours a week. I am making the tools that I wish someone had made before me. Some people have to contribute to progress or we go nowhere. Nobody benefits from trying to skimp by or "cheat the system", not even yourself.
Because the regular schmucks are competing with Indians who will do it for 1/10th the price and a handful of tech zombies who long ago gave up any human drives that distracted them from the machine. They only care about pay insofar as it keeps them in fast food and coffee, and they aren't just ok with long hours, they might complain if you didn't LET them work long hours. There are only one or two of these people per office, but it's enough to fuck with employer expectations.
John Mitchell
so what can we do outside of IT?
then let them work 8 hours a day, but only 2-3 days per week, not 5
but why you do software for jews, which then they use to earn shekels on goys or scam us? you should be doing software as your own company or as open source, not for corporation or jews
Hunter Ward
self-sacrifice = cuck, goy fuck this. I rather just fuck some very little horny girls. fuck your civilization. I am barbarian. but I need cucks like you so I can leach off you. I am a parasite
James Butler
Frequent employment gaps keep you from getting future employment. Huge red flags to those doing the hiring. Sure, start a business. If you've got the capital and a decent idea I won't stop you. As to revolutions I'll leave the NSA to get back to you on that.
Do you work for yourself, or did you just get lucky that you managed to get employment somewhere where the project is one you want to work on?
Jaxon Edwards
What do I go into if I realize IT and Programming have gone to shit and want to keep them as a hobby I can still enjoy.
What are the top tier trades or craftsman positions?
Nolan Rogers
Do any trade that cannot be automated or outsourced. Will the problem of plumbing be solved by a robot powered by AI? It's possible but I don't think it's likely.
Ian Sanders
Robert Bell
Gee, if only there were some way for people in the same trade or industry to negotiate collectively with employers, using this discipline and solidarity to protect individual members from retribution, and prevent shortsighted individuals from fucking themselves over.
The software I produce is open source. Regardless, if other people use it maliciously or gain profit from it themselves, I don't care. That was their choice to make and their own backlash to deal with.
I think we can all empathize with this. Do we not all want to live in utopia, leeching off the fruits of our ancestors? Someone must build it. The more people that become wise to this, the sooner we get there. The less, the longer. Regardless of if I see worldwide perfection in my lifetime, I will at least be able to admire the fruits of my own labor. And the next generation will likely have to toil less in their lifetime than I did myself.
Only lucky in so far that what I desire is not a minority opinion. The majority of the market thinks the products I work on are worth making/existing, thus it gets funds to be made. There's not much luck behind it. If something is worth making, making it will gain you funds, either on a corporate level or on a personal level. This gets more and more true every day with things like Patreon providing truer and truer capitalist/merit based economical exchanges.
If you think the world needs X, and you think you can produce it somehow, if only you had the funding, you can make this happen easily so long as a large enough people agree with you. This only gets truer every day. You can use your free software to register for free crowdfunding services, on a public service terminal at the library while drinking your food stamp coffee. Use free tools to create, video, graphic, and text presentations of your concepts and project. Host these presentations on various free services and networks that have interplanetary fucking reach all searchable in milliseconds. There is no excuse, and there is no luck. When it comes to software, what are the barriers of entry into the market? What are the prerequisites? The only things it can ever boil down to is personal inadequacies. Because of people before you, the knowledge, tools, services, platforms, reach, etc. etc. are all available, at little to no cost. This only gets better as time goes on and more people put in time working on this effort. I don't think there was a single dollar spent in my entire life that was required to get me my current profession nor to sustain it. I would have had a computer and internet service anyway, all the software I use is free, all the education came from free public services. All the platforms I use are free. Even if I had no house, no internet, no computer, the public services of almost any modern country provide these for dregs willing to put in an inkling of effort, and you should be able to become self sustaining eventually.
Effort and ingenuity are required, not luck.
What is? As mentioned above (in this post), it's very capitalistic. The products with the most merit win, and the people willing to produce them get paid to do so, one way or another. It's only the useless dribble that flounders. Because nobody needs it and if nobody needs it how are people going to be motivated to work on it and make it a good product/service? As for the cases where things are valuable but don't have the people capable of producing it, it's obvious why that fails.
Software is an anomaly anyway in regards to capitalism. It's basically magic. It's only fair to view software development as a service. Not software itself as a product.
Owen Rivera
We need huge group. We need to organize then holocaust jews, CIA, government, kill all enemies we need NSDAP of 21 century
Brayden Reed
crowdfunding services = botnet you need to provide real name, real credit cards then when you propose something against jewish interests, they will come to suicide you also, (((Google))) will make sure your project cannot be found in search engine
Wrong, people don't buy best products, they buy products with most marketing people use (((Google Chrome))) because it is bundled into every software installer
Levi Brown
Why anons don't start their own IT companies and hire other anons and cooperate against jews and degeneracy?
Charles Collins
Companies love to hire people for 30 hours a week. Lets them not pay any benefits. The only way for software developers to demand less hours and keep those would be a union. It really doesn't make sense that there isn't one.
Easton Roberts
I think anyone who has taken a basic economics course is cringing at this entire thread.
sure jew nigger because our point of life is to be your slave and to collect as many gold as possible before dying
Kayden Morris
Zig Forums can't even cooperate on the most casual of OSS projects and you expect them to cohesively run a business? This thread reads like a fucking chanology era thread with babby's first "why don't we just, like, overthrow the entire system man" posts.
Brayden White
Josiah Green
Weenies don't know how to work smart, which is why they can be replaced with Indians who work for much cheaper. They provide the same value and same code quality because UNIX and shitty hacks like C and C++ prevent good programs from working better. I'm not saying that UNIX weenies are too stupid to be good programmers. Some of them are smart but just stuck with garbage "tools" that waste, perhaps, 80% of their time. Without that in their way, they could be 5 times more productive.
Shitty languages and environments destroy programmer productivity by making them work around the same stupid bugs and misdesigns over and over again. The shitty environments take longer to learn and understand precisely because they are badly designed. Programmers used to be able to switch between very different operating systems because they were all much simpler to understand than UNIX. A well-designed operating system is easier to learn, more powerful, has more features, and takes less code to accomplish tasks. This extends throughout all levels. On UNIX, using a big library ends up making programs that use it more bloated than they would be if they didn't use it, like Boost, but on a good operating system, it decreases the size of all code that uses it. Everything on UNIX is backwards.
Most of that UNIX bullshit on better operating systems isn't "abstracted" or whatever weenies think, it just doesn't exist period. The kinds of hacks and kludges in UNIX don't get replaced by something simpler or more complex, they just become completely unnecessary. For example, in languages like PL/I and Ada, any task on the system can share variables just by passing their address. Multics extended this to files. That's why segmented memory is such a good idea. It allows good security even with assembly programs without having to restrict languages or create a bug-free compiler. The PDP-11 address space hack that UNIX uses to prevent C programs from hurting each other actually gets in the way of the semantics of better languages and makes them less productive. UNIX is like the anti-Lisp machine. On a Lisp machine, every process has a single shared address space, bignums, and shared GC automatically, even in Fortran and other languages not designed for them, and can call any accessible function written in any language without the limitations of an FFI. This makes everything more productive.
>>The most productive programmers I have known here have>>only recently been introduced to UNIX (most think it's>>horrible).> > This anecdotal evidence proves nothing. Anyone who> changes environments will notice only the features missing> from their old environment, since the new and potentially> useful features aren't yet a part of their work patterns.> Thus, initial reactions to an environment change will> almost always be negative. No surprise here.Exactly. Which is why the part of my article that you _cut_is relevant here. The people I'm talking have used _many_different systems and have switched many times. They _know_what's involved in moving to a new system. They _have_learned a lot about the UNIX environment (in spite of onlyrecent exposure - for most systems, "recent" would bedefined as "the last few weeks", on UNIX the definition ismore like "the last year or so"; because UNIX is _MUCH_harder to come to speed on). The conclusion is that UNIXdoes _not_ have sufficient capability to offset thosefeatures it lacks.But, your point is quite accurate and explains why there'sso much resistence to change from UNIX users. Most of themhave never used another system - or only VMS or MS-DOS - andare _very_ negative about any change to _their_ status quo.> [...]>>I'd rather learn what _they_ know than learn UNIX.> > You would trust UNIX neophytes to evaluate the value of> UNIX? To me, that decision appears very unwise.I gave them as a data point.
not a native speaker, but doesn't join remotely mean that they look for people who don't actually live in their villa? Like, no salary and no other benefits?
Liam Green
No way this jives with EU labor laws. I would imagine their "villa" is in some Caribbean hellhole like Haiti.
Luke Rogers
read Human Action, then.
Grayson Hall
Well their company name is fitting at least. I saw their shit, closed it immediately, and said "ok bye".
Austin Young
Human Action isn't included in "basic economics" courses. "Basic economics" is useless due to the high degree of artificial barriers to entry in every market in the US. Making the cattle think supply/demand is actually applicable in any capacity outside of a farmers' market was a fantastic trick the heebs pulled to hide their manipulations. Insult any facet of the economy and an army of faggots will "hur dur supply and demand" you ad infinitum.
Connor Johnson
t. cucksumer
Daniel Adams
XDDD >>>/reddit/ And I'm metacringing at them.
Adam Phillips
babbies first reply on the internets. now he will get BTFO and cry back to a safe space such as reddit
Joshua Jackson
Fuck working and slavery. let's steal money, from rich people.
let's start some IT criminal organization. who's in?
It would be more effective to start killing the politicians and business owners, and blowing up their offices and other pieces of critical infrastructure
Kevin Morris
Load of socialist bullshit Try objectivism instead
Hunter Baker
Doesn't work that way. Their cultist groups have their very special investigators and assassins to put you inside the kill-grid immediately. You need Q-level opsec before you can do a single thing. Name who? They're using pseudonym in the stock and you don't even know who the 1% are, you won't even get a whiff of their name written on paper not even in your entire lifetime. All you can do is just cut the tiniest tip of their tentacle and it just heals right after. Actually that abomination of a thing grows everyday. Also killing their puppets would alarm the area and its cult and increase police and glower visibility and it exposes your footprint Before you even try to blow up offices they'd already have upped the security after first attempt. Investigation goes on forever after. They can just rebuild such office, maybe try blowing up UN and they'll just move into UN City and you won't even land anything as tiny as your toenail in there.
Numbers don't have much power. That will be your ultimate lesson. You can have 7 billion people or brainwash your entire nation with your revolutionary speeches but it is never enough. You only need one.
Ian Wilson
More like organ harvesting hut.
James Johnson
is he claiming people who say "bro" are fascists? "bro" is peon slang.