CoC(K)s and what they mean to You

I was just banned from for activity I performed outside of the server. I find this highly hilarious. I in no way violated their idiotic CoC(K) while inside the server. Rather, the admin took it upon himself to research me and discover that I post Pro-National Socialist things on GNU Social and elsewhere.

This is the new precident, it doesn't matter your behavior, it matters your beliefs and yourself whether or not you break your ToS.

Attached: 2019-02-15-064716_484x602_scrot.png (484x602, 17.8K)

Nice blog, faggot.

Also, what the fuck else were you expecting from liberals?


I love cocks

be honest and say you're steaming mad, it's ok

I've been browsing the gopherspace over at and was thinking about getting into the non-SDF pubnix world. One thing that stopped me is that most of the denizens of these little pubnixes seem to be Gen X/Millennial soyboys who would respond to kike gassing like the guy in the email you posted.

Maybe we need a natsoc pubnix. It wouldn't have to be all about natsoc, people could post about tech or whatever just like on other pubnixes, But it would be open about being welcoming to people likely to be shoah'd from and the like.

Provided an archive of your home directory? How did they get that?

A purely social site full of your political enemies just banned you.
Why the fuck is this a bad thing? You hate them, they hate you.

Half of Zig Forums suffers from fucking Stockholm Syndrome

His home directory from his account at Everyone there has one, and root will have access to it, of course.

lol no. Anyone with a CoC is a huge fucking faggot.

Why bother? Just make it free speech that's all smart people care about anyway.

Because antifa scum can already get hosting elsewhere. Including at, probably.

You didn't read xir FAQ obviously.

Anywhere antifa gets hosting is a fag site for authoritarian mongs. Even sites that just tolerate authoritarian mong demands are incredibly gay, see lainchan.

Attached: lol.jpg (790x290, 18.91K)

What's wrong with SDF?

I have no idea what that thing is supposed to be, but if the admin is just like a form admin you should complain to his higher-ups. Even if you don't want to use that service you should bring it to their attention.

If you start excluding ideologies you don't like you'll always end up with admins that ban you over insignifcant disagreements.

thats why you use everything anonymously. different names emails and passwords everywhere so they cant know that its you.

*precedent. learn to use a spell checker

I would suggest gassing the entire population of the town

You are doing it wrong if those admins can find your personal website with few leads they have.

I don't agree with nationalist socialist politics but the best thing you can do here is just setting up a GNU Social instance. I believe the system is decentralized and can't see a reason why you can't launch your own instance in the network. But then again I haven't looked into how GNU Social works so who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

"thanks for making that decision for me, dude!"

They were my personal website, that was the point. They found my GNU Social because it was linked on the website. Otherwise, I broke no conditions of their idiotic CoC(K) while on the website.

As for the commentary on Nginx (Which I don't understand the need to point out), I told their localhost IRC that there is a way to configure Nginx to recognize the person's web directory as its root. They did not set it up in this manner.

anyone can have their own instance of these meme social things but the other instance operators may ban you from their systems so you might be alone there.

So you were willingly setting yourself up to be crucified just to prove a point. What are you going to do about it? Hopefully "whine on Zig Forums" wasn't your endgame here because that would be pretty pathetic. So what if they booted you from their website?

raid the faggots

>I didn't post it on the website itself, I linked to it from the website
Oh, big difference. I'm under the impression that 8ch mods have a similar attidude towards CP links, so go ahead and post some of those.


I don't see how my GNU Social is offensive. Perhaps it was the instance name and my Bio on the link, otherwise I don't see how that person can interpret my recent feed as bigoted.

I need to get a new webhost, and found I did not make the account expecting to be banned.

I don't have the resources to self-host, nor the money for a monthly VPS bill.

You can get a VPS for $10/year. I have no sympathy for some kid who uses hosting from some kike

Could you link such freedom-hosting websites?

PS I had actually visited your site before it got steamrolled and I would like to tell you from the bottom of my heart, you're pathetic.

While I don't agree with what you say, you have the right to say it

Can't load the gnu social page but
do you really need me to spell it out user?

thanks for the link, this site looks good

And what, exactly, did you lose from this?

I am a NatSoc with a popular gopherhole who is well know to the C.S community. I have often thought the same. A Publix network that shares my values would be great indeed. Break out your SBCs, boys.

This is a power play, if there is a CoCk somewhere, that place is gone, you will be outed the second they find out youre a bad goy.

Why not just host your website yourself with a spare computer on your own internet connection? Not be bound by anyone else's tos or cocs.