Why nobody is talking about this?
Intel Pentium gold and silver with WiFi support directly in the CPU
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Because that automatically makes it government spyware, and you're a gob for condoning it...
Because I thought this shit already happened, and I wouldn't use it either way. In fact I will probably avoid cpus with wifi on chip because of the security/config fuckery. It's a solution to a problem nobody has.
This will probably lead to security issues like with speculative code execution on intel chips.
Dell has UEFI which has network access.
Firewire can access memory directly and can be exploited remotely.
There are probably counless others.
Basically there are a collection of remote exploits that work against hardware. They cannot be patched.
He didn't condone it sperglord.
This shit is so obviously pushed by intelligence agencies operating from inside these corporations, it's ridiculous at this point to claim otherwise.
I try, but my CPU replaces those posts with good technical advice. Do not forget to upgrade to a new Intel (TM) CPU today.
No it's not. The corporations are the primary pusher of this shit. They want to herd the sheep (consumers) into a corral where all they can do is spend and consume. The whole reason for this is so that the poor cannot save their money and get out of poverty while the rich benefit by getting fatter and richer. It's the whole reason why people are pretending socialist values work. Those are also being pushed by corporatists and globalists because it further establishes consumer dependency on the state instead of their own agency to save money, invest, and get out of poverty.
The LEAs benefit secondary to this.
You just summed up The USA in 7 sentences.
Corporatist and globalist corruption recognizes no political borders. This is happening in Europe, China, Russia, and not surprisingly in poor countries in Africa and South America.
1. They're not normal CPUs, but SoCs, which have commonly had NICs on-die/package in for decades.
2. IME has already had unfettered PCIe, RAM, and QPI/DMI access for years, meaning full control over the NICs.
3. 802.11 still needs an antenna, so it's not like the SoC can magically rat you out from within a fraction-of-an-inch microchip, you colossal sperg.
Future is carrying entire computer systems in an area smaller than a typical coin. Not surprisingly some of the most commonly used wireless protocols would have to be soldered into the CPU to ensure the system remains small.
Maybe there will be open source system on chips thirty years from now on. I, for one, wouldn't mind carrying my entire computer inside my ring and interact with it via the holographic screen it projects into the air.
the cia niggers could use some really powerful system to access it even if you dont have the antenna. it produces enough signal even without it if you have the right hardware
wrong, learn how an antenna works before sperging out.
How big antenna does a smartwatch have?
shit thread. how about some content?
Everything that is metal on the exterior of a smartwatch is used as an antenna.
Thanks Glowfriend, I'll buy an Intel CPU with WiFi support directly on the CPU today! no room for crazy conspiracy theories in my house!
In addition, many place antennas in the wrist strap, and most only support shorter range standards like BlueTooth or ZigBee.
Good decision! Make sure to install your own IME, just like on systems that had the exact same LAN access off-die:
5G radios with an IPv6 stack are going to put in every chip soon anyway.
Will the have vibrators so I can put them in dildos and track antifa?
The first point that you need to note is that Whites were historically a great civilization. I don't deny that, after all, they controlled over 3/4 of the world at some point.
The second point that you need to note is that Asians are autistic bug-people with no empathy. No empathy = less societal progress since they let people die randomly despite their worth to society.
The third point that you need to acknowledge is that white people have lost any and all traits which made them a powerful and superior race. You NEET-Sock larpers take achievements from the last great men in NS Germany and attempt to make them your own. You haven't done shit. White people are 100% jew controlled, and this isn't because the jew is particularly powerful. This is because white people are emotionally weak. Why? Whites have been undergoing severe devolution over the past 100 years. The two jew-induced world wars killed off entire generations of strong, brave white men, and this has KILLED THE WHITE RACE. You pathetic Nig-Sock larpers need to understand this. There's no coming back from this.
White people are weak and pathetic. They have lost 100% of what made them great through a jewish dysgenics program, and while this is unfortunate, it is also irreversible. So forget about it.
Hapas, more specifically White/Asian hapas, are the new ubermensch, so to speak. We are superior to both whites and asians since the properties of both races are polar opposites, yet meet in the middle to form an optimal combination. Whites are too cucked and have too much empathy, so much so that they feel excessive empathy to subhuman races like niggers, jews and arabs.
On the opposite side of the scale, asians have too little empathy, being perfectly content to watch their fellow countrymen run over by trucks, poisoned by fake food products, gassed by the very air in their cities, and executed by their own government for petty reasons.
These two qualities are, as I mentioned, polar opposites, and neither are beneficial to the well-being of society. Hapas possess something in the middle of these polar opposites. We are much more racist than white people. And at the same time, we have empathy towards each other. Our women are far less slutty than white roasties, contrary to /poo/ disinformation - white men prefer white or asian women, not hapas. I know this not only due to theoretical knowledge but due to actual life experience talking to others of my own kind. We only require the tiniest push to fully support anti-nigger, anti-shitskin and anti-kike ideology, whereas whites never go all the way. Whites can only become magakikes, or anti-illegal-immigrants at the ABSOLUTE best.
Hapas are small in number at the moment but with further degeneration of the white race, racemixing between whites and asians will become more frequent. Hapas will rise from the ashes of the white race and inherit the world.
It is often stated by Nig-Socks that racemixing is evil and bad because "the product of racemixing contains neither of the desirable qualities of the two parent races". This may be true under ideal conditions, but Whites and Asians don't have any desirable qualities by themselves. The races have been degenerated by decades of communist (i.e. jewish) dysgenics (in the case of asians) or decades of war-induced jewish dysgenics (in the case of whites). As such, the ordinary Zig Forums theory no longer applies. Neither of the parent races, whites or asians, actually are suited to their environment. They also happen to have polar opposite qualities, which conflict with the goal of societal stability. This is why hapas are not inferior, but superior to both races.
Note that what I said only applies to White/Asian hapas. Any mixtures containing shitskin or nigger genetics is just as bad as the shitskin or nigger genetics would be by themselves, since shitskins and niggers were never a part of great civilization.
Because nobody pointed it out to a broader audience?
lol ur gay
Dont put firewire on the hardware. Sheild your CPU and don't put wifi on it. Hardware designers and OEM's need to get their shit together or consumers should just buy old hardware that can be made FOSS and fixed better and with much better support and hardware longevity/security.
Or if all the old hardware is gone everyone buy the same thing like a thinkpad model and then reverese engineer the fuck out of it and everyone use it libre style.
Have you not considered using the microchip itself as the atenna following that one formula for attena gain/baud/length?
Because you didn't upload an image.
Because nobody here gives a shit about blackbox (((Intel))) chips, for all the obvious reasons. Come back when yo have smthg interesting about RISC-V or Power Architecture.
People still use x86? Oh wow.
This is PC for "capitalism".
The Semitic influence is strong with this one.
Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug.
Fuck off moshe.
Fucking slide threads everywhere
Where are all these shills coming from?
Good idea user, but don't you think that idea is a bit too Jewish?
Mods are kikes. Why are they deleting my posts?