Is there any good technological solution to this? I'm a weak willed faggot who just keep going back to porn.
How to stop watching porn
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Put a firewall on your network and give the admin password to someone else. Best I can think of right now.
Take a walk outside and put your electronics out of your constant reach. Start reading books. Buy some groceries. Clean around the house. (Try to) cook yourself a meal. Install gentoo again. Your options are pretty much infinite.
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An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Find something interesting to do.
the porn industry was created by the government to make insecure people more weak. also, bookmark this and look at this later in life thinking of how much of a loser you were(or are still).
Install TempleOS
Step one: create some porn.
Keep doing that for a while. You'll then have an easier time transitioning into some other activity. Even if the only porn you can realistically create is "dear diary, I finally raped that soy-filled bitch Jonathan McIntosh. First, I dressed up like an Armenian peasant...", it'll be more enjoyable than the shit you consume.
Quality taste, user.
your asking the wrong people
What about his asking were you going to say?
This is a powerful demon! You must learn to resist it by avoiding its temptations (see it for what it is), and preoccupying yourself with wholesome, constructive activities.
Think about this:
"Research shows that sperm that live for longer before fertilizing an egg produce healthier offspring. What's more, these offspring go on to have longer, healthier lifespans -- and in turn produce more and healthier offspring themselves."
Unironically get a girlfriend.
Move your computer out of your room. If you have a laptop try using it more in public spaces when you can. If it's a desktop and you have an office you can move it to, do that.
If you fap to chinese (or western) cartoons, learn more about anatomy, perspective, drawing in general. Then look at some porn when you aren't horny. You'll realize how shitty a lot of artwork is.
I doubt user is a zebrafish.
I am struggling with this but with just plain regular YouTube and what I did to curb that is to change the /etc/hosts of all of my computers to redirect to localhost.
This. The idea that a stranger is going to see and shame you for your porn browsing is a powerful deterrent.
This poster is correct you are wrong depending on the person. Some people will think it is not a shameful thing to be seen browsing porn see any shitskin or chink ever and shaming will not work. Porn is a kike created industry to demoralize the weak. So stop being so weak, and don't be dependent upon porn either as that also makes you weak for your dependence. Deal with the problem, your mindset towards porn being shameful and or the kikes creating it, not the symptom, the porn itself or other people who are indifferent/dont care.
"The findings may have important implications for human reproduction and fertility"
Why stop watching porn? Just watch better porn, like child porn
or rape someone in rl so you don't have to watch porn
girlfriends are for cucks
real men rape or fuck some sluts and tell them to get the fuck out of there
as if somebody who's posting on Zig Forums will ever successfully reproduce
"The findings may have important implications for human reproduction and fertility"
Not to mention that it's sperm that lives longer after being ejaculated that has the effect.
It's not so much a problem with the study as it is the article's clickbait.
Become a tranny, or find something better to do.
When you masturbate you disappoint Hitler. Conduct yourself properly as an Aryan man, and start respecting yourself, for if you cannot respect yourself, why should anyone else? Do not let the (((porn industry))) rob you of your rightful destiny.
start taking heroin, your dick will stop working by itself.
As in something that blocks your access to porn? Open up /etc/hosts/ and you will find a file like this:
# This is a comment127.0.0.1 localhost
You can now add new entries like this:
Now every time you try to access that domain it will be redirected to the IP-address, which is nothing. You can do it for other services as well, not just porn.
Install norton web monitor
Cut your dick and scrotum and you'll stop watching porn! Sex reassignment surgery is the best way to quit watching porn!
Making your own porn is a good way to reduce watching porn. Creating something is difficult work. Not only videos, but also novels, comic books, and animations.
Fap until you cum. Then you can stop, and do it again later. It probably won't even take long because lesser beings don't have the stamina of 100 gods like I do. How is this difficult? Also, don't listen to the commies (in fact, don't listen to anyone else, they are all retarded), masturbating to your waifu is a sacred act.
I would imagine these types are further into porn than the regular population.
Post-op male-to-female transgenders really love men's dicks so they are fucked by men everyday!