How do we stop this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I always thought Apache was named after the helicoptor

Attached: Gender Revolution.jpg (704x1024, 111.06K)

the world would be a better place if everyone just ignored those mentally ill retards.

what the fuck

Those lazy sjw fucks missed a few obvious ones. There's another browser, Hiawatha, which even has a cute lil injun as its mascot. Also the uirc3 suite, where the programs are named kike, degesch, and zyklonb.

this board dies a bit more every day

yeah can't remember the times I've referred to a crippled fellow as a 'gimp'.

the best way to deface is to honestly update it with real information about the name of your project.

No, that's Imp dumbfuck. They named it GIMP due to the fetish subculture made popular by Pulp Fiction which was released a year before they finished version 1

So then Volkswaggon is also evil since it was made during WWII by the state.

These people are cancer and probably are the same tier as the Geek Feminist Wiki who put paragraphs-long entries on their CV to say they put an icon on a webpage and know fuck all about fuck all.

Citation needed. GIMP originally stood for General Image Manipulation Program

I read this during the thread a year ago where we were discussing a STONK WOMYN making a bug report saying GIMP's name was sexist.

Perhaps I was fed fake news. I saw what was supposedly a quote from one of the devs saying that they had multiple possibilities to modify the name to add GNU, and chose GIMP due to the popularity of Pulp Fiction.

fetish splash images support that.

GIMP originally stood for Green is my pepper

Me too.
t. European

why would it even matter? The helicopter is also named after the Amerindian tribe.
The real objection is that these names are intended to honor the named, not mock them. Like, look at every sports team across America. Do you think American despise ancient Sparta as well?

Attached: terry_manifesto.webm (107x80, 10.03M)

and since these people are idiots, you don't even need to pick an obvious slur.

SL4NT-I, SPK, SMOK, C PAYD, MNKY (the main data packets are called porches)

Why do you care what some cuck wrote somewhere in the internet? I guess that's what you focus on when you have no skills to do anything actually worthwhile with your time.

"We couldn't take away your games even if we wanted to."
the obvious deflections are getting a little long in the tooth.

Some of these I understand why they're complaining about (not agreeing), but tomahawk makes no sense.
Even their complaint makes zero sense. They can't even say it's offensive and can only say "why did you name it after this?"
It's a fucking axe. A tool Native Americans traded to Europeans hundreds of years ago that still finds use to this day. Native Americans don't own the fucking axe, nor do white people own the music app (which they're implying by bitching about this).

Also the page was last edited in 2016. SJWs in tech is an ongoing issue, but this page isn't really that relevant or important to that issue.

SJWs complain about a lack of representation but they also say any mention of Native Americans is bad. So they want to erase them from public discussion but also complain when they're not mentioned. Do they not see the irony here?

Are they really so retarded that they think any mention of Native Americans is racist?

These faggots want to take away my word play. Fuck them.

GIMP can mean someone who is gimped, i.e. can't walk well. But it's also a sexual term in the BDSM community as in Gimp suit.

That's how we got here in the first place, idiot.

What I've been telling all of you to do for the past year:

But it requires more work than most of you are willing to put in.
I'm doing my part. Are you?

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It's time for a revolution! Kill all SJW

It's time for a revolution! Rape and kill all feminists and SJWs!

How about guilt-tripping? SJWs are spoiled white brats who have never seen any of those people they are white-knighting for. LARP as a cripple or non-white and complain about how SJWs are erasing your existence, how offended you are by their white-knighting.

Alternatively, we could try overloading the system, to the point where more and more things are offensive. But I think that's not going to work, they will just take you seriously and actually go along with it.

I think the only real solution is to just ignore them, make our own projects, grow in size and outnumber the shrill rainbow hairs. When other project maintainers see that not bowing down to SJWs does not harm your project, they will be more likely to ignore them as well. Remember that SJWs have only as much power as people give them.

Yes, it's called cultural appropriation. Basically you are not allowed to use anything (even words) if it is associated with another culture (unless that other culture is European, because Europe has no culture). Therefore you are not allowed to use the word "tomahawk" unless you are a native American (even if your ancestors never used tomahawks, because all native tribes are the same).

It is never about racism, it is about control. SJWs want power over what you are allowed to say and think.

What if the project was pozzed since its inception. I'm talking about something like GNU Guix where the founders like guzzling tranny CoC and refuse to change. Fork it? Contribute until we are able to take away the project from right under their feet?

Why the fuck would you fuck a feminist? Enjoy your AIDS and t. gondii.

Only a gook poster could be this stupid.

Unless you are THE guy at the top, you will get shitcanned. And if you are the guy at the top it doesn't stop the smear campaigns and people going to work else where because they don't want to deal with the shit flinging day in and day out.

But lets play devil's advocate. Because that's always fun

And they can always just falsely accuse you and you will have to prove you're innocence, which will take time and it won't matter either way because you will be accused and considered dangerous by default

It's like you haven't paid attention to anything but your shitty little cartoons. You live in a bubble which even the MRAs aren't dumb enough to be in.

On the contrary, those retards always existed but nobody cared about them so they were just left screeching alone, it was only recently that autists just couldn't ignore it anymore which made their screeching seem like valid complaints for the first time in ages.

I wish kids weren't allowed to post about this shit. It goes in waves. Screeching, weaseling into positions of control from which to screech again.

Today is nothing but the 90's feminists plans coming to fulfillment.

Already had a SJW lecturing a conference about tech here on why free software is problematic because it's cis white men coding, versus corporate shit (MS, Apple, FB, Google) because corporations have diversity qota and mandatory inclusiveness therefore it's socially better...
this is a cancer.

OP just dont want to hear about minorities and weirdos all the time. He is sick of it. He doesnt want to hear about gimps and indians when all he wants to do is to sit and do some work on his own computer.

Then why browse obscure SJW webpages? Why create a thread about it on the imageboard that you visit, causing you to remember it every time you come here?

I'd get together a few other anons who want to work on it and see if you can make a reasonable fork before going public. Just to make sure it doesn't fall apart overnight. You'll want to differentiate it somehow and actually improve the product along the way so people are inclined to switch to your branch.
Keep in mind that being blatantly political (like announcing you're forking it because the maintainer is a faggot) is a good way to kill interest. You need to basically draw people to it, be innocuous, and gradually add a reason to switch. Then let them be salty when the team behind the fork isn't nearly as compliant as the old team. But you need the market-share before you can wave your dick around.
The key here is to play their game better than them by watching how stuff looks. Project forks over "muh politics" and then dies because you guys get bored? Looks bad. Looks like we're all spineless and that CoCs are fine and only a handful of losers opposes them.
If the only forks that take-off are the ones that drop the CoC and add new features people like, then suddenly it appears to be a good thing.
So do everything you can to take initiative and ensure that, as far as normalfags are concerned (or at least your average developer) your project is a legitimate fork with no questionable politics (neutral, that is) which has momentum behind it eclipsing that of the original.

But in general, I 100% support these forks, but I think prevention is better than the cure, and prevention means going into projects that might get beaten-down by constant bug reports and Issues demanding social changes until they give in. It's hard to undo once they decide to pull the trigger, so we need to have influence fighting it. For the most part, a lot of these decisions get through because the people maintaining these are busy coding and assume they're just behind-the-times and maybe if they agree to add some stupid clause then they'll stop being pestered by hipsters. Having a couple people in each project pounce on any suggestion to be Social-Justice-compliant will immediately provide a buffer where they don't feel like awkwardly agreeing just to shut them up. It's a lot easier for these maintainers who are on-the-fence or don't care to just back two of their active contributors and say "nah we don't want any I guess" and trust you to handle incoming requests like that.

As I was just saying, a lot of these requests go through on low-profile projects just because there's a brigade and the maintainers cave under pressure. Simply providing some immediate criticism and disagreement makes it contentious and gives them an excuse to not commit to a change. Especially if active contributors are in agreement against some total newbies who wandered into the issue-tracker to whine about not having enough soy.
In fact, I think the buddy-system is critical here. If each of us pair-off and join different projects together, and can alert each other to any issues that crop-up, it means two seemingly-unrelated people can pop-in to disagree immediately. Having one person disagree and then another backing them up signals to others that a consensus is forming and they should join. At the very least, it will counter SJW attempts to do the same.

If you must go to conventions, just bring a buddy with you everywhere. Or record constantly. No reason to be too stressed. If an SJW actually tries to blame you then you should laugh it off as a blatant attention-whoring lie. They'll really hate that. If you're gonna be targeted, go down a martyr. I assure you, nobody actually cares that much and you'll still be very much employable.
The trick with SJWs is that they expect people to back-down to save their reputations as not-racists and not-rapists; but they have no idea how to handle someone who just laughs at them and taunts them for more. They can't understand that behavior. If you concede, apologize, or are shaken for even an instant, it implies guilt. The more you laugh it off and call them idiots the more they look like total losers out to start trouble for no reason.

Remember, they operate on manipulation of public perception and not on actually making valid accusations. They just want to scare people. All you're doing is demonstrating you fear these deranged whores. You have nothing to fear. They are like bears: they will make a big fuss and charge you, but if you puff yourself up and stand your grand they will halt and move on without touching you. The key is to not flinch.

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Laughing only works if you're the boss. The moment you're not you can get bullied out by someone above you or on an equal footng. MDE lost their TV series not because they did anything wrong but because their boss's boss got sick of the drama. They weren't worth the effort.

How many phone calls will your co workers tolerate before they shit can you just to get rid of the annoyance?
An article about a study on ‘toxic rockstars’ costing companies money.
How do HN commentators respond to this obvious bullshit? They downvote anyone who calls it out, even if it’s obvious that this just ill-defined pseudoscience used by whiny HR hambeasts to fire productive conservative white men.
This is why we can’t have nice things.

It's possible to be both.

What are the issues with Guix? I use it on my main conputer and frequent their IRC. Seems fine.

Corporations are God. We are slaves. 99% of people are haters of free software and lovers of SJW. We are the only people who are against the Google, Apple, Amazon jews.

It's soooooooo fucking over for us.

Fact's that all nonSJW things are dead. Everyone on this board agrees. We can never ever ever ever get it back ever again, because SJW = God.

I guess I know now where I'll go for software recommendations

Let's not forget about Brendan Eich.

I agree with this one: stop naming your software after molecules, tribes, places, and other things to make yourself sound smart. It's annoying as fuck when I want to research one of the said subjects and all I get is a bunch of garbage ass software libraries to make an HTTP request.

I'm actually about half way to release with a software package that I had been referring to by an acronym. I never liked this acronym. What's a decent slur I could use instead?

Attached: EditedWithGIMP.png (826x322, 54.25K)

Maybe conduct your 'research' in scientific journals instead of google.

Yes, forsooth, veritably, indubitably. (You are a nerd faggot.)

KIKE, SPIC, NIGA. Jungle Bunny like Firefox but racism.

What's the software package for?

Catching Niggers

Remote surveillance. As if the world needed another one.

I already raped a feminist. I wanna rape and kill more feminists and SJWs to make more right world like one hundred years ago.

green text

name it chinkdink. i'm about to release some software too called nigchink

funny, the last time i saw this "argument" was on reddit. and only the ilk of reddit would rely exclusively on scientific journals. but you're right, google is useless trash

I think I found it
I'm 21 and a Pan-romantic Lesbian and Genderfluid.

Reminder that the word "geek" is ableist.
>nigger profile pic matches with
Gender Female
Age 21


I really want to take all this degenerate artwork and start re-uploading it everywhere under a different name but changing all the characters to white wearing nazi emblems, to appropriate this artwork and cause triggering.

Fucking hell man.
This is bad.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-02-20 15-42-10.png (1280x730, 638.66K)

I swear, basic art fundamentals must be the enemy of all degenerates.


You should go back there.

I was just ironic and trying to annoy OP. But the fact that people started replying to him and even discussing this is more worrying than his posting in the first place. What has the world come to?

I can't be fucked getting the proper reply numbers, but some idiot is trying to relate SJWs to anti-freesoftware.
Free software is a leftist policy, even if it is valued by people across the spectrum (as it should be). You just see small parts of two things you hate and assume your two enemies are friends.
Also people's in OP are retarded, has anyone added rational disputes to their page yet?

Get the project Linux'd. In other words, gather a team of redpilled anons, and then at first pretend to be sympathetic to SJW faggots' cause. Then, once you have gained their trust, just crash the SJW PSYOP with no survivors/hijack the project. Or just make an apolitical fork with the group of people you gathered.

And they aren't incorrect. SJWs love corporate power and the grip it has on society, so they end up being part of these corporations and/or subverting pro-freesoftware communities for their overlords. It's not an obvious connection, but both corporates (anti-freesoftware) and SJWs have common goals and means, they both want to take your liberties away and hate the fact that you may have an alternative to the one they control.
In the end, both are damaging to freesoftware and should be purged at sight, that means rejecting all kinds of relations with corporate entities and telling tranny faggots to go kill themselves when trying to change words in a programming language because it's offensive.
Wrong, it's exclusively about freedom. If you want to classify it under some political ideology that would be the libertarian spectrum.

>the human brain is like an unguarded plot of fertile land, outside of a greenhouse. If we don't protect it with our own censorship-based greenhouse, anyone (Russians, Nazis, transphobes) could just come along and make it believe things that aren't what we believe!
>the human brain is like an unguarded plot of fertile land, outside of a greenhouse. If we don't protect it with our own censorship-based greenhouse, anyone (indie competitors, garage startups, unpaid amateurs) could just come along and make it buy things other than our products!

Attached: Right Wing Nazi Extremist.jpg (640x518, 52.11K)

Remember to always archive while researching something problematic.

Excuse me, the term 'bug' is grossly offensive to HIV positive personnel and disadvantaged homeless minorities who may not have access to showering facilities.

Implying you could even deface something of this magnitude

I know you're not going to be able to empathize with this, but listen: the family I don't have is dead. As humans we evolved to breed in our teens and die in our thirties after producing at least 2.1 children, but I am in my thirties and I've never gotten married and my non-wife has given me 0.0 children. You might say "she doesn't exist and your children doesn't exist--so they aren't dead". It's the privilege of the living for you to say such spiteful, hateful things. It is also the privilege of the living for me to feel as I feel. I should have a family. I do not have a family. So where did my family go? To me, they are dead. Even if I go on to get married and have children, that must be a second marriage, and additional children. My first family was murdered--not by disease, animal, or man, but by modernity. My first family's remains are interned in the too many electronics in my too quiet, too empty home. The time I should have spent with them and the sweet memories I should have of that time was replaced, as if by an evil deity, by memories of various engagements in meaningless pastimes. My regret over their deaths is terrible, it is a pain that's alleviated neither by alcohol nor any attempts from the living to deny my lived experiences. I wish I could've done more for them. I resent that people around me stood by and did nothing as this family went on to never form--when it should have.
So, what did you say just now? That I've offended you? That I've exercised some privilege that you lack? You're not dead like my family, so how about you go about and cry about it? My wife can't even cry. Go hug a friend and complain about your offense. Go write and publish a treatise on how your feelings matter more than mine. Hell, burn me in effigy. You're alive, so do whatever you want. You're a member of the ultimate privileged class--the living--and you can do what my family can't do. What my children never even got an opportunity to do.
But don't ask me to care about your petty Marie Antoinette-like mewing about your living-person problems. Oh yeah, "Why don't the dead just complain when someone offends them?" They can't complain. They can't complain about anything at all, and here you are complaining about this shit. Even someone as completely coddled and blinded by privilege as you should know not to whine loudly about your minor cold, not when you're visiting a hospital patient who may not get over their pnemonia. Right? So don't complain about your living-person troubles in the presence of the family I don't have.
it needs work

Nobody outside of SJWs themselves really believes them, they have limited resources and very short attention spans. Stop playing into their hand with this fake fear bs. Sure they are vile people but most of them are cowards and won't do shit.

I like it though. No offence but you sound insane.

^^^what about gender-swapping it to mitigate your scumbag male privilege

SJWs submit to the alpha-lunatic.

Remind me how fake Brendan Eich's resignation was

The whole rallying cry of the CoC people is "professionalism". Their whole argument (the successful part anyway) centers around not being *ist so you don't scare away corporate money.
Just because corporations are capitalist doesn't make them right-wing. Actually, stop thinking in two dimensions altogether.

I've seen it happen you tard. Notice how I don't say "don't do anything" but I say "If you do it, be prepared to protect yourself". It's like fucking a one night stand, you wrap your dick in case she had AIDS.Tech just isn't the industry you want to try climbing right now. It's full of diversity hiring practices and SJWs being put in charge which collapses an already over filled career path. Instead of being code monkey 97 (white male class) become an engineer and have some real weight in things. Any idiot can write the code but a good engineer is way way more valued. It takes more effort and has more risk/reward.

You don't fight SJW shit by wading into it and getting chewed up. You do it by going over their heads entirely. You simply cannot save that which already has been corrupted. There's no way to undo the damage.

The cry of professionalism is how they drive out the weirdos who built anything. It can be seen all over the place how "we don't need to cater to white men/man babies etc. They like to claim it's the industry maturing. But the industry already matured into a full fledged operation if they're interested in co opting it.

you can find plenty of women in their 30s in the same situation, you could be a father in a year if you just tried

Fucking women in their 30s is worse than being a permavirgin.

All that beta male had to do was to tell them to fuck off or ignore them, my argument still stands.

I've raped three feminists and all of them are virgins. I think many feminists are virgins!

he was totally not pressured by (((investors))), it was a totally free choice dude ;)

It's a typo.

I was a SJW so I had a chance to fuck feminists without their explicit consents. They call it a rape.


wtf is happening in this thread

Attached: hang.jpg (608x1070, 353.23K)

Make sure to rape her before she dies.

They're not Indians, you retard, the proper name for the race would just be 'Americans'. Or Beringians, if you're feeling fancy.

I'm an American. I deserve the name more than they do because my ancestors came up with it.
I'm also a native American. My family's been here for more than 300 years. The second generation was already 'native'.
Amerindian is a handy word and you understood it completely. Even you would not know what I meant if I talked about some 'Americans'.

Hence "American Indians", as they were mistakenly believed to be actual Indians at first. Even though it's technically wrong it's still widely used and accepted by people without aspergers

They are real American. White people, Caucasian, are just immigrants.

settlers, pioneers. If you pretend that Amerindians owned the whole continent you could call them invaders--in reality they mostly weren't. But immigration is taking citizenship in an existing state, not showing up and creating a state. Go find a black studies class and try to talk casually about "black immigrants in early America". Talk long enough for it to be clear that you're talking the slaves that were trafficked to and sold in America.

Not really. The continent was named by Europeans, so calling them 'real Americans' just becomes an ironic spin on the issue.
Again, it's not the geographical landmass that's so important, if we talk about 'American people', it's the state and institutions of the United States of America and their culture.

Why? If the geographical landmass is not important, then why bother going there and living there?


When things go to hell it will happen. I've been to Kashmir and acquired a Rudyard Kipling book that still had the word "nigger". Some versions edit it out. Turns out when your country is under contest from Pakistan, India, and China and even divided amongst itself with 3 major religions, there's much more important issues.

You can bet that if IDs were on here, his would be the black stamp of Tor.

Yes? They're basically programmed to knee-jerk at any use of a word. Similar thing happens with words abused by them here (toxic, problematic, etc.)

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The editors have defaced themselves with an alternate reality, there is no need

This is exactly the kind of disconnected drivel that can only lead to comedy. The only point of intersectionality was to assist in creating a utopia of equality, a communism. I really wish booze, cigarettes and LSD were taxed even more to prevent such deranged inconsistent activists from unnecessary birth. What a silly waste of resources.

Caucasians invaded America and killed the people who lived the place and robbed the pelple of their land.

First Americans May Have Been European

Stone-age Europeans were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years, new archaeological evidence suggests.