Archlinux or voidlinux?

archlinux or voidlinux?
why should i use one over the other?

Attached: southParkGamer.jpg (474x266, 27.87K)

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boot up speed in void is unprecedented. definitely worth it

anything other than boot-up speed?


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If you're actually serious about doing anything of merit, Archbang is no holds barred the best option.

Arch Linux is homerolled fucking bullshit. Nobody uses it except for spergs. Muh Arch Linux. Never ever even heard of void Linux.

Why not just build Linux from scratch.

Pic related. Linux distributions that actually matter.

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Where do you think you are?


Artix with runit

popularity doesn't necessarily dictate whether or not something is better.

Void is pretty cool,trips-user.
The only complaint I have is that the documentation on XBPS isn't as comprehensive as I would have liked.But that isn't really anything unexpected.

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Artix: Arch - Systemdick

If you don't need any of the packages that Void lacks (like OpenJDK 8) then go with Void. Otherwise Artix, which just werks and has everything.


are the only differences the init system(s)? does everything else come directly from the arch repos or their own?

Most comes from the Arch repos. What depends on systemd is on their own repos, without systemd.

Void is very simple and the default installation is very small, that's why I pick it as a default distribution to install on new machines. A year or two ago I had issues with the lack of packages in the repository and package naming (mostly during compilation from source) but since then all the packages I couldn't find have been added and I just got used to the naming conventions (though they still kinda suck). One problem, however, is that it's clearly an amateur project. The forum is dead and the wiki is pretty poor. I doubt Void will last for long.

Do you dare enter the void?
Or are you a straight up man child who thinks cutting edge means anything other than cutting yourself on some edgy packages.

Attached: void_wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 262.95K)

Install Gentoo.


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yeah. we have 0 packages, a slow package manager and insane developers but we don't have systemd :DDDD

Arch is for people who can't configure Gentoo.

Been using Arch for 2 years, this is third day on Void.
Void has a good amount of packages, I've seen things in the main repos that can only be found in Arch's AUR.

Void init is 'different' yet simple once you get hang of it. It's rolling release but packages don't update too rapidly.
Like Arch, it pretty easy to make
Packages are split more often and maintainers would try to shave off 'hard' dependencies like Debian.
I'll report back a bit later.

How can I install laravel on void?