Norway: Academics Say Amazon’s Alexa Should Have “Moral AI” to Report Owners to the Police

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I call bullshit.


(((academics))) eh? Wanting to implement a police state and interfere in everyone's lives 24/7? Imagine that.

do hyperlinks not work in your browser?

I don't see the problem with that. Anyone dumb enough to buy a device to listen on them 24/7 should die but prison is a good first step.

Attached: alexa.webm (460x258, 427.35K)

Yeah. Dailystormer is a reputable source. So is an .onion link.

do you have one layer of hyperlinks? like, you click a link, and then no matter page comes up, it doesn't have links like it normally should?
your browser is really weird.

Attached: whatmustbedone.jpg (1272x672, 94.34K)

Correct, they were the only news outlet to hear hotwheels.
Go back to faceberg.

DS is garbage, but I bet the average British person would actually welcome this.

Still not a trustworthy secondary source. Where do the Norway academics actually make this claim? Anywhere? Or is it just a bunch of hearsay bullshit that has been conflated. I trust The Goldwater more than dailystormer at this point.

Sure. I'll use their .onion link.

My parents have one of these, plus a google nest, plus some sort of cloud camera security system, plus they use google for pretty much everything online from file storage, to email, to search. I've tried explaining the issues with putting your entire life in the hands of one or two corporations but they just say they don't care because it will never affect them. There's nothing I can do to save them :(

friend, try this browser:
it's not without faults, but it's at least a normal web browser, where every page you load can be an HTML page with embedded hyperlinks that you can then click to continue to load. Rather than your current experience of coming to Zig Forums somehow and then not being able to read further, the normal experience with a web browser is such that you can click forever and never come back to your starting point. Even when the web was young this experience, of loading a page, reading through it, and then following a reference directly from that page to another that had its own references, this led people to speak of the experience as akin to surfing.
Join us in surfing the web!
You're just doing it all wrong right now. It's actually a shameful display. Please tell whatever nephew helped you get here that he should bring you up to speed before suggesting such sites.

I welcome the "nothing to hide" 2.0 "just don't commit crime".

Nice rigamarole.
Until I see a primary source, it's all bullshit.

it'll be fun because it's clearest possible example from 1984.

here's a primary source: a video showing an Indian beating a drum next to a bunch of white kids in MAGA hats, and directly in the face of a kid that's just standing there, smirking.
your biases clearly include "nobody would *ever* suggest that smart assistants notify the police about crimes! that's an unpossible unlikely suggestion for anyone to make!" If your biases also include "racist fucking white Trump supporters from flyover country would *obviously* be super racist towards an Indian. White kids *hate* indians you know.", then smashing your eyeballs against this PRIMARY SOURCE will just lead to you getting sued for slander.
The degree of your sources doesn't matter. Having your biases aligned with fucking reality is what matters.

alexa not available in norway

In the linked page. If they say Marija Slavkovik said that to them that's as close to the source as you'll get unless you know her personally. If you have evidence that she didn't say that you can contact her and suggest she sue them, but we both know you won't do that because you're full of shit and just denying it because you love to suck Amazon's cock like the good commie you are.
Her point isn't even that Alexa should report everything to big brother but that, right now, the decision with what to do with the data from their bugs lies with Amazon alone and maybe it'd be better to take the owner's opinion in account somewhat.

Dailystormer links to the primary source you dumb ass. If you don't know what a primary source is don't use that term, it doesn't make you sound smart but a retard. You're pretty dumb so I'll save myself from having to reply to your stupid answer, here's why it's a primary source:

Usually when someone is quoted as source of authority there is given some reference of their association with the information for the audience to discern validity; e.g. does she work at a specific university, did she perform the survey, did she make it up. Unfortunately, it seems like a bunch of larpstepping faggots are in here thinking they big boy nazis without realizing how brainwashed they already are by identifying as a "nazi" so whatever the article said is worthless at this point.

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I call bullshit
rain? in London?
put that shit in a syringe and inject it right into my brain or I won't believe it exists

Usually when someone is quoted as source of authority there is given some reference of their association with the information for the audience to discern validity; e.g. does she work at a specific university, did she perform the survey, did she make it up
You didn't even click on the article lol, all of that is mentioned. Talk about being brainwashed

You should see a problem

-what if you enter someone else's home and he has this device?
-what if those will be present in workplaces? will you stop working?
-what if a lot of normies will use it and eventually government will make it mandatory to have it at home and you will be the only person that is against it?

Right wingers get as butt hurt as liberal faggots. Now this is news.

Terry was right most people are just nigger cattle, and will go along with whatever is popular even if it is bad for them. I see it as the duty of the informed to help the retarded out, empathy for the less fortunate is a cornerstone of white civilization

all academics should be gassed

you should be gassed too

what if someone breaks into your home and attacks you? do you want to have to say "alexa, call the police" in a calm voice? What if you're asleep and then gagged?
couldn't alexa detect sounds of struggle and smothered shrieks of terror, and then verbally ask for a trusted confirmation that things are OK before calling the police?
This is how it'll go.

Lol. Still butthurt? You guys are even more of faggots than the fags you criticize. Stay bent.


shouldn't people who push such ideas be killed?

I don't understand how that's butthurt, what you said was straight up wrong. All the information you said was missing is very clearly in the linked article

only retarded leftists will put this in their home anyway

What did I say wrong? Asking for the primary source? That was what I said wrong?

don't break into a rich man's home, sneak into his daughter's room, pull her out of bed, and then ferociously pull a single hair out of her head.
it does no damage, it alerts the rich man to your enmity for him, and it gives him an excuse to execute you.
smart appliances reporting crimes is inevitable. It's just too desirable of a feature. It's women having the vote that'll make smart appliances impossible to escape, even in your own home.

gtfo newfag.

You guys are as fucking annoying as the tranny faggots that come in here.

You said
Which you would know was wrong had you read the article before making 20 posts ITT

Prove that it's wrong.

This is how they do it. People often say capitalism allows the people to vote with their wallets, this is true. The vast majority of people, are apathetic to ideals like freedom, when it conflicts with convenience. So to push an agenda, changes like these are implemented incrementally creating an evolution of a product hence generations. Planned obsolescence only speeds this process up, but the underlying question is why do consumers buy these in the first place? For most, freedom is an impractical "feature" after all how many will study their device and can freedom remember my groceries? These two are mutually exclusive but through limited competition, there are limited options which leads to compromise. Most consumers are willing to compromise a little freedom over a long time in the name of ease. For idealists, the majority suffocates the "ethically superior" design philosophy. Nor does this minority have the resources to create their own alternative because the trend has it be the more technically advanced it is, the less players, and therefore it will be more centralized. I don't know what the solution is.

That video is a good example on why you won't be seeing such a feature rolled out any time soon, regardless if Amazon did consider it. Because current AIs are too narrow to discern context and concepts for situational awareness and judgement. If it can't distinguish what's communicating with it like wherever it's a human or parrot (or if what is being said is intentional), then it's likely to also mistake sources of audio for events as well (like gunfire or screaming from a TV).

The police would probably tell Amazon not to do this unless there's prove Alexa can assess a situation correctly at a human-like level (as it would otherwise result in too many false positives and waste their time).


would killing all women or bombing all factories and companies producing those devices, help?

no, infiltrator-kun, killing women is totally pointless. Women aren't who guarantee women having the vote.

So I wasn't wrong. Good to know.

No, you were. To clarify:
Yes, she works for the University of Bergen, in Norway
There was no "survey" hinted at anywhere, she was presenting her thesis to the ACM conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society in Hawaii

(((Academics))) Should be shot, Lenin was rite.

Are you not familiar with how examplia grata are used?
What is the importance of this _thesis_?
Smartphones are everywhere.
Public cameras now have microphones in them and are ubiquitous in large urban centers.
The only thing missing is the AI, and the AI will be nowhere competent to determine what is correct when it can't even abstract ethics into relational terms. It opens businesses up to lawsuits. That's why it's not used on smartphones through Siri and whatever google has on Android.

I dunno what all that gay shit has to do with what you were saying before lol


My ass is a reputable source of shit, just like the daily stormer.


What articles from the stormer have you found errors in? Or are you just repeating popular outrage you saw stirred up in the MSM

*while X is not present in room* Hey X, why do you have bomb making manuals in your home? Don't stay silent. I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Alexa, if there is CP on our boss's laptop and we'll get fired for telling someone, how do we find a better job?
I keep my Alexa in a special metal mesh housing and I play it soothing white noise at 80dB, doesn't everyone?

>implying you won't get BOOM CRASH'd if your mandatory alexa installed in every room can't hear you, or if its 180 degree wide-angle cameras don't have a clear view of you at all times

If you prefer to live in a prison rather than free you deserve what you get

Botnet or Opsec.
One is poison, the other a cupcake.

It is a Big Brother in 1984 and nobody will buy these surveillance gadgets controlled by governments.

They don't have to because they already did. They will put this shit on smartphones, if they haven't already.

So the're both poison. One kills you outright and the other gives you diabetes over 30 years while you think you're perfectly healthy until doctor tells you it's time to lob off a foot.




"some random people had a shitty idea! SHTF! EVERYONE PANIC!"
fuck off

some time during the medieval period:
current year man:

Nigger are you 12?

current year man:

But they're already trying to fucking force this shit on people:

Attached: 1539862171987.jpg (640x535, 35.6K)

Why wouldn't they just use people's phones since people take those into the shitter with them?

We should rape this little Japanese girl because she is an immigrant!

We should rape this little Japanese girl because she is an immigrant!

White woman want's her police state to protect women more from men (slaves of the state). Shocking.

Obv a slavic girl.

You become the suspect.

Which is why you are ruled by women and have no child brides.

Theres nothing we can do to save anyone ever, anymore....*siiiiiiiigh* maybe the blackpill is the best pill after all. I'm so sad I wanna kill myself. Is anyone else?


All of us accepting that we have lost forever. Its all so fucking over... Who wants to commit suicide with me, because 1984 is inevitable, and eternal.

More people here need to realize that the centralization of everything is inevitable. There will never be any alternatives because there will be no interest in or resources for any alternatives, nor will there ever be.
We're trapped. Forever.

1984 is eternal

Aktchually there is one. Not caring about this at all. Just pretend to be an ii ko and convince Onii-chan to leave you alone.
Why? You're going to die eventually anyway. Even if you kill yourself now, what if you "respawn" in a worst place? Life already happened at least once, meaning given infinite amount of time it will happen again even if the chance was really small in the first place.

Fucking nigger brain shit. See . Everything will be centralised no matter what. We have no choice but to cry as Big Brother eats us whole.

We should rape this little Japanese girl because she is an immigrant!
Abdul! This is /tech, not /b

Kikes are God. We are slaves. There is nothing we can do to stop 1984.

Stay delusional, denier. You cannot fight back against this, none of us will or should. Nothing about our situation will ever get better ever again. Suicide is the only route away from this.

this endless parade of security measures, when all you had to do was stop hundreds of thousands of people who destroyed their own countries from entering yours.

Attached: @Imamofpeace 1076742361135247361 Dec 22 2018 abuse.mp4 (720x1280 820.32 KB, 1.61M)

Will this mean more shitskins/niggers going into jail?

She's an associate professor (so not too important), and saying "academics" is extremely vague, since it doesn't tell us how many professors from what field of research are asking for this. I should also point out that she says this:

As AIs get more sophisticated, the question was bound to come up sooner or later. And it is an important point that right now, google or amazon are the ones making the decision on whether AI should be able to listen in and report crimes. It can already turn on and off your lights (smart device), order food for you, and control your TV. It's already a problem we should have been considering, and people currently have no say on the issue.
If anyone wants the paper, which you should so you know what you're bitching about:

What about not using smart devices?

Smart devices will become mandatory whether we like it or not. Corporations will always win in the end. There is literally no reason not to give up now.

Neither the associate professor rank in the U.S., nor the "førsteamenuensis" rank (which is apparently what it's called in Norway, and what she actually is) is "not too important." It's the second-highest rank among active academics, just below full professor.

But Niggerpill, what are the benefits of constantly screaming that there's no point to anything and that "Jews win"? How does that benefit you or anyone here?

It's not supposed to. It's just a reminder that (((they))) are invincible and have a horde of 7.5 billion goyim on their side whom will never, ever see the light.

Maybe in Europe.

yes, that's not too important. How much influence do you think she reasonably has?
She's not making legislation for a country
She's not working in amazon/google and making decisions
She's not a well known professor that people to listen to regardless of the shit that comes out of their mouth, like Chomsky.
Sure she's not a nobody, but her research isn't going to be changing much anytime soon.

Friends, family and your company could have stuff such as this. Hotels in the future could also have it as a gimmick. The same kind of technology could also become commonplace in other things besides alexa. It won't be as bad as the genetic/ancestry thing, but other people using these devices will still impact you.
Most people here probably wouldn't use smart devices (regardless of the snitching), but when it becomes common place, not buying a smart device won't remove it completely from your life. And you shouldn't have to go out of your way to avoid this kind of shit.

Don't know. Don't care. In the future, if you want to say she has no influence, just say she has no influence. Don't make statements about things you apparently know nothing about, and we won't end up having pointless conversations like this one. Thanks.

Fucking these
1984 is eternal. Never think of fighting bacl, because you know it's true. Nobody, and we mean NOBODY will EVER side with us, and that's final.
Globalism is now.

In the three lines below, I give examples of scenarios that the average associate professor won't be affecting. The question was rhetorical, but if I'm making "statements about things [I] apparently know nothing about", you can give your own examples. If she does have a lot of influence, or you think influence is irrelevant and I'm missing something else that makes her important, explain that. Thanks.

You may as well come to >>>/byte/. It's devoid of these idiots.

Yeah great board you got there nigger

Go post something and that's solved. It's a fucking low population board, but still better than the retards at Zig Forums. I still check it regularly. (And no, I'm not the BO.)