You try to leave the program, and it asks you if YOU WANT TO SAVE OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROGRESS. Holy shit, I clicked the button, I know what I'm doing. Firefox warns you if you want to close tabs. Fuck yes, I not only want to close tabs but the whole browser WITH ONE FUCKING CLICK. Chromium throws up a notification to get you to "restore pages" if it "closed inapporpriately". Fuck off - just give me the MENU OPTION to restore pages instead of shoving stuff up my face. Even in my 3DS, when I press Power Off it asks IF I WANT TO GO BACK TO HOME MENU. FUCK NO, I want to power off!
Why don't devs get this simple principle?
Sometime you accidentally click the x button when you're going to move the window or you try and click the search bar and your hand twitches. I wish they asked you before closing individual tabs, a lot of times I've closed a tab accidentally when I went to click on it.
I hear you on the power button, but only because that's on the hardware side. Software asking for confirmation before big irreversible (or almost irreversible) actions is a good thing. would not be an example for instance, because closing a tab is easily reversible in all browsers: Ctrl+Shift+T in Firefox, for instance.
People mention Unix Stockholm syndrome all the time, but nuking the wrong directory because you fatfingered backspace is not desirable, what the fuck.
All software for WHITE MEN doesn't have these problems.
C-S-T doesn't restore the tab perfectly, unsaved work will be gone (and can you imagine if it wasn't - browsers already waste too much memory). More importantly though, NPCs aren't expected to know keyboard shortcut, or menus, or config settings, or anything besides random button clicking. When their random button clicking can't be fixed with more random button clicking, you need to add more buttons, and hope they won't randomly click those too.
Skilled unix users know when to delete something, and when to merely rename it with a tilde at the end. "UNIX stockholm syndrome" should really be renamed NPC stockholm syndrome, because it comes from having your hand held for so long that you think freedom is a curse.
Okay, name some of the WHITE MEN software
There's non-annoying ways around that. Like autosaving every few minutes. Or just learn to save, holy shit. Ctrl+S is ingrained into my memory already.
Are you legitimately retarded?
I that warning is an option to disable this warning. Top tier design tbh.
No, top tier design would be not displaying the warning, but having the option to enable it in preferences.
No, top tier design is having the warning on by default and letting the user disable it from the warning dialog itself.
Stop being a stupid autist.
If everyone followed that you'd be flooded with warnings all fucking day. Thankfully there are still some sane devs that don't do that.
You mean UNIX weenies?
The warning is needed as default because otherwise most users would never figure out there's an option to enable it, and because you can disable the warnings from the warning window itself so at worst you waste two seconds once to get rid of it.
Seriously? Don't people go into Preferences menus? That was the first thing I did since I got my first computer at 9 years old...
i like that feature. sometimes i might hit ctrl q instead of ctrl w and it would be annoying if it would close the whole thing
most cli programs will fuck your shit up if you tell it to. no confirmations will be asked after you press enter
This is what happens when the Unix-hater knuckle-dragger gets BTFO on
He simply resorts to asshurt.
Well of course I use CLI too. Should have guessed you meant that. But not everything can be done with CLI (or not as well) so we should expect good design from GUI programs as well.
And attaching the worst example. This wouldn't be bad if it was bypassable, and it sometimes is - but I've had ones where YOU COULD NOT BYPASS IT. Security through babysitting?
I prefer to use software that closes at random times without saving your progress. That teaches me to be diligent about saving regularly.
i noticed that the gnome image viewer eog lets you delete pictures without any confirmation if you press the del key. is that what you mean?
Hmm. Yes, that's great design IMO. I mean no one presses delete just like that? And there's still the trashcan.
theres no trashcan on my system. was actually surprised because i thought first that it didnt do anything because its gnome software and thats probably a very advanced thing for their users but it did actually delete the file and would probably have deleted more if the key was pressed long enought to trigger it multiple times and thats very common with boomer computer users.
oh forgot that the del key is next to home/end that can be used to go to the first/last picture in the directory so someone could make a mistake there
boomers should learn photorec then (lol)
Yeah, I'm not going to defend this faggotry. Software should always obey the operator in the end, but it should also try to protect him from his own stupidity.
But today's software goes way too far in the other direction.
seems like the only alternatives are too much annoying warnings or no warnings at all and also no way to undo whatever happened
I feel you on this OP. It wouldn't be hard to make a document automatically save when you X out or shutdown. Then offer to restore documents.
One thing that personally annoys me is when I'm transferring files either between locations on my normal machine or over network an some error comes up when I'm transferring files then it hangs with a dialogue box do you want to replace or some shit like that. I never could figure out why they make the transfer skip that part and then alert you at the end after all of the other files have been transfered. Nothing worse than starting a 60gb transfer and going to sleep thinking it will be done in the morning only wake up and have a dialogue box asking if you. Fuck. 3% finished. Takes all fucking.
Uploading to Google drive and same thing happens. Do you want to? No I don't want to just transfer the files. How about coding a conditional transfer? This error handling could be done with a few more lines of code and mitigate the impact on the end user.
Some certificate schemes will flat out not allow a connection if the cert is not valid, so there's no point in bypassing the error as you won't get a valid response from the server.
cp or mv does not do that and seems to be faster and use less cpu than the gui file managers
Stop using software written for children
this one ticks me off the most about libreoffice and that's not accounting the loading times (even gimp isn't that bad)
or you could just have a recycle bin and be guaranteed to recover the whole file.
He said accidently hit the X button retard. You can also accidently hit shortcuts to close windows too.
Just untick options>load/save>general>save auto-recovery info.
Hope that helped.
I agree anons, MS Office is better than LibreOffice.
MS Office has the same default behavior if I remember correctly.
LibreOffice just copied the cancer.
When you libre faggots start creating quality software then we'll talk. Your libre shit is worse than Office 2007.
anything after office 2003 is unusable garbage
Glad I'm not the only one. Shit has pissed me off from the very beginning.
while root:
rm -rf * /
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1
neither have asked if a fubar is about to occur. use a command line
or not be a nigger and RTFM
worse than OP's gripe is software that wants you to connect to the botnet for the manual.
iptables probably has man but another manual is often needed to understand the manpage
it was more a general example of a lazy documentation practice, not solely for firewall software.
What if there was a browser that stored your tabs/data in memory for a few seconds after you exit out? That way if you accidently click 'x', you can panic and open the browser again and your stuff will still be there.
Somebody fund this please.
Like this?
What’s photorec?
Fuck yes that's great. First time I see something like it.
Hold middle button
Scroll to "shut down"
"Are you sure you want to shut down? Yes/No"