GNUnet 0.11.0

GNUnet is a new network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. With strong roots in academic research, our goal is to replace the old insecure Internet protocol stack.
GNUnet provides privacy by design, improving addressing, routing, naming and content distribution in a technically robust manner - as opposed to ad-hoc designs in place today.


Attached: gnunet-anonymous-logo.png (320x280, 29.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh shit, they changed the website too. Have they unfucked the UI yet?

Does it actually do any of that?

They also changed the logo. First pic related was the old one.
The new one looks very much like the GuixSD logo. Neat that they're keeping a rather uniform design.

Attached: Guix_System_Distribution_logo.svg.png (1920x1986 33.73 KB, 512.85K)

New logo is a reminder to vagina worship.

Attached: images-10.jpeg (280x300, 11.13K)

When I tried to run this shit, it took up 90% of CPU resources, running almost as heavy as Freenet when it first turns on, but without going down. Did they fix this pajeetism?

The version in apt is still using the V-Tech Learning Laptop design. These are the people to blame for that, btw. They're credited under the "Artwork" tab

Jakub 'jimmac' Steiner Christian Muellner Alex Jones Nicklas Larsson

What is happening here?

It's a file sharing program, meaning those cis male abled nerds are promoting raep culture

Attached: gnu.pepe.png (1048x1024, 261.42K)

It's useless and will never catch on. Not even a cult following.