Get ready for mass human die off, skyrocketing cancer rates, thanks To 5G

Our current cell phone technology produces electromagnetic radiation that damages male fertility, and the radiation produced by the new 5G technology will be much more powerful and therefore much more dangerous. But most people don’t know about this. Instead, most people are greatly looking forward to the rollout of 5G technology because it will be up to 100 times faster than our current 4G technology, and who wouldn’t want that? The big cell phone companies will be spending hundreds of billions of dollars to install hundreds of thousands of new 5G antennas, and every single one of those antennas will be constantly emitting very powerful electromagnetic radiation. Since we can’t see the radiation, to many people the threat does not seem real, but the truth is that if you live in a major urban area you are constantly being bombarded by it. And once the new 5G network is completely rolled out, you would literally have to live in the middle of nowhere to get away from it completely.

5G is a quantum leap from 4G, but because the smaller 5G waves do not travel as well, a lot more antennas will be required…

In order to achieve faster speeds, 5G relies on millimeter waves, which are even smaller than microwaves and operate at a higher frequency. These smaller waves are more easily absorbed by buildings, trees and other things (like people), so more towers will be needed in order to maintain connectivity. The industry has created specialized “small cell” stations and new, larger base stations to accommodate the demands of 5G tech. Even so, it’s expected that a small cell will need to be installed every 250 meters in cities for 5G to work properly. There will be one on every street corner.

In addition, 5G technology is “ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity”…

5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous it is to living organisms.

So basically the radiation that we will constantly be absorbing will be much, much, much more powerful than before, and the sources emitting the radiation will be much closer to us.

Are you starting to get the picture?

If that wasn’t bad enough, an investigation conducted at a university in Israel discovered that the surface of the human body actually draws 5G radiation in “like an antenna”…

What’s further disturbing about 5G radiation is how the human body responds to and processes it. Dr. Ben-Ishai from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem discovered as part of a recent investigation that human skin acts as a type of receptor for 5G radiation, drawing it in like an antenna.

“This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes,” writes Arjun Walia for Collective Evolution about the study.

“… human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology,” he adds.

Okay, now let’s talk about fertility.

Several early studies found that our current cell phone technology has a negative affect on male fertility…

A 2005 mouse study found “a significant genotoxic [DNA-damaging] effect on…spermatozoa.”

A 2007 rat study found “significantly higher incidence of sperm cell death,” suggesting “that carrying cellphones near reproductive organs could negatively affect male fertility.” And a 2009 rat study found that the radiation from cellphones “negatively affects semen quality and may impair male fertility.”

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>>>Zig Forums751186

So Zig Forums, have you apologized to the based blackpillers yet?

No. They never did anything.

Spreading your schizophrenia on Zig Forums wasn't enough was it?

How much is AT&T paying you people? No matter the thread you ALWAYS post

Paranoid delusions, also called delusions of persecution, reflect profound fear and anxiety along with the loss of the ability to tell what's real and what's not real. They might make you feel like:

A co-worker is trying to hurt you, like poison your food.
Your spouse or partner is cheating on you.
The government is spying on you.
People in your neighborhood are plotting to harass you.

5G is literally less harmful to people than visible light. Take your meds, schizo.

All this delusional "5G kill grid" nonsense is taking away from the real conspiracy here. The real problem with 5G is that its intention is to increase the spread of the Internet of Things. That's why it needs to be so fast. It's designed to support the infrastructure of smart cameras, smart speakers, smart lights, smart thermostats, smart sensors, smart fridges, smart appliances, smart locks, smart doorbells, and so on, all of which of course spy on the users (or useds, if you want to go full stallman with the terminology).

Checked and thank you.

did in any of that strawman BS did you actually address the scientific basis of the threat? typical red-herring kikery.


At least you admit that you need solar cream for the sun. Yes too much exposure to sunlight can cause cancer.
The good thing about sunlight is that it's stopped by any kind of physical object like a wall, house etc...
Now the question is, what does stop too much 5G wavelength ?

Smart word play but it's less efficient when used on convincing normies, work great in auditorium tho.
Realistically smartshit would not need that much bandwidth if it was correctly programmed.
It's not only about that, it's also that they want to sell new hardware, more cell towers, more smartphones, more locked smartphones too. Then they'll do the same trash as before with 6G then 7G or another buzzword.

that is true, but there seems to be a lot more to it than the IoT/surveillance concerns. schizoposters aside, some serious people are pretty concerned about it. this video has a ton of credible sources and some of the shit is pretty far out. if you have the time, i recommend watching all 40 minutes of it.

What? I don't think 5G is harmful, I just find it very strange that wokeposters like you start trying to discredit the thread the moment it goes up. Your wokeposting only makes people think that you're part of a disinformation campaign and gives credit to “pol schitzos”

Fair enough.
I believe there is a sizeable population of actual for-real mentally ill posters on 8ch (and 4ch) that will do anything to gain attention and affirmation for their paranoid delusions and therefore any sort of rational debate becomes impossible the moment they latch on to a topic.

This is, deliberately or not, poisoning the well for any further debate and makes places like Zig Forums look like easily dismissed retards.

I'd love to discuss the implications of 5G and the push for IoT but not with people who will constantly try to drag the issue down to MUH KILLSWITCH MICROWAVE ORGONE DESTROYING JEW TECHNOLOGY.

Planck's equation. E=hν where E is energy, ν is the frequency of a photon, and h is Planck's constant. In other words, the energy of a photon (a quantum of EMR) is directly proportional to its frequency. The only types of radiation that have higher frequency than visible light are ultraviolet, X-Ray, and gamma, in that order. So, assuming the same quantity of photons, 5G is less harmful than visible light. 5G is even lower on the spectrum than infrared, which you yourself (and nearly everything around you) constantly emit.

Wrong. Ultraviolet causes cancer, and sunscreen is intended to stop UV, not visible light.

Only if the object is not transparent or translucent. Glass is a solid physical object after all.

Thicker walls and Faraday cages.

look at this nigger, pretending to know stuff, dropping them equations, but doesn't know that glass is a liquid.
it's just a really slow-flowing liquid.

It's an amorphous solid.

The reality is it's both. The powers that be are pushing an IoT future where devices are everywhere spying on everything the population does. They're also using various means like radio waves to keep the population calm. It has been well documented that you can induce a state of calm or fear in animals/man through the use of radio.

So it's both, and yes there are crazy people that believe everything and pain any rational person that believes some of these things as crazy by association. That doesn't mean any of these people are wrong. In fact, the environment we live in is probably why most of these people have been driven crazy in the first place. The ones most susceptible to the effects are the ones least able to tolerate them and get along with society.

The blackpill posters are right that there isn't anything to be done as long as we continue to splinter and distrust each other. We've pretty much been divided and everyone is afraid to come out of their safe spaces. We know more than we've ever known and are less able to act than ever before. The time to pick up the guns is now. We need to kill every last person in the ruling class then drop a massive EMP to fry everything electronic. It's time to go back to pre-industrial society again. This has happened countless times before and it'll happen many more times. This is the natural way of things.

look up 'amorphous'. For that to describe glass, you'd need to add qualifiers like I did already, to explain why you can still drink out of it.

Ancient glass bottles are not melting over the centuries.

Amorphous in this case means lacking crystalline characteristics. The only other qualifier for glass is having glass transition.

sounds about right for Scientific American.

This shit is flat-earther/anti-vac tier retarded. Do some actual research instead of believing this fucking Facebook clickbait.

Citation fucking needed.

Are you deaf m8?

To expand:
Music (sound waves) is used to induce states of calm/fear. Color (visible light waves) can be used to induce states of calm/fear. What's stopping other types of waves doing the same? Does a wave have to be perceptible in order for it to induce states of calm/fear? Or can they do it imperceptibly?


that would only be a good thing

Attached: comfy1.jpg (1024x652, 100.94K)

does this mean that africa can be filled with 5g networks and the overpopulation problem will then be solved

All the fucking retards like
claiming it can't affect cells because it isn't ionizing. Just because you did some physics in highschool doesn't mean you should stop thinking.
Visible light affects cells, even in very low intensity. It allows us to see.
In the same manner Non-ionizing radiation could affect cells, or parts of cells. There is research that hints in this direction.


For a conspiracy theorist, you sure are a gullible little goyim, thinking that 5G's going to be different than 4G.

He didn't say it doesn't, just that it's less harmful.
Photosynthesis also comes to mind. As does vitamin D synthesis.
So post it and explain their findings.
Meta study that examined 80 papers on oxidative stress under radio frequency radiation, and found 76 claimed effects.
Note that this is at levels far below thermal, and thus far below our current "safe" limit.

This, the more people push the "muh cancer" idea the more it covers up the real issue

Photosynthesis and light reception are done by highly specialized cells, not the entire fucking body.

Photosynthesis is visible light, photons with ~1-2 eV. Vitamin D synthesis is UV light, ~3 eV.

5G (90 GHz, as per OP) is 3.7221E-4 eV... Or 0.00037 eV. If visible light isn't harmful to us, pray tell how four orders of magnitude less energy poses any danger.

The paper in is a metastudy that indicates a possible link between radio frequency radiation and cytotoxic effects on the human body. It's not a long paper, you can read it in a few minutes. By itself, the study is not conclusive but it does lead to questions about specific hypotheses to test in the future.

no one said it "doesn't" affect living cells, just that they don't cause cancer or any non nocebo effects. and that if it did have negative effects on the body, visible light from a lamp would be 1000x worse. hell even bees can detect some wavelengths of UV to guide them to flowers without getting cancer or whatever.

Daily reminder that microwaves heat up cells which causes damage when the cells heat up enough. Also, it's a very basic biology fact that you whole nervous system works because of electric signals. I am not saying that 5G is MKULTRA mind control experiment but if the glow-in-darks use the electronic or magnetic signals on your brain, they can affect your mood or thoughts (sauce:

Attached: say-hello-to-mister-god.webm (1120x720, 964.11K)

This has been proven time and time again. Please fuck back off to whatever shithole you crawled out of and/or end your life.


Attached: pure coincidence.jpg (296x314, 20.67K)

Thank you based user, for telling the truth.
We have already lost. There will never be any resistance against the powees that be. In this current age, we are literally the only people who are able to name the jew. It's all over for us, for we no longer have anything to live for. (((They))) have woon once and for all, and they will control everyone and everything for eternity.
Resistance is futile
Optimism is cowardice
1984 is eternal


Here's my advice, OP.

1. Dig a hole
2. Put yourself in it
3. Have someone fill the hole in

Not only will you be protected from those super spooky radio waves, but the human gene pool will be protected from your genetic profile.

why are you so aggressive about this, jew?

Attached: [judaism_intensifies].webm (320x240, 5.88M)

come on rabbi

Attached: smug anime angel.png (640x480, 332.13K)

if you don't want to discuss the subject, then get >>>/out/

you are the only one trying to shut it down

And you're the one quoting a rabbi for your points.

This is the dumbest thing I have heard today


He posted studies, you just called him a name.

Yeah but he said way more 5g waves are going to be emmitted because they need more antennas.
Yes your equation says that it's less harmful, but more quantities surely means more harmful.

just because they're jewish doesn't mean they're automatically incorrect/wrong about a topic
I'm not him but I'll also say you're just trying to shut down discussion by using his hatred for jews against him.

Look up Active Denial System. High intensity microwave gun used for crowd control that heats up your skin.

No fucking shit. I think someone would notice if he was getting hit by a portable MRI though.

Attached: 4 tesla mri.webm (424x240, 3.66M)

Attached: you best be joking nigger.jpg (485x443, 32.93K)

this thread is the cause of cancer

We have this thread every other week.

The thing is it isn't black and white. 5g can be more harmful than other types of non ionising radiation. There are certain frequencies that have resonance with certain structures. instead of cutting your antenna to a wavelength you change the wavelength to more effectively induce an electric current in the target structure. Real dumb example, but you take a pine tree which has needles that are the same length as 2.4ghz waves and you blast it in the microwave. Only the needles get burned off because the radio energy is converted to electrical potential on the 2 ends of the needle which frys it. It affects all the other parts too but the electrical potentials are disordered and it just heats it up. can 5g burn your nerves up or cook your balls? it is not impossible but I doubt anyone can prove much considering all research about radio weapons is top secret. What I think is that non-ionizing radiation can be dangerous at certain frequencies and those frequencies dangerous to humans are known by large govs. Good arguments can be made either way, we will just have to see.



You'd think people would get this considering this a board full of autistic freetards.

To get the same amount of energy, the intensity the of millimeter waves would need to greatly exceed the intensity of the visible light rays we get from the sun. I'd guess it'd actually be the opposite and be orders of magnitude less, but I can't say for certain.
It's a similar thing with the microwave gun, where it's only a problem because of the sheer intensity of the waves.

Finally good news. Well, I hope it's true, but good things are almost never true.

nah, we get it. This isn't a logical given. You couldn't usefully design a machine around a violation of the laws of thermodynamics, but you could design a machine that responds to Jews saying true or correct things.
Jews spreading poison isn't an inviolable law.
Even so, no Jew has ever violated it :^)

Reality is shit. So it will probably just end up in lots of degenerated mutations leading to subhumans and cancer.

Basically what we have now, actually.

I believe it is more like
Equally fallacious though

fun fact: nuclear magnetic resonance is a feasible path to antigravity
don't tell mrs obama!

especially when combined with an aluminum donut filled with xerium 525

Attached: pic-how-mobile-phone-radiation-penetrates-the-brain.jpg (630x480 186.68 KB, 22.33K)


I believe there is a sizeable population of actual for-real mentally ill(and/or scientifically and technologically ignorant) posters on 8ch (and 4ch)(OP included) that will do anything to gain attention and affirmation for their paranoid delusions and therefore any sort of rational debate becomes impossible the moment they latch on to a topic.

>they want attention and affirmation

Technically those pictures only describe suggestion. Its like if someone whispered in your ear: hey sexy wana fuck. But for whatever message the broadcaster wants to broadcast. Like for example if you are >>>/r9k/ and aware of these transmission methods and truely hated women then a broadcast saying 'hey sexy wana fuck' would have no effect because the mind/brain rejects the message during proccessing, and not consciously either.

Its like whispering dont be greedy into a kikes ear, it wont work for some messages on some people. But a message like "love fake isreal" would for those who don't hate the kikes with a passion greater then burning the entire universe.


Weirdly enough the AI doesn't want 5g. Why is that? Like I don't want it either because cancer and botnet. But there's something weird about it.

There is so much more though, such as the fact it would be repeated. The human mind in its current stage of evolution believes that if something is repeated enough, it is considered true. Further, associations develop. A person watches the heartwarming "I'd like to by the world a Coke" commercial or sees images of green fields on their television, while the subliminal says "Jews are good. Israel is good. Have sex with your dog. Anarchy is good." or whatever messages would be embedded.

I personally have studied hypnosis and think it is beneficial for the whole of humanity, in a Timothy Leary kind of way, except how it is being used now is certainly a malicious practice.

There's nothing to discuss. 5G isn't new types of electromagnetic waves. It's just a new standard. If you disagree, go ahead and tell us why you think it's fundamentally different from other types of electromagnetic radiation.

No. It's not. Stop using words you don't understand.

Yea, totally not paranoid delusions. Totally healthy posters that just get targeted by the lizard people for experiments you know.

I told you. I warned you about schizos.


Sage Negated

This is why I always say that blackpill is bestpill. Literally nothing good happens in life, it's just not worth fucking living. I would have already killed myself but I'm sadly too pussy to do it...


fuck off shill

The link in the first pic no longer works. It also isn't that relevant to the original claim because these are sound waves instead of radio waves.
With the second picture, it only shows how a government might go about mind controlling the population if they could use electromagnetic waves to do so. It doesn't show that they can. The first picture suggests a mechanism which honestly doesn't sound too unreasonable, but I'd to see some proof that you can do subliminal messaging with high frequency sound waves.
Also what the fuck is the "Thought center"?

like this?

Attached: antigravitywojak.png (1276x773, 226.15K)

enough of pic related

Attached: tinfoil hat 3.jpg (1280x720 152.16 KB, 119.55K)

no - confirmed - it is a liquid

Why can't they just start 5G in Africa?

Water / moisture / Trees / wet trees from rain / people (90+ percent water?) give 5G issues

Video part 1 of 7

part 2 of 7

part 3 of 7

part 4 of 7

part 5 of 7

part 6 of 7

part 7 of 7

I downloaded all the videos

Then upload them here

Attached: 1712040556-01a.png (1147x1485, 604.17K)

It's all real guys.

Attached: 1006190000-01a.png (1351x757 1.47 MB, 1009.23K)

Only if he livestreams his suicide, I have my ropes ready for weeks already but he never did it.

well finally, what took them so long