Yet another FOSS tranny commits suicide, Reddit and the SJWs at Debian "mourn"

Yet another FOSS tranny, Lucy Wayland (no relation to Wayland project), has killed himself.

Reddit and the SJWs at Debian "mourn" this tragic loss of someone who contributed nothing but some meetups in bumfuck, England.

Debian is completely pozzed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did anybody actually considered him to be a woman?

Of course, the Debian hugbox did.

I'd kill myself if I looked like that too.


he could be some kid's father.
nobody'd throw him out of a Debian meetup for being too fat.
but "lucy" was never going to happen and eventually the illusion broke. When the illusion breaks, what kills them is precisely all the "tolerance" and "support" they expect. Those people are just part of the suicide cult, and their role is make it clear that they'll instantly and despise you if you come to your senses.

That looks like Chris Chan's face photoshopped onto a burn victim.

So that's what happens when you decide to try to look like a woman in your 50s...

Truly the FreeBSD of GNU/Linux/HIV.

I would kill myself twice.

abloo bloo bloo

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Why is it always the manliest freaks that decide to become trannies?
And what's up with his cheeks?

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Maybe his body didn't know what to do with the hormones and he was growing face tits. Unfortunately we will never see his final form.

Lets be real, they're just lying to themselves and they know it.


Nobody really thinks trannies are able to pass, it's just forced courtesy.

oh my god guys i'm reading the reddit thread and everyone keeps calling it a "her" LOL

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It's a fucking hug-party and cringe fest.

We're going to see a lot more of this. As tranniess head into their 30s-40s and begin balding, they're going to have some cognitive dissonance every time they look in the mirror.

Well shit, I dunno. Maybe because actual women can't fucking code?


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I just got done reading that exact shit in the thread. It's useful, though. Lets you know exactly who's there to discuss a person's life and contributions and offer their condolences, and who's there because of "identity/gender politics" or whatever shit social justice freakshows are into this month.

Deadnamed and misgendered in the same post. Ol' Jon would be turning in his grave.


Updated leddit archive because of :

They can if they want to, I've seen them, it's just that most don't care enough to learn because western culture has elevated their bodies over their brains and they find themselves content whoring themselves out or getting put in jobs just because of their vaginas. In countries where women are 'oppressed' you'll find that STEM uptake is much higher.

Nice. Hopefully every other abomination will follow him and erase themselves from this gay earth, we have enough problems already to on top have to deal with such mentally ill people.

Excepting a handful of outliers, they actually can't. Worse, you can always tell chick code by its rubbish quality and the irrelevant bullshit left in the comments. Nobody cares to read "sigh" or "groan" or "yay!" or the multitude of other emotive nonsense women litter comments with, that provide absolutely no insight into the working of her spaghetti other than to detail how she felt while writing it.

Trannyism is a mental disease.

The next couple of decades are gonna be so much fun. I can't wait!


This is why you should not use trannyware for anything important.

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

A possible Coralinetard

Jon was a smashing bloke, but if you go around calling yourself Lucy you're not right in the head - so no surprise he an hero'd heroine'd?

Two foots in the grave.

Mark and list out those "identity politics".

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The consequences of eating too much soy, and (((brainwashing))).

Most people can adapt. If women had to program they would be able to; she will most likely be just average, but not worse than your typical Pajeet coder. I can also do cooking, cleaning, sewing an other "women's task", but I don't care about those things. The last time I sewed something was when a button had fallen off my shirt. My skill is just good enough to be able to make some basic repairs because I never bothered developing it further. You are more likely to find me tinkering on my bike or writing code.

I guess if you believe that magic pill can swap your sex, then it's not really a far stretch to believe in "magick" (always spelled with the fucking "ck").

It's literal satanism.

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The only women's task that exists is taking care of very young children, and they'all slack even at that if you let them and then they'll cry about it. Holy shit women, you have a built in monthly reminder. I hear it's hard to ignore.
Magick makes sense as a simple disambiguator: no, I don't mean illusionisms; yes, I am crazy.

I get where all of your hate is coming from but can you please not shittalk about a DEAD person?


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I don't hate the murdered dead guy.
That which murdered him still lives.

Why not? The fact that he's dead now doesn't make him any more respectable than he would be otherwise. That's just nonsense.

Appropriately, a song by Queen comes to mind.

I appreciate that this person is not passable but I assume there are other interesting things about this person. What did they contribute to? I highly doubt it was nothing.

Eat a mouldy dick you fucking cunt.

It depends, really. Define "nothing"?
>participated in the creation of the Debian Diversity Team
>working on increasing the visibility of under-represented groups
>providing support with respect to diversity issues within the community
That's it, Debian is dead. There's no way anyone will ever be able to write a single line of code now. It's always sad to see such a talented and useful programmer go.

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One might even draw the conclusion from that list of "contributions" that the man was a festering cancer on the project that made no technical contributions of use to the project as a whole, and whose "work" consisted solely of politicking to empower himself and other degenerates like him. His passing ought to be celebrated.

he was an angry enforcer of the suicide cult right until he ascended.

Very likely. I thought he would be the equivalent of the "I'll draw the logo" contributor, but he was more likely a power-freak on an ego trip.
A person from "an under-represented group" making an effort to "increasing the visibility of under-represented groups", a "diverse person" in charge of supporting "diversity issue within the community"… man, your Average Joe could go fucking anywhere and start a club dedicated to "helping Average Joe getting more power, more support, more visibility", and people would realize what's going on. But when a tranny starts a "Resources Allocation Bureau For Trannies", it's like no one notices the conflict of interest, no one questions the motives, no one ponders whether or not such a thing is even useful in the first place. These groups never helped anyone, they always end up providing a small clique of people a free pass to fuck other people over. Pointless drama factories, pure cancer, good riddance.

Does Debian enjoy being a complete joke these days?

It's not. It's just that manly autogynephiles who transition late and stand absolutely no chance of passing become the most visible political trannies, whereas the genuinely feminine HSTS type that transition younger generally do their best to blend in. (At least when they're not attention-whoring on 4chan, pics related)

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yes, admire the higher-level suicide cultist. It's level 7 instead of level 2.
At least furries can bury the corpses in the back yard, repent, and go on to live productive lives. At least otherkin can grow up. At least druggies don't pretend that their self-harm is a "natural orientation" and that you're probably internally a druggie and haven't realized it yet.
If I had an unfenced pool in my backyard the neighbors would call the police, but if I transitioned I could steer children towards suicide all day long :^)

has it not occurred to you that transsexualism can be an actual, legitimate, medical condition? I wouldn't deign to propose that the delusional man whose an-heroing spawned this thread was such a case, but the existence of people like him does not preclude the existence of genuine cases. It's actually quite preposterous to think otherwise. There are numerous scientifically proven disorders of sexual development, and we know that the brain is a sexually differentiated organ. To suppose that the brain cannot be subject to aberrant sexual development is to claim that one particular aspect of human development is miraculously protected from defect.

In the case of Zoomerchan here, she has pretty clear physical indications in addition to her expressed desire to present as female. Her very obvious micrognathia (undersized jaw) is a sign that she either had very low testosterone, or some condition that made her skeletal development resistant to its effects. (It's also a big part of what makes her so cute.)

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A wave of trannies happen to every single falling empire. Also

yeah, and it has

This does not address my point about the existence of medically legitimate cases. The proliferation of charlatans in a sick society is not a reason to throw the genuinely afflicted under the bus.

I consider her a good example of an obviously legitimate case. As such, I'm not going to shit on her by gendering her male.

There are people with scientifically well-understood intersex conditions. There are other people with not yet scientifically understood conditions, that nonetheless show clear medical indications of aberrant sexual development. And then there are obvious men that claim to be women with no legitimacy whatsoever. Unfortunately, due to the incomplete medical knowledge, the last two categories get lumped together as "transsexuals" or "transgenders", diagnosed behaviorally. Zoomerchan here is classified the same as the freak in a dress that an-heroed. That very obviously should not be the case, but no-one other than me was making the distinction in this thread.

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It is a man.

Thanks for that brilliantly reasoned contribution to the debate.


My pleasure, it was about time you stoped having fantasies about crossdressing men.

Is it shittalk when you say a mentally ill person was mentally ill?

faggy men have always existed. They can go on to be faggy fathers and breed faggy children. they're called Asians
They have nothing whatsoever to do with incredibly rare genetic freaks and all that the suicide cult does for them is destroy their ability to live as men, while not granting them anything else to live as.


drop 'intersex' from your vocabulary and never speak of them again, you disingenuous motherfucker, and maybe people won't slap you in a fury before listening to anything else you might say.

Do you believe that medical science has reached the point of completely understanding human development? Is every possible medical condition fully understood? Is any condition that hasn't been scientifically isolated with a definitive test fraudulent, even when the patient presents with clear physical symptoms of something being wrong?

I'm not glad that he's dead, but I am glad that he is gone.

Yes, and? Depression is also a medical condition, and yet no one would suggest giving a loaded gun to a suicidal person because they are "transcorpses". Alcoholism is a medical condition, and yet no one goes around giving out free beer to alcoholics. The sex-surgery does not magically change your sex, it causes irreparable damage, makes you addicted for the rest of your life to artificial hormones and turns you into a parody of what your delusional mind wants you to be.

People with this medical condition need to be given help to either overcome the condition or at least find a way to cope with it. They do not need to thrown head-first into the abyss of madness.

You are just a sexual deviant with a trap fetish who is willing to destroy children's lives for his gay fantasy. Also, obligatory

No, there isn't. There are no human hermaphrodites, every person is either a man or a woman, but some have physical deformities that resemble the other sex. For example, a boy born with a micropenis and internal testicles might resemble a girl, but that does not change the fact that he is 100% a boy.

Of course (((Frankenstein))) doctors say otherwise and snip his dick off, turning the child into an abomination for the rest of his miserable life.

What I believe is that you are completely full of shit and should stop running your mouth before you choke on it. Just let the shit digest. Maybe it'll come out one day.
The intersex have nothing whatsoever to do with transgendered. Nothing at all. Nothing at dawn, nothing at midday, nothing at dusk, and nothing at midnight. Between "eat shit and die", and "talk more about intersex", you should choose the first option 100% of the time.
Here is a simple test to demonstrate the previous point: go to some vile den of suicide cultists, and declare: SRS and hormone availability should only be provided given a genetic test. Like a man who thinks his headache might be due to an egg-sized tumor, arguments like "I feel like a woman inside" should have no other medical impact except to encourage a doctor to call for said genetic tests.
After the suicide cult fucking murders you for transgressing against the core of their faith, you can come back, as a corpse, and tell me about the fucking intersex, you gaslighting asshole.

Besides the extremely rare genetic mutation?
No, it's mental health, it's still a mental condition tho that needs to be treated, but not by saying "yes you can be a woman/man/rock if you desire".
"An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions."
Thus abnormal.
I'm betting 20 bucks that studies on that subject are false.
Please also don't refer to other studies that have pointed out that male and female brains are different.
That's a fallacious reasoning. And putting words in another ones mouth. Example:
-"To suppose that the leg cannot be subject to aberrant sexual development is to claim that one particular aspect of human development is miraculously protected from defect."
The argument claims that someone said that a human organ cannot have a genetic defect while it was never mentioned, also it's also implied that genetic abnormalities which causes some severe dysfunctions are normal.
Yes, and it's always categorized as a genetic dysfunction and when found it's was indeed a genetic dysfunction.
Yes that's partly because the fault of colleges/universities and politics who began to produce and spread false and misunderstood information and it also correlated with subversion propaganda that plagues the US since the cold war. Mentally ill people needs to seek a psychiatrist not a Marxist philosopher.
That's because FBI reports show that more than 50% of people who considers themselves trans suicide.
True, but there's a more than medium probability that "Zoomerchan" (whoever that is) will kill himself.

That's false actually there were very few case of genetic hermaphrodites, but they were all sterile.
Darwin was right.

Reminder that the purpose of the human animal existence is to survive thought natural selection.

In related news, dozens of equally ineffectual faggots had a big circle jerk to express their disdain for and superiority to a complete stranger.

And nobody will ever commit suicide as a result of the ideas we promote here.


This is the kind of post produced by soy products and low testosterone.

I feel sad that another white man succumbed to jewish propaganda and it resulted in his death, but ultimately his weakness was a part of natural selection.


Indeed, and I wouldn't have suggested indulging the delusion of the mentally ill man that is the subject of this thread. You're begging the question of whether all cases should be treated the same, which was my whole point. I don't think Zoomerchan is going to be harmed in the longer term by transitioning, I think it's likely her outcome will be better than if she had kept trying to be a man. Unfortunately there is a dearth of specific data to separate the likes of her from delusional troons.

The surgery is another issue altogether. Many trans women reject it, because they recognize that it's basically surgical butchery that does not give them a functional vagina. They do their best to content themselves with the compromise of transitioning hormonally and outwardly presenting as female.

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why aren't you dead yet? Go get lynched to death by the suicide cult for your heresy, and then we'll talk about the dimensional gaps between faggy men, the suicide cultists, and random intersex people who are today getting "oh you join this cult and then kill yourself" kind of advise instead of simple medical corrections, like a little bit of T at birth to let their genitals develop properly.

With this bullshit, you demonstrated that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

No, pic related is a suicide cultist with an unrelated mutation.
When I was a teenager I read a book where a kid fed his hand into a garbage disposal so that he could get a robotic replacement. As prophetic as that book was about the trans movement, it still didn't have assholes like you, who'd argue that humans having their normal ape-like extremities is a really a social construct, because omigosh look at this flipper baby.

That's exactly the opposite of what I've been arguing, but go ahead and attack your straw-man.

No, you shit-eating apologist, male babies are sometimes born with undeveloped gentials. Yes, undeveloped for a baby. No detectable testicles, penises mistakeable for a clit. The evil faggot who
came up with trans-ideology whole cloth and drove his patients to suicide over it
lost a lot capital at an institution where he told parents that hormone therapy for such a child was quack science and wouldn't do any good. He wanted the parents to "dig a hole" rather "make a pole". The parents went with hormone therapy and it worked just fine.
No, this isn't all examples of humans with mutations and other shitty medical conditions that evil bastards like you latch onto. But--why are you still here? Go get lynched already. Stop this bullshit where you tactically pretend, to doubters, that there's a medical basis for trans-ideology, and then dropping that pretense whenever you're talking with the faithful.

you can listen to the whole thing if you want, but what I'm reminded of starts at 24:30.
Speaking of social science and gay marriage, but the tactically scientific behavior she describes is the same behavior you see with the trans movement using the intersex as a shield.
If for one crowd all that's required is to have a "female soul" and for another crowd you probably have a genetic defect and definitely aren't just low T or something, then all that's definitely known is that you're a scoundrel and a liar.

Pretty obvious word about this thread has gotten out to the mentally-ill transfaggots and their apologists. It was nothing but celebration time for the first 60 or so posts, then all of a sudden in come a bunch of hand-wringing manginas. All very organic, of course.

Your arguments bear no relation to anything I've said. If you'd like me to address your points, you need to be more specific about who the "evil faggot" you're referring was, what medical institution, and which specfic medical condition you're referring to. Meanwhile, I suggest you actually try to make a coherent case against the points I've raised.

>you should argue harder against my very serious positions I will drop immediately in the presence of a random transpersyn who says that xir was born with fembrain


So... when's your number up?

ten thousand posts in a debate:
>I did not even notice posts #1 thru #10000 in which you pointed out that the transgender movement at large does not actually believe in this

OK great, you're a special snowflake among special snowflakes. Congratulations on not actually getting beaten to death by antifa for your naunced beliefs.
So, uh, have you noticed the great big suicide cult, who have many members who tactically raise arguments nearly indistinguishable from your own?
You're like a fellow saying "no no, I'm a Trotskyite" after a nationalist revolution that involves banning Communism and hanging Communist leaders. The Communists killed a lot of fucking people, dude, maybe you should try harder to attack them. By your history, you speak just like them and argue to advance their beliefs, and none of your peers even noticed this weird new distinction of yours until the right-wing death showed up. I mean, the Communist death squads sure never picked up on it.

Are you not afraid of eternal hell?

There's a reason why they suicide. Weird that they never take out their shitty parents that malnourished them and caused stunted development, including of the brain. Oh right, trannies come mostly from orphanages and are literal DARPA/CIA experiments. They engineered the Boomers, and now they engineered the artificial orphan plague after CPS abducted the children from the parents in order to send them to rape factories. Typical late-stage ZOG.


Their arguments are vastly different from mine. The whole "gender is a social construct" thing and non-binary identities that they push are diametrically at odds with the medicalist viewpoint. They're also self defeating - If it's all a social construct, why do you feel the need to transition, and why should we respect your snowflake identity?

I think that Marxist ideologies like this are actually designed to not make sense on a fundamental level, as a way to humiliate and demoralize their followers into being mindless drones.

That's clearly a male, and it's only going to become more apparent as he ages, like OP pic.

Zig Forums just got btfo by a tranny



I know ive asked this question more or less every day but why is it always the most manly blokes who decide to become wahmen?

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