Migrating to Linux

I am currently a Winfag who is going to make a partition in a newly aquired hard drive from which I will run a linux distro, which one is the easiest to use for a Winfag migrating to Linux

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forgot pic

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MX Linux is pretty newb-friendly and "just werks"

Personally I don't like any of the *buntus. Try Salix.

Go crazy, break shit, look up shit that you broke, do it all over again.
Any distro is good but for various reasons the preferences of this board will recommend others over some purely based on the technical point of view, this isn't bad and it's recommended to learn these reasons after you get the initial phased figured out.
Don't worry about distros too much, keep important files on an external drive and distro/DE(desktop enviorment) hop until you feel comfortable.

A little curiosity and a search engine will carry you far.

Mint is super user friendly. Good for Grandma types. Yes, there are a lot of things about it that we don't like around herefucking systemD cancer, but you won't care about those things at all as a noob. Things will be similar enough to windows. Shit. I used ubuntu as my daily driver for several years, then switched to mint for a few more before finally becoming a true Linux nerd and giving a shit about stuff like systemD and freedesktop cancer.

One word, Ubuntu.

It's one of the user friendly distro's that also has a big community backing it. You can find youtube tutorials on how to get things fixed and/or working.

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Is cinnamon still terrible?

install gentoo faggot
the handbook is written for illiterate niggers just follow it

practice in a virtual machine with virtualbox first if you have no balls

This. But I think Kubuntu is better for winfags who are just getting started.

QTDDTOT, get Debian.
The true Chad OS named after Stacey Deb and Chad Ian, you don't even get sudo as you're expected to run everything in ROOT.
git gud



I don't know. I switched to slackware, then devuan breifly, then installed gentoo, riced it out, and haven't looked back. The only real problem with cinnamon back in the day was that it had memory leaks, iirc. It provided a nice windowsy feel and let me change most settings graphically. Now days I use openbox, pypanel, and spacefm. Everything else is done from the command line. I used to use ranger, but I hated that vim style interface, and one day the image hack stopped working and I couldn't fix it. It was kind of a shitty middle ground between a GUI file manager and the command line. Now adays I use spacefm for browsing and light work, and do the heavy shit from the command line.

Mint is adware
Mint injects browser packages with code that restricts users to only using search engines that have sponsored Linux Mint.

Ubuntu is a common suggestion though honestly I find it fucking unusable. Mint or Fedora are both pretty user-friendly. I used to recommend Crunchbang but that no longer exists. Is there a successor to it?

All in all, the distro doesn't really matter that much.

Solus has pretty sane defaults, meaning you won't have to fuck with it very much to get it working. Solus 4 is taking fucking forever to be released though because the main guy left the project.

Didn't he quit his job to work fulltime on Solus?

so far there are 16 replies and you have these suggestions

Prepare for a lot more of that, if you ever get into linux and ask for software recommendations. It's extremely rare for people to recommend the same thing because there's almost always an alternative. Beware not to fall into the trap of trying to pick the absolute best distro. Instead switch your mind from optimal decision making to satisficing, or you'll end up trying a different distro every month.

Install arch
Specifically majaro

The one for which it is the easiest to web-search information for. Really, distributions don't matter that much anyway, just pick something that's well supported for starters. You can still distro-hop later if you want to (because SystemD or whatever).

Personally I use Kubuntu. I originally wanted Ubuntu, but then Ubuntu switched from their Unity desktop to Gnome, and Gnome's UI is designed by a cargo cult, so I went with KDE instead.

OP again
can a Maximus VII gene run linux though, I cant find any information on it

Absolutely fucking disgusting but it was made in the last decade so it should be fine. Have a windows installation dvd at hand in case things go south.

You should disable secure boot from bios if you are not going to install ubuntu, debian or fedora because microsoft only signs bootloaders from these distributions as far as I know.


why though

Just duckduckgo it. I already told you everything you need to know to install Linux.

First of all, Linux is just a kernel, GNU/Linux is the system. Long ago (in 1984) Richard Stallman started the GNU operating system, to give all computer users freedom, then, when GNU was lacking just a kernel - the Hurd, which they developed. Linus Torvalds freed the source code of his kernel, Linux and somehow took all credits.
Read more at gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html please.
And generally about free software gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html
You'll get redpilled.

The easiest is "Linux Mint". It has similar to Windows interface, etc, but it isn't the best choice regarding user's freedom, for example by including nonfree software into distribution and using systemd. Anyway that's probably what you want. It's ubuntu(debian) based, so there is a lot of software in repositories. Used it for a long time, until I discovered GNU, Zig Forums and systemd.

After you'll get used to GNU/Linux, you shloud pick one of these distros for advanced users:

GuixSD - official GNU system distribution, packages are beeing built from the source code, and builds are reproducible, so it gives you security. Devs are also trying to unify the system, by providing system-wide configuration files written in one language - GNU Guile. The distribution is also respecting freedom of users. It doesn't use systemd cancer.

Gentoo - another surce based distribution, but as far as I k now it doesn't provide reproducable builds, configuration files are in strange places and written different languages. Anons say it is a good distribution, but it didn't worked for me, even after using GNU/Linux for 5 years. It has optional support for different than systemd init systems.

Arch - some people like it, but I've never used it, nor don't know much about it.

Don't know how advanced you are, but here you can read about systemd:

Secure Boot only works with signed executables/bootloaders.

I tried Ubuntu for a while but for some reason, started having issues with upgrades (I don't think it was an LT version either, so go figure). I moved to Mint, which I enjoyed for a while; currently I'm using Zorin for no particular reason. I will probably try another distro this year for shit and giggles. It's fun. Just download a bunch of cool-looking stuff as LiveCDs and give them a go, you'll end up finding one you like.

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Something advanced and obtuse. Don't be a pussy, go in headlong.

Can I ask the muh vidya question?

The experimental version of Wine works pretty well for most things. Very new games probably won't work.

Never got Wine to work properly with any game, except maybe SimTower. I still use Windows for games, but keep the computer off line at all time. Don't want those fucking updates.

Mint tries to hide the Linux-ness of the OS from you. Ubuntu lesser so and it has a very big community for support. My first was Fedora; it worked fine for what I wanted to do with it.

Multiplayer games that use retarded anti-cheat systems that hook into the Windows kernel like BattlEye like Fortnite and Planetside 2 will not work. WINE works for some games and there are some games that can run natively but don't let the retards who keep screaming about Proton convince you that GNU/Linux is on par with Windows for vidya support.

It actually is though, within the last year or two the majority of DX11 games actually work.



Manjaro with KDE.

It's arch-based, so its pretty good about having up-to-date software. Unlike Arch, it has an installation process that isn't completely brain-dead.

Useful until several of the commands in the guide fail, and then everyone on the support forums just parrots "Read the guide!"

Also, recent 5.0 kernel fails to boot in Arch, so there's that

install gentoo all you retards.

Guix is pretty pointless for a personal distro.

The easiest Linux distro to Windows user is Linux Mint.

Kubuntu or Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE

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if your a fag and use steam it just werkz, for everything else you'll need to dig around winedb.
For opensors or just plain native linux games all you need to do it run the binary or shell script that would be included in the tarball.

yeah, it crashes just the same as windows.

The only two games you need are classic DOOM and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and they werk perfectly on GNU/Linux

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If you actually like any of the cancerous pozzed shit in modern Microsoft interfaces you might try Ubuntu.

my hardware only alows me to use a selectt group of distros


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OpenSuse, nobody gives a shit about it but it just werks most of the time and has lots of glownigger GUIs for low level system settings if you don't like the command line.
It's also the only distro mad enough to permit system installs on 3TB+ partitions with a semi regular BIOS and still boot afterwards.

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That's a load of shit, if you read a little further into what you will find is they do not add the search engines who don't share a cut by default into the FF available from the repo. Click on get more search engines and they explain as much and then give you the list of the rest.

LInux Mint. That's easy mode OP.

Why do you think so?

Maybe at one point but from what I understand, Ikey has left the project.

It looked a bit OS-X'ish to me, but you'll get the hang of it in no time.
Plus, it's not like you paid for it and has to endure it. You can always switch to another distro later.

Kali Linux is the best Linux distro for Windows users who wanna be hackers.

One you run from a live CD/ DVD
I suggest you first play around with a live CD/DVD of one before taking the plunge to partition drives. Most you download as an .iso and once burned to DVD can be used as a live CD.

Ubuntu is the most common for 1st timers, but has systemd (M$ botnet but for Linux that acts as the service/daemon manager - and Zig Forums steers clear of)
MX Linux is pretty similar for ease of use, has a better selection of packages (applications) but no systemd.

You may like ZORIN since you can easily set the desktop to remind you of Windows.

You can find more, compare distros, search for distros on criteria at distrowatch.com