What did Linus and his friends mean by this?
What did Linus and his friends mean by this?
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Remember goy! Boycotting Israel products is anti-semitic!
Him? Nothing. You? That you're a pathetic little stormie cuck who thinks all there is to a product is whether the people who manufactured it have connections with Jews.
It is actually because boycott is systematically motivated by anti-Zionism which is antisemitic[1]. I won't go over all the products you'd have to astain from if you sticked to your BS because you'd cry like a bitch.
[1] Pro-tip: if the only country on Earth you think shouldn't exist is the only Jewish state on Earth, you have some questions to ask yourself.
What the fuck is that?
LMAO at you proud filthy peasant. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the civilized life.
Israel - Founded By
And Living On Terror
All nonwhite countries should be deleted. Jews are not white.
Israel is literally an apartheid state, the wet dream of fascists. The "white" far-right americans are just salty it is not them being the übermenschen there. If you cannot separate a state from a race you are just as racist as they are.
This bait is strong.
Thats not a free speech issue. You can say anti-semetic things, but others will tell you that they don't like. Thats just free speach on both sides.
Can't have it both ways, retard. You're destroying the planet, not the hermits in their mud houses.
Might as well accuse them of eating your homework.
Asking questions about the jewish state is what leads people to believe the jewish state shouldn't exist. Everyone should ask these questions.
great Zig Forums thread
Not an argument. By the way, not trolling, genuinely interested. What makes Zig Forumsacks think admitting defeat and claiming they "aren't here to argue, just to make fun" works? You've always been and will always be the ones made fun of outside your laughable safespace.
>>>Zig Forums
It's a civilized state with a Muslim community which democratically elected to be ruled by a terrorist organization whose mission statement condones Jihad against Jews. They got caught multiple times staging hit-and-runs and civilian bombings and they make up meaningless arguments when asked what bothers them about Israel. Cite official Israeli laws that segregate Jews from Muslims. I'm waiting.
Name one Jewish organization that killed over 100 people in a matter of hours in the streets of Paris. Name one Jewish prophet who cursed other religions on his death bed. Name one Jewish country that made a mint selling oil to the West.
You're not asking questions. You're unearthing perfectly well-known old antisemitic propaganda and dismissing the historical consensus as Illuminati manipulation. If you really were asking questions, you'd ask them to qualified Rabbis, politicians and journalists instead of your fellow incels on Zig Forums.
I'm only mad Hitler didn't annihilate all Jews for real. Leniency will be White man's downfall.
kek, back to cuck/g chaim.
>>>Zig Forums
Still no argument.
haha le maymayz
fuck israel
boycott them
fuck intel