I don't think these techies like us, lads


Other urls found in this thread:



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What about the alt-right website called Facebook that hosted the livestream?

"techies". These faggots are diversity officers and electron app writers, at best. That one is a tech support pajeet.

Gas all trannies.

Just get rid of Zig Forums honestly, they just cause problems for us.

Attached: bayzinga.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

This! Then implement shadowbanning so we can fuck with the nazis!

You can't really shadowban on a chan fam, that makes no sense

Twitter activists are currently ddosing Zig Forums. Why is this allowed? Isn't that illegal?

Of course it does, just make accounts mandatory. 4chan is doing it, it's the future of chans



Let's rape these two trans women.


I want to get rid of Zig Forums, I don't want to get rid of chans. In fact the reason I want them gone is specifically because their inane behavior just gets us unwanted attention. Not to mention the fact that literally none of them respect Zig Forums's views on anything and will & do step all over the values Zig Forums stands for (e.g: privacy) when they get even the slightest amount of power.

Either we end Zig Forums or chans die altogether, and I care significantly more about funposting than I do a bunch of unironic fascists.

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I've literally been here longer than you nu/tech/ faggot. Time to start accepting reality.

Some single complaint isn't the issue, Zig Forums consistently shits up every board and has done so since day 1, they were the ones who brought Qanon boomers here, they were the ones who brought /r/The_Donald here and they derail every thread. Tell me right now why I should I give a fuck about them?

Attached: mandy.png (960x720, 515.05K)

Even if you predate the first GamerGate exodus which you don't, the fact that you're still talking and acting like a newfag straight from Reddit is embarrassing. Lurk more or fuck off.

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I don't care about Zig Forums, wanna know why? Because Zig Forums keeps Zig Forums on Zig Forums. Zig Forums instead screams like a petulant child in every single thread.

Zig Forums or not, you're the only one screeching here. Shut up.

You still haven't explained why I should care about Zig Forums.

Don't tell me you unironically believe that.

I pretty much only ever see them on /b/ and most of the time it's in response to a Zig Forumsack.

Back pedaling already, are you?


Attached: read a book nigger.jpg (566x480, 54.1K)

Then don't claim Zig Forums sticks to their own board, only to immediately contradict that statement in your next post. Also, get better banter you right cunt

Exceptions do not invalidate the rule. You should know that.

That board sticking to its own is the exception. The rest of the site wouldn't even know about that board's existence if Zig Forums wasn't fullbof astroturfing faggots. And /b/ is still waiting for the supposed "good lefty meme" to this day.

The only reason most people know about Zig Forums is because Zig Forumsacks use it as a scapegoat for everyone who disagrees with them.

I wouldn't pin the blame solely on them if we managed to get b& off the internet/possibly v& thanks to this shit. It does not follow, in a sane society, that one mass shooter posting on a website means that the website should be removed. That is the fault of normalfags and people in power who hate the concepts of privacy and freedom and want to see us all dead. Zig Forums may be retarded but they are a canary for freedom of speech. I'd rather not get rid of them. I could give less of a fuck about how this site is perceived by normalfags.

No not really, I only know about the board because posters from there kept whining about "muh pol" and kept astroturfing their board. Zig Forums posters are usually very easy to spot as they lack sublety and are generally very out of touch with the rest of the site. Before you continue railing about Zig Forums, I'm more of an lolbert/ancap type. it's a shame /liberty/ is mostly dead

I care about my own personal freedom of speech and will defend that as I see fit.

What kind of person builds the machines these people type on? Us. Who builds the sites these people post on? Us. Who defended their ability to converse for so many years? Us. What have they given us in return? Nothing.
I do not need Zig Forums, Zig Forums needs us. I owe them nothing.

Just no. KYS


Attached: Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China by Brother Hao.mp4 (448x336, 7.49M)

I said I don't care about them, that's not the same as defending their views.

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Alex has been sperging on and off about ebil 8chin since the GG days
low effort OP is the real fag

You and /trannypol/ have too much in common for you to not be from /trannypol/.
You use their language and share their thoughtprocess
It's like declaring you love democracy while you ship and bus niggers in your country and give them the right to vote without them even being legal citizens yet and banning other parties and throwing anyone with different political views in jail. That's the real democracy of my country. I hate it.
Antifa and leftist radicalism are state funded too. Just so you know. Yuri here will tell you your future.

Attached: useful idiots.webm (478x360, 4.73M)

Zig Forums confirmed for ass blasted that their constant shitposting about Zig Forumsacks never doing anything IRL was disproved by an Kangaroo Shitposter.

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Strange of you to think that, since I haven't used any liguistic trickery, or taken anyone down a semantic rabbithole.

Attached: redpill.mp4 (180x240, 5.55M)

I have more followers on my bdsmlr account honestly who gives a shit what some dyke thinks

these trannies really are dramatic and delusional aren't they

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This is why I don't use twitter. It's filled to the brim with retards.

Nobody cares what some tranny who is going to kill itself within the next couple years thinks. You don't need to make a thready every time someone says something dumb on twitter

I think there are two reasons for this

Here is a compromise
rm -rf /*pol*/
t. Another


Read what you're replying to next time.

Attached: ancaps.png (1397x760, 727.36K)

>t. (((not Zig Forums)))

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Pretty terrible compromise.
Zig Forums shitposts are sometimes pretty entertaining, and it makes it easy to monitor for potential crazies as well.

also, terrible choice 9f image there

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Let's see what's in this pile of excrement posted as an argument.
This shows that the person doesn't not understand what it post. Because instead of saying "I don't agree" this demonstrates an irrevocable/radicalized and provocative sentence towards someone who posted another argument.
A yes. There's a lot of people who have studied radicalization same as for people who are Navy seals with 500 confirmed kills. Now the best pas of this is that you have to show proof of your claims.
Saying to others that they are subhumans and they have literally no say in this discussion is obviously a good way to win their attention.
Because demonizing people is good it was never ever used as a generic term to mark and persecute a group of people that were and were not good people.
Nazi as lost all meanings thanks too people like this.
Another kind of offensive way to say "stfu I know better and if you continue I'll label you as a jew Nazi" truly someone who only wants peace..

Listen I don't agree with Zig Forums or Zig Forums on 99% of all subjects but that isn't a reason to censor them.
People cause problems. Only the interpretation of external people who don't even use Zig Forums (normies) are a menace to Anonymous imageboards. They mostly react via exaggerated emotions instead of taking time to think about the subject.
It's part of subversion and demoralization techniques that were used bu the USSR.

It's more than that.
That is very probable to have an influence on people yes.
It's another very probable reason, but I think this on is just a reinforcement of what we have with groups of people.

You could also add that algos or bots could incite people to post first and think after....or never depending on the rate of people tweeting in post the link to the vid also as explanations on that sort of behavior.

rm -rfv *pol*
removed directory: 'leftypol'
removed directory: 'pol'
You brainlet Zig Forumstard


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Ok then get rid of people, limit the board to 10pph. Things are always better when there are fewer people.

Literally untrue, Zig Forums infests every board and brings normies here.

top pleb
8/pol/ doesn't advertise itself to the outside world, unlike (((certain other boards))).

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This is why no one likes you.

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why does it care so much? it has a life expectancy only slightly better than that of a gnat.

You are right let me correct what I posted.
Only the interpretation stupid of people are a menace to Anonymous imageboards.

I'm aware of how it works. Doesn't change the fact that you're a faggot and from Zig Forums

they literally raid /v/ every single day. every thread has them saging the first few replies out of butthurt. you can tell it's Zig Forums because the posts are fucking garbage.

What makes you think that I would use anything "pol" related?

You've obviously never been to /tv/

this is some great technology

You're not going to funpost anymore if you give in to trannies.

I'm not 'giving in', I'm exterminating vermin.

No, you're giving in.


Really, though, what would Brian Fagiolil have to say about all this?

I don't understand this meme. You know people have been calling them for over a decade right?

That doesn't mean it isn't effective.

Literally who?
But seriously, I know we're in the news but why should we care about what this person thinks about us?

It's muh secret club bullshit. It's an arbitrary unspoken rule to spot outsiders. Since we're the cool kids and all the other sites like reddit and 4chan wish they were like thus, even though most redditors haven't even heard of Zig Forums.

I mean, if you dislike it so much- you can can just leave and save yourself the indignity of kvetching about muh sekrit club.

Imageboards have traditionally been and should be hostile to outsiders, or else they become bland, unoriginal, and filled with retards as has happened to 4chan. Complaining about a sense of elitism on imageboards is attacking their sole defense mechanism

And all of said people are newfags or outsiders.

Zig Forums (and /v/ during GG) have done a lot to shit this place up over the years but I don't think banning them will solve anything and it's not like Jim's going to do anything about it anyways. It would honestly be better to recreate 8ch with nanochan since TOR will filter out the retards that flood this place whenever something big happens. Something with IPFS could work too if the user needs to install it and run the daemon in order to use the site, just any extra step for boomers/literal children.

You don't belong here

Attached: whatever.png (279x279, 104.14K)

Whatever you say, metafag. Screeching about your typical boogeymen won't do much for you- but that's your move. Just don't let your paranoia get in the way of actually talking about technology occasionally.
Those unix vs lisp threads don't write themselves you know.

Seriously fuck Zig Forums. They’re radioactive now. I understand the whole slippery slope thing with regards to free speech, but Zig Forums fucks over every board with their non stop autism, and brings national attention to itself once a year over some spergout. They take waaaaaaayy more than they give.

just show you're tourist
you know what they say, you need to go back

traps are gay (i know you are ego searching Zig Forums for your name, alexandria chritina leal, or is that Alex? you crotch wound will never satisfy, btw

filtered lol

Why do you care so much? Let them shit up their own board. I hope you aren't trying to say things used to be good. I've been around since 91 and things have always been mostly shit

Good job, mods. What a great thread.

And this will only get only get worse after masses of normalfags migrate here thanks to that Tarrant guy.

at least it won't be the kiwi normalfags.... spark edited DNS to 'censor' us

Yeah some of us started supporting censorship precisely because we've been here since day one.

The problem is they don't shit up their own board, they shit up every other board and now they're going to shitup real life because they're mentally handicapped. This might surprise you, but I don't want to live in a world where 80 IQ Zig Forumsacks are running around spraying people.
Either we take their freedom or they will take ours.

Rule 4 is seldom enforced

All these threads show is that leftypol is truly insufferable

You're even worse than the LARPers.

Attached: back to reddit.png (991x1426, 1.69M)

I'm not an insufferable retard who can't tell the difference between Zig Forums and Zig Forums so no, I would never want to be one of YOU.

You're acting like a real faggot user. If you're worried about getting shot buy a gun. Zig Forums is always happy to help.

protip: censoring Zig Forums always triggers their autism and causes them to lash out
Brenton-sama didn't do anything wrong

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Good to know. Thanks for the tip Fellow White-Man.

I'd get a gun if it was legal here, but you shouldn't need a gun to feel safe day to day, it's clear your society is dysfunctional if that's the case.

Just kys you're beyond saving

Yes, we are.

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People have been complaining about Zig Forums since before Zig Forums was even a thing newfag

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board name pls?

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