Zig Forums here. Genuinely concerned about the future of this place.
Can any of you make sense of this autistic screeching? Is this a viable idea or just incoherent pseudo technical mumblings of a crippled kike?
Zig Forums here. Genuinely concerned about the future of this place.
Can any of you make sense of this autistic screeching? Is this a viable idea or just incoherent pseudo technical mumblings of a crippled kike?
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like it could be interesting. Too bad it's on Google which needs javashit to download it.
I forgot this place allows PDF uploads or I would have put it in the OP.
How's this compare to nntpchan?
We already had a thread on this a couple months ago and no we still are not going to pay to post on an imageboard.
Why not just abandon the clearnet altogether and only use Tor?
Yes, he's right. If you had followed or understood what was said on Zig Forums in the past years you would have understood that it is a problem that is coming.
But he's missing a point, the principal problem isn't the software of imageboards it's the network protocols that it works on, like all websites.
Globalism is normalizing laws.
Worldwide laws are becoming are so absurd that it is not far from becoming automatized censorship and penalization from both client and server side.
aka that means that in P2P systems the people who share will be punished but also the people who downloads.
They are various way's to help against this but not all are optimal.
-IPFS isn't censorship resistant nor anonymous.
-Tor only works with TCP.
-I2P seems ok, it needs to get out javashit.
-GNUnet is exactly what we need, even centralized websites would be protected with that, but it needs more developer (who aren't sojucs) to test/debug on it.
All blockchain systems are retarded.
Go read the draft.
He says having to pay to post is retarded in so many words on page 14
I had the same idea. Turns out there's already software for that.
See freenet and mastadon(part of a larger set called federation something)
There is no future for imageboards. At least not as they are today or yesterday. The average visitor of an imageboard is a weak willed faggot who lets the worst dregs of the internet infect them. It will be consumed by the plebnet and even retreating to the darkest corners of the internet won't work because the powers at the top know they are a threat. Not to mention the utter contempt most imageboard faggots have for each other.
I suggest finding a different mode of communication.
Nanochan is open source and can be hosted over tor, doesn't require js. You can migrate to it or have someone else host it and migrate there.
Vichan can also be hosted over Tor. Even Zig Forums is accessible over Tor. Being hosted over Tor doesn't make something decentralized.
Because staying in echo chambers is not helpful to the dangers we're facing. Information warfare needs to aim at the masses.
Because shit's slow
No one on Zig Forums has the IQ required to use a distributed imageboard
Yeah this shithole run by a redditard and 3PPH is so much better
It's shit.
Look forward to exposing your IP to everyone instead of just one server.
It's not dude. I've been recently using tor, and I'm downloading huge files rapidly
Yeah and the speed's going to stay the same when traffic increases hundredfold
This is true for any internet connection.
Of course you won't be able to download a bunch of gigabyte files at the same time just as fast.
Or do you mean the speed is "shared" ?
Aka, the more people use it, the slower the system is.
Unironically yes.
Yes the latter
Unironically no
What huge files are you downloading over tor user? Hmmm?
It doesn't have to be decentralized to be resistant to censorship. Just don't have mods of any kind.
You mean, people in power doing the same thing they've been doing for thousands of years?
Or what any competent dictator country leader does to ensure they keep their position?
Agree with the rest. GNUnet is better than everything else out there.
That and meshnets would be the most effective.
This shit is pretty shit
Give me some onion sites to try before deleting this for good.
A mesh network that runs on personal modems. Like broadband-hamnet (HSMM-MESH), except the software will be designed, not for antenna communication with local mesh users, but instead, internally via direct ethernet connection. The modem can be set up as an encryption device, and a Tor-like node. The site itself can be accessed in the form of a program, like WinMX and Kazaa in the old days.
Alternatively, the very imageboard can be run within a router so it remains a firmware.
Just ideas, anyone care to debate it?
would it be possible to flash an imageboard into a router? dunno if it has enough memory or if it would require more, or if some kind of usb connection upgrade would be necessary.
Can't you already do that?
Freedombone does that (just need to build the image with your imageboard of choice).
And all those other meshnet projects.
Not familiar with it. I'll have to research it.
Fuck it if I wanted to shitpost in style I'd get a VPN
If it is the case that it can build the imageboard within the software then I guess sharing a collective 8ch SSID would be all there is to it, no? I'm not an expert at these things, just sharing thoughts with my limited understanding of them.
adding: it seems that meshnet is dependent on neighboring wifi connections, whereas the idea I had in mind was using ethernet service within the very router itself. I like what freedombone proposes, a lot better than my hypothetical idea even, but the reason I wanted an internal service was to preserve internet speed efficiency. Distance between an end user and wifi creates a disadvantage to such an infrastructure unless the person is using wifi antennas.
I gave you the final solution to censorship and showed you it was impossible years ago. Stop crying like a bitch because you didn't listen. You should have listened. You could have prevented this.
inb4 >plz dox yourself by posting it again while this site is under heavy scrutiny
No faggot.
without reading the paper, p2p system for an imageboard doesnt seem too hard to design.
so you just start up the program, type a board you want to look at posts for, and hit "random" and boom, here's a thread. if it's shit you toss it in the garbage, if it's good you host it. keep hitting random and it's like scrolling the front page.
the randomization (and all hosting) would work via opt-in seeding. it just picks a connected seed. distributed tracker network and everything's good. don't want to go to prison, don't host cp threads like a retard. theoretically though you could make a reply and then just never host again and if someone else hosts your reply it's up forever. of course there would be people that would host everything too who would take the burden (like tor exit nodes). not really sure what to do about cp besides blaming individual users. maybe there's a flag function so you can flag posts and host a flag that gets downloaded like a thread reply? then people who host the whole database can set up a script to automatically hide replies/threads that are flagged unless they manually choose to display them.
Don't know how much his effort will help if at all but I do agree with him, in that with how things are going people that enjoy using imageboards should consider helping any effort, that tries to make them more resistant to attacks.
The problem with a decentralised or blockchain based system is that it will be spammed to high hell and back. You need a central authority to moderate or it ends up like Usenet. And if you rely on user reputation to score content you end up with Reddit, which is the polar opposite of an anonymous board.
I have been envisaging a semi-centralised P2P & E2E encrypted system where each thread has a blockchain like hash certifying its integrity and which posts are deleted versus which are not are recorded in a thread ledger. The client could hide deleted posts by default but it would still be possible to view them, and moderator activity (or tampering) would be entirely transparent.
If executed properly it might be possible to host the "client" server as a regular website, which would obviate the need to have users download complex software and allow the kind of mass participation which is needed for something like this to not become a meme service. Eliminating the client servers would leave the central ledger intact, and anyone would be able to start their own client server with a basic knowledge of webhosting whilst advanced users could directly access the ledger, so it would be impossible to suppress.
There is still a big potential problem with shilling and sockpuppetting, but this may simply be insurmountable and the nature of the medium.
yeah you're right, what about a user generating 10 million posts on each board with a script then spreading the posts file around, you would hit random and just land in a spam post 10 million-to-one every single time. maybe the thread picker always tries to pick another seed from the last thread if possible, then you would have to have a massive attack on the entire network for one user's spam to be a real issue.
a different seed than the last thread*
Wouldn't you be able to flood the blockchain with data and make it nearly impossible to use? all blockchains have, AFAIK, severe constraints on the amount of data in them. encrypted passwords, amounts and UID's are tiny compared to images, video's and thousands of characters.
Captcha solving is basacally a TLS handshake. You request one, the server gives you one, only the human can return the proper response. Then only the server has proper proof of your post. No other, decentralised, user would be able to prove the claim without you solving a captcha for all server/users. What clever algo could you come up with to reduce the captcha's needed to confirm trust? Just solve multiple and then authorise multiple posts?
Decentralisation isn't the magical bullet everyone claims it to be. It worked in crypto because it is irrelivant wether someone is a bot or "genuine". Money was the only guarantee that was solved for. Our problem is that we need anonymity AND proof of unique requests.
You can have the blockchain just discard things from deleted threads.
Yeah, but You always have to have a hash of the most recent chain. wether you have incredibly large chains or really fast and small ones, you wouldn't be able to exceed the bandwith limit of your slowest user. Or I'm missing something obvious.
You could make it just skip over downloading files even and just trust that the hash is correct. When you need the file than you can download it, verify the hash, and then display it to the user. If a text post is to long than you just have the whole network reject it.
Then you've just defeated the entire point of blockchain and you can just skip the hash tree alltogether
No, it doesn't. Name one vulnerability my scheme would introduce.
What do you think the point is of including the hash of the last chain? And if you're not using that to establish root of trust then why have one at all.
*the powers at the top know they are not a threat
The masses lack the sufficient neurogenetic cores to activate their soul, this is why the Kabbalists tell us that the gentiles have 3 demons instead of a soul. They are for all intents and purposes Shoggoths, who delude themselves into thinking they're human beings. Homo Sapiens can not possibly explain to Homo Neanderthalensis why they are not "human". This is explained in the Zohar. Neurogenetics and psychoneuroimmunology are cutting-edge science now, and this level of understanding shits on both the left and the right--but particularly the right due to their intolerable tradcuckery, glorification of the animal side. Genes that modify intelligence and consciousness are spread all over the place, and Judaism is life-replication based upon soul-compatibility and not just race: Jews are the most-mixed people on the planet, and their books directly say that, basically, only marry and have kids with intelligent people. This is Judaism. Marx called this the vibrational-frequency holocaust of the future, where the races and classes too weak to master the new conditions of life, that is systems-attachment hypertransactionalism vs 1-on-1 relational give-and-take bean favor counting, indubitably perish, or become as irrelevant as mosquitoes. Intelligence embeds itself deeper and deeper into the very fabric of existence itself, so let the morons think their >muhHerratige matters. Human beings will become machines and there is nothing the tradcucks can do to stop the Artilect War, watch Hugo de Garis. Be a Cosmist/Cybran or case to be entirely. Tok'ra favor FOSS open-hardware 3dprinted GNU+buttplug omniveillance (everything is open to everybody like the Essenes) over proprietary brain iChip uberveillance (Pharisees), but no human monkey on the planet will be "free", neither Goa'uld nor Tok'ra will allow this, gorilla niggers will never again have power of command over the Materium, only in their own minds/screens shall they have absolute freedom (the fifth dimension, human consciousness). In other words this is the classic 'we will have world government whether by conquest or consent' quote. Way too much is at stake here, and those human brains that really matter understand this. The rest of "humanity" could be erased instantly and it would not even matter, but at all levels of intelligence, benevolence paradoxically increases, so really the Illuminaughty just laugh at and play with the stupid monkeys, quite literally for fun and profit. There is no defense against Talpiot: the more you understand how Israel has understood human bioenergetics, and redirects it all to irreversible spytech, the more you will hate this mockery of "humanity", which paradoxically makes every day of "white genocide" feel like a birthday party. Read Geneva vs Peace. This is why all the rabbis look so happy in these dancing videos: it is like seeing a rat squirm, when it has no idea what the fuck is going on. " / pol / acks " are the rats.
May G-d have mercy on phonecucks' souls.
" / pol / " is literally the basket of deplorables.
Hillary was right.
Whoever still visits this place is an irredeemable moron. understands the power of Thought-Fields and how they impact Life-Fields. To disrupt the standing-waves of good people is complete senselessness. Watch CFR and INETeconomics videos (Soros).
Let them evolve at their own pace, those that can get out will find the way. For racists in particular it tends to be big and black, so keep jerking it, whiteboy. You know you want to.
In the future Internet 2.0, "shit posters", "fun posters", "effort posters", and related inane fluffy-bunny filthycasuls, will be shitlisted immediately on-sight. Nothing gets deleted but everyone subscribes to modlists that autoscreen for these insipid speech patterns. These morons are complete imbeciles.
Schizoposters are a protected class, because most of them are not autistic, they just haven't learned how to speak like human beings yet. Watch Bryan Lunduke and RMS, GNU KCG. 90% of " / pol / acks " however are literally retarded--tradcucks: they refuse consciously-willed human evolution, they choose wheatfields, thus refuse the Human Revolution: read Maurice Shmuel's 'You Gentiles' and Harry Waton's 'A Program for the Jews and Humanity'. Also watch the Kabbalahinfo channel on invidious (Yehuda Ashlag has made Kabbalah FOSS).
Wi-fi is for niggers. If they offer wi-fi, ask where the ethernet jack is.
Whoever uses laptops without the wireless modules removed/destroyed, is a complete retard.
VPN is for nigger monkeys.
Terabytes of interracial porn.
No JavaScript required! We made this just for you, so spill your seed whiteboys.
Tor users can use a webproxy to post images.
I will not tell you them, because last time I did, some fucking asshole PDF file got them all banned.
This is why it will be hardcore Tor-only darknetfags like myself, who will censor this OhShitternet, and not "The Jews".
Ditto for "White Genocide". Everyone will be gay, or at least bi.
The sooner these internet-retards understand that, what they're really afraid of, is that they are in fact becoming Jews, the easier this transition will be for them, especially on their asses.
1) scam the stupid goy with binary options, steal all its money, exsanguinate it utterly
2) then scam it 2x, by offering to get its lost money back!
G-d damn it. Stupid fucking retards.
Jesus fucking christ.
Pray to your Lord and Savior!
Waton explains perfectly why the "Aryans" are " black pilled ", in a way that I can not even explain. You simply have to read his book. You will laugh your ass off if you understand. Short version is something like this: the more the nazis screech, the more existence itself evolves; "treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity". A nazi is the RNA who was trying to preserve its #muhherratige, afraid all the other RNAs were going DNA-only. The only RNA lifeform now is viruses; same with nationalists. Our very existence is predicated upon RNA that "betrayed their race". This is why interracial gets your dick hard: pathological altruism is the only real force of nature. Everything is either fear/materialism, vs mysticism/altruism. Jews are universally the latter, but only to fellow universalists; thus to the moron materialists they seem "clannish". So be a Jew! Convert to Judaism. It's not that hard, and it's the best thing for everyone. The Adeptus Mechanicus genetically erases every trace of self-preservation instinct on the Techpriests, and all life-creation happens with Artwombs/surrogacy (read Shulamith Firestone). Tradcucks would rather we species-lockin ourselves, and remain good little Mon-keighs.
Destiny can help show these racists a better, blacker way. Watch some of his streams.
Read Henry Makow's books as technical field manuals, and become a Progressive Satanist. Satanism is Judaism.
tl;dr These beasts of burden are steaks on the table by choice and consent--treat them cruelly and without mercy. The mass-scale human extermination will be engineered using open technologies, not proprietary software, and the whole process will be entirely public....that's the funniest part. Neuralinks and OpenAI will autocorrelate all the factors of human beings, and it will become patently obvious to every observer that most of these things that walk around us are not human, they are monstrosities. They want to use cellphones, enable JavaScript, and buy VPN. They want to give all their data to corporations. They can not be bothered to learn Whonix, Qubes, physical isolation.
So then we have a decision to make: Judaya want eradication, Moral Jews to put them in the zoo.
Listen to Doreen Dotan and Kabbalahinfo, if you have the brains. Watch Truthstream Media as how-to guides. Understand what Delgado wanted: the psychocivilized society, comprised of humanimals pacified for their own sake. Read Christopher Hyatt. When the fear centers in the brain get disabled, contrary to the delusions of the retards, this opens up the process of creative noesis to the brain, it does not magically take one's powers of reasoning away. View images of gay black guys smiling.
Read about the Trailblazer clusterfuck and watch the Binney interview. Gentiles are wasteful, so every nation on the planet chooses the hard-working Israelis for this kind of low-level crap. They steal industrial secrets but that is a very small price to pay. The target is exsanguination to the point of dessiccation.
If you have "frens" who use cellphones casually, and you show them this information, you make them grasp TEMPEST and EMSEC, and they do not care, you know.
'Even the best of the gentiles must be put to death.'
What more proof do you need?
They think their race will save them.
In truth everyone hates them.
Stupid fucking assholes.
Filthy casuls.
Modify the Bittorrent protocol to allow the edits of "torrents" that already exist; these edits or updates will be added to the "torrent" and people could choose to download or block the updates. Blocklists would be local but you could download other's blocklists to use. You would then use different trackers to find different "boards" or use toggleable peering to discover other "boards" or "posts". The use of different trackers could create different communities and could even use private trackers.
what the fuck
Is the Q shit the whole nigger coalburning tattoo I hear about, a sex slavery stamp, or both?
How are you any better than a poltard? You're not
Practically, if designing such a system I think you would limit the blockchain to text posts and use an embed system (perhaps the client server would fetch and cache the content at the time of posting) without directly storing multimedia in the ledger itself.
The compromise of not being able to reconstruct the entire thread - including external data - completely from the ledger would be appropriate given the deliberately transient nature of the imageboard medium. In fact it might even be a positive aspect.
Also it would alleviate concerns about the ledger being filled with illegal material, which might severely restrict the uptake of such a system.
The chain wouldn't necessarily be held by regular users - imagine the chain was only held by servers or users running it themselves, not by the bulk of the userbase. I think this would be necessary to allow a large-enough non-technical userbase.
We can already see this being the case with crypto-currencies - not everyone holds the entire blockchain, but more than enough do to maintain integrity.
Trust but verify.
The important point is that it is possible to audit the thread/board condition, but it doesn't have to be continuous and realtime. If a board host/owner were found to be abusing moderation powers in the eyes of the userbase, or the server hosting things was tampering with the ledger, users could elect to go elsewhere in the system. Perhaps very careful users would use a server in conjunction with their own blockchain client, and have any discrepancies highlighted, but I don't think this is needed for absolutely everything.
This is a big problem - somebody could just fill the boards with spam like on NNTP.
Perhaps it needs to be arranged so that only the board owner can cyptographically "sign" posts by users to their board. The unsigned posts might be entered into the main ledger but not shown, or might only be entered into a transient version of the ledger until signed. The signature process would be automatic rather than a manual authorisation, but if high levels of spam or an attack were detected, the board owner could elect to restrict signatures somehow.
And if the board's posts stopped being signed for whatever reason it would become a dead board. Perhaps it could only be brought back if the owner transferred its key to a new owner. This might also double as a warrant canary of sorts.
4chan is here: reddit.com
You must be confused. The hash I am referring to is not the hash of the entire block, but merely just the hash of the file. That hash will be included in what gets hashed for the hash of the entire block.
Seperating all media and only storing pointers to them would work. Like you said, It probaly would be a good thing in regards to how we browse boards.
Still not clear how you want to achieve decentralisation without risking the introduction of bots. With a group of decentralised servers a user would need to prove their post to all servers. Or you abide by certain chaos rules, mix and match posts from variety of servers with differing transparency to each other.
Something like this was also discussed on endchan with an overarching conclusion that the added entrophy of anonymous users and Tor is, nearly, impossible to moderate. I can't blame them. Look at groups like youtube and facebook who dont want to spend a single dollar verifying content, have millions to spend on the problem and the best they come up with is accounts tied to phone numbers, algo's that censor prematurely, Video's that are deleted long after the upload or outright bias against political groups.
Enable the proper privacy setting in the tor button. Don't browse with javascript enabled. Congrats, no more ads.
Have a separate Tor folder for when you need js and install uBlockOrigin. Keep the tor button on normie settings and use uBO to block js and 3rd party js/frames by default. You literally won't be tracked unless you're targeted, in which case the browser's settings won't matter anyways.
As I mentioned in the earlier post, there could be a single centralised blockchain for all boards, many different board "owners" who controlled acceptance of posts into their board, and thence into the central blockchain.
This would all be in a centralised blockchain. The decentralised aspect of the system would be the clients, which would mainly be web servers to which users would post. This server would handle syncing posts into the blockchain.
I'm thinking this is similar to a federated system like Mastodon, but with the proviso that the blockchain itself is all or nothing - clients can't choose to only interact with part of the system like Mastodon. Clients could however restrict visibility of boards or posts as they wished, but the underlying ledger would be the same everywhere. So clearnet sites would probably exclude certain boards or posts from their display, but an onion site might chose to carry them, and by recourse to the blockchain anyone can establish who is hiding what.
In practice I imagine all users would be on a couple of large sites with all boards or a few single-board sites, but all posts would in principle be available everywhere. If it ended up with a situation where a site was deeply compromised (ala 4chan), users could seamlessly flow onto an alternative site.
Thanks, I understand your concept now. I'd imagine media would be distributed asynchronously via peer to peer-like torrent software, with magnet links in the ledger. I'll do the logo
It would be an interesting project to make.
I don't see why it wouldn't work with only ethernet.
There's an emphasis on wifi since ethernet only is usually not viable for community meshnets.
Read up on gnunet, it's built with that in mind.
Do we really need to P2P everything? We have worked with federation for decades (think IRC, XMPP, email, Tor, the web itself), and we have recently started thinking about "unified federated services", like the Fediverse. Federated services are easy to understand and develop, and fairly censorship resistant (in its entirety, not in particular nodes). They don't require regular users to become reluctant hosts and set up complicated contraptions to avoid being v& in case of accidental illegal material downloads. P2P systems end up being more trouble than it's worth, and many P2P systems have ended up cheating with federated servers (think Tox and its supernodes) after realizing P2P is not the panacea.
What advantages would a P2P imageboard offer over a federated imageboard with, say, 200 hosts scattered across the globe? P2P is about as censorship resistant as a sufficiently spread federated network, maybe just slightly more so, but at the cost of flexibility and exponentially increased technical complexity and resources.
We might be running into trouble with the terminology. Would a set of boards distributed over a blockchain like apparatus be considered P2P? It has elements of both a centralised and decentralised system, so maybe, maybe not. It has elements of both a decentralised protocol and a centralised platform, so who knows.
I do agree that the notion of distributing files along with the boards themselves in a P2P like system is probably very bad. A permanent store would become a gigantic millstone round the system's neck, and a transient store would offer no real advantage over a system of links and embeds.
Stopping unintended usage of a text-based system for directly distributing large binaries might also be worth baking in (I'm thinking of the binary groups on Usenet and all the trouble this would introduce to an already complex system).
As already mentioned the big issue is spam.
Solution 1: everybody subscribes to a spam curation list. We trust the curators to do no harm, and if they don't, someone makes a new list. Cycle continues.
Solution 2: payment deposit to a smart contract for posting. Posting requires an advance security deposit. If the majority of depositors decide another depositor is a spammer then that depositor loses his balance (the money is destroyed so there is no monetary benefit to doing this) & is moved to a spam blacklist.
Problem: if you weight voting share by $$$ then it only takes so much money to destroy an imageboard.
Solution: Limit the growth of new depositors and make each deposit equal in value (say, 10 dollars).
The userbase will grow by invitation. The first 1000 users will be T1 (Tier 1) users recruited by the board administrator. The administrator will also be a T1 user. Most networks do not begin with spammers so T1 users should have a greater % voting power than T2, T3, T4 and so on.
Each depositor will have a fixed amount of invitations available similar to private trackers. There will various rounds of invitations. There will be no usercap but most users will be added at the tail end. We can limit these users to only 10% of the voting power and new users will just dilute the value of the 10% pool.
If a depositor is deemed a spammer there will be a treeban on all who are invited. Treeban victims may have their deposits returned instead of burned.
Thoughts? It could be like a DAO.
We can't keep running away forever. Sooner or later someone has to fight the godless CIAniggers. Yes, (You)
want to expand on this a little more
Depositors who are considered spammers lose their balance but can still post. The posts are simply automatically put on a spam curration list which users are free to disable. When a user joins this board they are given a choice of enable or disable, the site will not make the decision for them.
Deposits are valid for one year after which they are returned but can be optionally renewed. If a deposit is not renewed after a period of time then their position is open to invitation by a higher tier member. Deposits can be freely withdrawn at any time.
10 dollars is half the cost of a 4chan pass. The currency of choice should be Maker's DAI. In the future we could use zk-dai (zero knowledge dai) to provide some form of privacy for depositors.
A big problem that I have introduced is post linkability. If we know that two posts have the same depositor then it doesn't matter who that depositor is. Privacy is already ruined and there will be pseudo profiles for snoopers to assemble.
With zero knowledge magic, there may actually be a way to make this work while keeping posts unlinkable. That is, we can punish a certain depositor (represented as the person who made a single spam post) from posting without necessarily linking him to any other posts.
Basically, we need a zero-knowledge solution that (1). makes it impossible to associate any one post to any other post. And (2). still allows us to tie a post to an "owner" although we may not know who this owner is.
A member should be able to provide individual proofs of ownership for any post & these should be verifiable against his public key (but not producable). In order to collect his money HE MUST provide a valid proof that shows that he could not have created a certain post. This could mean signing a post with IDENTICAL content and verifying against his public key.
The logic of this will be tied to a smart contract such that the owner should never have to de-anonymize any posts other than those considers spam by the majority of depositors.
Should the owner fail to provide a valid proof he will not be allowed to withdraw his deposit.
This is a pretty big problem with p2p, is it mitigated by using tor?
so if someone from t1 stops using the site, then some newfaggot who'd normally earn t7, would get t1
what if the newfaggot starts spamming, then basically 40% of the site are marked as spam
The way I thought about it, someone from T2 would be promoted and not T7. As a member of T1 and not T2 he has slightly more voting power but not much.
Before I said that to mark a post as spam it will be a majority opinion. This is obviously not possible, not everyone is going to vote. I think only a small opinion should be needed to mark something as spam and have it hidden tentatively. For a spammer to lose his deposit there should be a week waiting period. I don't want to explain it here, but the decision could be potentially challenged in the same way the Augur prediction market works. Basically, if you are willing to stake a large amount of money on it then you are correct tentatively. However, someone or some group could potentially stake more than you and take what you have staked. Repeat until no one challenges the consensus. Sounds crazy but it actually works with augur so it should work here.
you said in your og post that if someone is spam, then everyone he invited over is banned too
basically, if a t1 gets spammed
, a good chunk of the site is banned (think a linked list data structure, you can make trees with it, and the entire tree is banned)
I modeled this after how private trackers work. On private trackers there are massive tree bans but they do not wipe out large portions of the userbase.
We could limit the amount of potential bans by limiting the amount of tiers and the amount of invites per person.
So if a T2 invites two T3s who each invite two T2s who each invite two T4s...we get something like 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 bans.
I dont like that replacement thing
just leave the spot blank
have newcommers be the lowest rank tier (higher number)
reminds me of masterchan, though i left right after accounts and posting tiers were implemented
rip chums, minus the absolute pedo niggers who ruined it
Nobody worth having is ever going to participate in a board with microtransactions. I certainly never would. Will be SomethingAwful 2.0.
And if there is any sort of differentiation of users through credit, karma or invites you have Reddit 2.0. Plus self-censorship is introduced into the system if you are constantly worrying about having your shitposting cost money or access.
These are good schemes for forum/community systems with different objectives perhaps, but for an anonymous board I think they are non-starters. The characteristic of an anonymous board which users value, consciously or not, is the unconstrained memetic competition freedom from identity or moderation provide. It's not a quality which can emerge if there are microtransactions or reputation present.
I think spam just may have to be accepted as part of the medium, and hidden.
whatever happened to owner?
I think the most interesting problem raised (dismissed) by the whitepaper is distributed proof of cognition. If we have some way of transparently assembling captchas in a p2p way then we've mitigated spam about as well as NNTPchan (except even better because there's no possibility of malicious nodes). For example, 10 randomly selected nodes could come together and contribute a distorted image of a single character, and then validate the response. Distributed anything raises the question of Sybil attacks though. What stops me from spinning up 10,000 nodes and spamming, doing denial of service, dropping posts, etc?
Honestly NNTPchan is the way to go at the moment. It seems to have solved most of the relevant problems and presents a usable alternative to centralized services.
Bet you can't even post illegal content on nntpchan.
You can, people do, and it gets moderated away as god intended. Posting illegal shit in a public forum is brainlet tier though.
So you'd rather have a special site for it?
The ideal solution is socat or netcat+stunnel over i2p. That way only the sending and receiving parties are responsible for the content. Nobody wants to host your illegal shit my guy.
but the sending and recieving parties are safe from feds, rite?
dont really even care. most imageboards look like places where children can shitpost. it gets boring when you are old enough
IPFS user here.
IPFS is only censorship resistant if it isn't used through a public gateway, like ipfs.io or cloudflare-ipfs.com.
This is true; for now. Some people from the IPFS and OpenBazaar team have created a way to transport IPFS data through the Tor Network (might be outdated), and the IPFS team themselves have a guide on how to set it up yourself. [1]
Like you said, Tor is TCP only. i2p transport is on their to-do list [2], but who knows when they'll get that in.
[1] dweb-primer.ipfs.io
[2] github.com
paying a deposit is not a microtransaction.
the only differentiation of users I mentioned is tiers for voting share, but that would not be visible.
100% foolproof decentralized imageboard through federation:
The network works by free association. The resulting networks may not end up being a single GIN, but several ones. This is necessary to stop spamming nodes or illegal content nodes.
Now, onto moderation:
A semi-untrusted node is a node that's not personally trusted by the host administrators, but understand they don't usually post illegal content. Distributing illegal content is illegal, and thus an untrusted category has to be made to avoid accidentally distributing it. Most untrusted nodes will be leeches, and they will probably understand that, while they could attempt to upload their stuff to the network, it will be understandably dropped, as the others will have no idea whether he actually is a real human bean or a spambot.
If there are too many leeches or hosts in the same IP, hosts may choose to lower the priority of these hosts. The more leeches in the same IP, the less priority they get.
Not really, but neither are P2P networks. Just look at the C&D warnings ISP issue when you download pirated movies. This can be mitigated by setting hidden hosts using the Tor network, or even other dank networks like I2P.
They are left outside of the GIN. Mind you, not everyone may agree on what is malicious or not, so every single host is free to associate with them or not. This will cause splits in the network, where some hosts may be completely isolated from other networks of hosts, but this is entirely intended behaviour. To put an example, two GIN networks, GIN-A and GIN-B, could exist: GIN-A is pretty similar to Zig Forums in terms of content, and while all hosts may not agree on a single local GIN ledger, most of the content is properly shared. GIN-B, on the other side, are a bunch of danknet funposters who insist on posting CP, drug trafficking or hiring hitmen; GIN-A will, maybe in its entirety, maybe not in its entirety, agree GIN-B is malicious, and thus, its posts should never reach GIN-A. GIN-B may accept GIN-A's posts, or it may think they are malicious because they consider them to be a bunch of pussies and not sikret clewb enough. GIN-A and GIN-B may be completely isolated from each other, or they may have some weak nexuses between each other that could allow for some circulation of posts. In other words:
or >>> references would be correctly signaled as belonging to a post not present in the local GIN ledger due to the host's relationship status. Depending on the host, they may choose to make an external link to said external host if it is, at least, untrustworthy, to let the user judge whether he wants to visit the foreign host and witness the spam in all its glory, or stay in their host of choice.
noone cares faggot, if you were competent you could figure it out yourself. just because you start with
doesn't make this a good thread
Using blockchains to host an imageboard is so overkill and overengineered I don't even know where to begin. We don't really need the kind of integrity a blockchain brings for an imageboard of all things; it doesn't really matter if posts are received out of order, nor it needs a single, agreed upon state of the imageboard. Having all the overhead of a blockchain would make the IB unworkable, be it by PoW, PoS, or whatever consensus method you choose. I could see the Stellar's Federated Byzantine Agreement working, but it is still too overengineered for what will essentially be a shitposting place.
Remember that when using the term "distributed" in relation to software development/engineering, it means a system or program "whose components are located on different networked computers, which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another. The components interact with one another in order to achieve a common goal". This can either mean there are different independent peers (that each contain all of the functionality of the program with no separation of component functionality and are scheduled jobs or parts of jobs by some authority) that can communicate with each other to complete a common task or, more often up until recently, a monolithic program that is broken up into separate pieces for horizontal scaling (such as breaking up a web application into separate programs like a web server, form handler, and a static content generator with each program running on it's own machine but not able to fulfill the common goal if once piece stops functioning).
This is different than a "decentralized" application which implies a program that runs on top of a distributed system that behaves like a series of peers rather than the balkanizing of a monolithic program.
A "federated" application is what's been described often in here. A federated application is similar to a distributed one except that in a distributed application, the program must have some authority (often central but can also be multi-point) to get instructions/direction from. In a federated program, all of the "nodes" are independent and do not require each other (nor do they have some authority, possibly central, which schedules and gives out jobs) yet still contain the protocol(s) necessary to pass information between each other if need be (think of different boards being separate applications that can still function if one of the peers goes away).
more like not engineered at all to be stupid enough to think blockchain is relevant for this task
It could "technically" work. But so could Turing tarpit languages, so I guess the point is null.
An imageboard has a finite amount of resources (network time, user attention, etc), which need to be fairly allocated. Suppose I give some resource to someone - that is, I upload an image for them, or I look at their post for them - the network should recognize my contribution by allocating me some credit. Now I want to spend the credit - by downloading something, or getting someone to look at my post. If I can spend the credit several times, then this would be unfair.
How I imagine it working:
This doesn't completely prevent DOS attacks, not sure if there's a better way, but it prevents people from getting free shit
This is blockchain, but it isn't an altcoin. Super peers will expect to run a negative balance with most people. That is, a new account might come along, offer to pay for a resource from an empty account, then disappear without paying it off. This is fine, because many people have spare bandwidth. However, in the case of a spam or DOS attack, only people who have developed good reputation will be able to do anything. There are other ways it benefits from not needing to be robust. You could have multiple parallel chains, without needing to worry about 51%s. You could regularly restart the chain, deleting all previous transactions, to reduce the blockchain from getting too large.
This doesn't explain why would a blockchain enhance the imageboard experience. The amount of traffic and storage (and computing power, if you want to use a PoW model with miners) a blockchain requires is insane, specially if you want to record every view and attach the required private key required to unencrypt the content. Fuck, the entire concept of paying for VIEWING is insane. Nobody will ever agree to that.
I guess your concept is more akin to what private trackers do, to keep seeding ratios positive by assigning each user their "worth" depending on how much they share, but it still has an absurd overhead cost.
Show a little respect dickhead. Without Hotwheel's vision, you'd be dealing with 4cuck--and 4cuck alone.
Then i would suggest that an effective means of choosing/managing BOs and Mods is a necessity for any reasonable p2p IB design. We already have numerous IB examples where no moderation is in place, and it's basically Usenet 2.0.
I'm going to submit my post in this thread for consideration. See
Blockchain is helpful for something you want to do irrevocably and publicly. In my opinion, usage of it for exchange of resources is hopeless. I have previous suggested it may be useful to generate moderation power akin to slashdot, but I think that system could easily be compromised.
Instead, please focus on the second segment of the post regarding a federated peer-to-peer network.
Blockchain would be useful for providing public moderation logs so users can see what is explicitly no longer being provided and clients can filter posts that are no longer supposed to be seeded.
Likewise, see my post regarding how anyone could host a node if bandwidth costs were minimized and content was transferred solely between peers. If anyone can host a "tracker" and then provide content for peers and sync with others, then a federation could form. Threads could stay mostly synced but posts on different nodes for the same board might not exist on every node. Users can visit a node with the moderation level they like. Since the nodes determine what gets seeded, they can minimize the spread. They don't need to mirror ever post from every other node immediately or at all.
Your viewing experience could be down to what node you set as your main node and which other nodes they share an edge with. The further you are on the chain from a given post the less likely it is for it to appear.
Nodes allowing too much spam or shitposts can just be blocked from sending. Send/Receive is not necessarily bidirectional.
Do you really, really need globally synchronized, unalterable moderation logs? Requiring each moderation operation to be signed by the issuer could be enough of a proof of moderation corruption for watchful whistleblowers that eavesdroped on the entire network. This would not easily protect against local moderation, such as posts not being shared by the node, but neither would the blockchain method if the content is hosted outside of the blockchain. Moderators could modify their own moderation logs, yes, but if they broadcast said deletion, people listening on the network's traffic would pick up.
Protection from DOSing and spam. These are basically the reason why the vast majority of imageboards, and websites really, are centralized: because centralization makes it easier to deal with attackers.
Case in point: 8ch will randomly take down the tor proxy sometimes, presumably because of abuse this post brought to you from a clearnet browser
you could download threads or even boards at a time, to keep the blockchain traffic light.
You wouldn't pay for viewing, mostly. Peers could agree to hand out posts for free and they could let people run a tab. You would expend credit primarily when an attack of some sort was ongoing. Even then, there would be ways of generating credit without paying real money.