After suffering, there will be more suffering
Acceptance is the key,
Ignorance was strength,
Your entire future bloodlines are forever to be servant to the Great Archon Bloodlines. You should be honored.
There is no stopping this, even if you carefully plan out something revolutional, they already own your lands and you've already chugged plenty of GMO foods that have X and who-knows-what neuclic acids that taint you to the very core. You are already inferior, the air is poisoned, the water is poisoned, the food is GMO and in future there will be nanomachines in every single goys. You have no future but one — which is to serve the Great Archon Bloodlines till your bone disintegrates into ashes, till the final drop of your future kin, till the last fingernail — it is an honor that they own you.
You will embrace your suffering infinite-fold once you find out your microscopic worth.
I don't know anything about them but what I know is they like to keep secrets.
Optimistically ~80% are infected with a certain strain of rotavirus and other more.
They scattered and still scatter it all over the air globally and is why plenty of people suffer chronic colds from immune resistance.
They're not releasing the cure nor they plan to tell us that "basically, you're all doomed and we're keeping silence" because they clearly stated that they do not want the public to panic.
I'm not telling you people to panic now, they test improved rotavirus vaccines to newborns. But do they ever plan on releasing the cure?
They like to make you think that there is no war and it's not happening when we're already half-way through and plenty of people are subjugated even the potential threats become targeted individuals and stealthily constantly beamed with fuckhuge weapons.
The problem is they want comms but they don't talk that much and they don't teach OpSec. It's like talking to a teleprompter expecting it to show something else.
They want you to dig up something that they already have, they don't want to surprise the general public that "basically, you're all doomed and we're keeping silence".
Release the cure.
Release the cure.
Release the cure.
Blackpill is onlypill