What is happening to Purism?

Look at first pic related. This is, or was, the Purism Freedom Roadmap. This was their progress towards creating libre hardware (while not having it be just reselling decade-old thinkpads for the ten millionth time). They had corebooted their system, me_cleaned it, and even got their distro FSF-approved.
But look at their site now. puri.sm/
You look around, and there's no sign of this roadmap anywhere. You can technically still find it using a search engine puri.sm/learn/freedom-roadmap/
But it hasn't been updated since mid last year. If you remove the freedom-roadmap part you'll get an error. They took down the learn page, which was where they talked about Free Software, privacy, and it also means that there is no way to navigate to the roadmap page anymore.

Looking at the second pic related taken from puri.sm/posts/womens-day-2019/ , it would appear that they have gone very SJW. I mean, just look at this shit.
Why is Purism entertaining this bullshit? Shouldn't they be writing code? Reverse-engineering those last few binary blobs?

Well, ok, they are writing code. Really laggy Javascript code to add a bloated fucking 3D spinning laptop to their webpages as you scroll down.

What happened to this company? In the past they had a vision, a drive, a roadmap, a goal. They were going to work towards Libreboot support. They were going to get some libre laptops out there that aren't running on a C2D. Now, it appears they have sold out their integrity and ideals for cash and some feminist/trans brownie points.

RISC-V can't come soon enough.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (679x489 177.38 KB, 198.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They're busy making the librem 5 you fucking spaz

Cucking out to spread SJW propaganda for brownie points is about standard practice nowadays, specially in more niche tech companies, since the field has an overrepresentation of turbobeta "ally" males, and assorted HRT-crazed individuals (so yes, this kind of publicity does sell, depending on your target). However, the removal of the roadmap is really worrisome. Do they have a forum where you can inquiry about this?

They have a matrix server but they'll just repeat in nicer words

this will probably be another thing that very few will/can actually get. all of these are some pre order scams that will never start selling properly.

Devils advocate: that graphic wasnt updated for literally years and I have the feeling they hit a roadblock so it's not a metric they still want to show. They have other priorities that are more feasible (which is amazingly a mid-range Linux mobile)

They have a forum using Discourse (NOT Discord) and reddit but I don't know how likely you are to get official responses.

What? I don't remember the FSF ever giving a cert to purism.

Mid last year is around the time (((Intel))) shut down their reverse engineering efforts. The guy who had been doing most of the research left for another job shortly after that. They hired a replacement but don't know if he's as skilled.

I never trusted purism. They lied once and they lied afterwords purism never got RYF certified.
They tried to use (and they succeeded on that) the interpreted articles when RMS said that he would accept to use purism hardware if they succeeded, but somehow journos said that that purism had RMS's blessing. I know that c.webber as his own contacts with some of these people.
I can't deny tho some of their work, but sojuc propaganda, mimic marketing and the lies are a no go to me.

It's standard because everyone other competitor does it, it does not means that it's sane to accept aids.

RISC V will get CoCk's because the (((good guys))) always wins and were always destined to win.

All they did was approve PureOS as a libre distro.


Attached: _2019-03-19_08-51-59.png (1131x261, 34.08K)

i was really looking forward to purism's products... guess they're not for me.

They were threatened by (((Intel))) and forced to stop doing shit related to their CPUs.

The Bay area poisons so many talented minds. This sickness needs to end.

What's the alternative? We can't use Thinkpads from 2008 forever.

Learned the hard way you need more than just principles to run a business

Only some parts of the reverse engineering effort were taken down. They are there somewhere.

Indeed. The (((transexuals and degeneracy))) must be stopped and verboten forever. The history is long. But it all can be discovered. The frankfurt school, john money, the institute of sexual research, magnus hirschfield, sigmund freud, etc...

Die (((jew))). ==The (((jews))) are destined to genocide and complete destruction.==
We are Free.

FSF approved doesn't do shit and my god that's a fucking OS reskin fork from GNU/Debian testing so it's automagically FSF without the need of doing anything relevant.
RYF is the shit.
novena laptop made by one EE PhD > any purism meme botnet fundraiser by kikes.
Open Schematics, Open CPU or at least the most hackable one, Open RIL.

Librem is just riding the tides of foss bandwagon post-snowden and a complete stunt/scam people bought blindly. Don't tell me you preordered librem phone like the retards? They can't code for shit. They can't crack any part of the radio layer nor even know what they're doing. They even decided to use firmware blobs on generic wifi card but that defeats the GNU FSF approval so they changed that mid-way.
They just use 'port' premade tools no different than Lineage OS devs porting AOSP with -removegapp flags.
PureOS is based on debian.
Librem phone is likely some lineage rebrand because it is and they can't code for shit!
Their adorned laptop's only redeeming feature is the ME cleaner of which they did not contribute any single line of code to (correct me if I'm wrong), no one even knows if ME cleaner really does shit.
If any, they're just good at marketing and promoting crap to the taste-deaf who can't smell BS for real.

>not using the generic "code just dropped magically from some one-time independent user hacker group so we're using this reverse engineer code to make homebrews but we're doing this for education purpose only so if you want to do illegal shit on your hardware then do it" like the playstation-crackers way

In today's scenario, the herd effect is an essential part of privacy and security. Many people have use cases where ancient hardware just won't cut it. This is where compromises like Librem devices come in. They're not fucking perfect by a long way, but they are the best most people can get.
EOMA sounds great (albeit underpowered), but it doesn't exist either and supply looks scarce.
Novena seems nice. How much is it to buy a premade one though? (honest question, no JS here) I can't see more than 0.05% of normalfags or even tech industry workers considering it. Which sucks, really.

they were probably given an offer they couldn't refuse, like anybody who is a real threat to the powers that be

anyways werent the purism guys cucked from the beginning? like they didnt even know about microcode when they started the project

you wot m8

who gives a shit what normies do

why aren't they writing code instead of posting this 100-word blurb advertising themselves to an untapped customer base

literally eviscerate yourself

Keep in mind if they're selling for real they'll have to license it to CE or FCC which is to deliberately insert backdoors for the Intel ME. Intel had to intevene when the devs were putting their noses into something they shouldn't.
Remember defcon when they finally cracked the SIM? Turns out it's a nano computer and some shady shit happened the devs stopped putting their noses into it too but last I heard of them was they'd gone missing
inb4 ayy conspiracy on all comms because they own our planet and we serve as their little goyim livestock

Attached: sei_23796387-2459.jpg (540x453, 46.51K)

Did you read the first line?
If you're talking to someone who has literal spyware on their system, your message is not safe regardless of your Intel-free OpenBSD hardened DIY onion-routed PGP system. I for one have to interact with normalfags so that I can get paid and continue living. No matter how secure my end is, it hardly means anything.
Making normalfags secure and private makes the rest of us secure and private. Global surveillance can be done against anyone if you can do enough deduction. If you have 7 billion people to watch and only a couple of million are doing the bare minimum attempt to mitigate the efforts, that makes fingerprinting them that much easier. But what if that search space gets bigger by people being made secure and private by default? Then extrapolating their analytics is made that much harder.

Read a pointless "news release" by that retarded useless cunt a few days ago and immediately hated her.


We can't rely on best virus AIDS doing the work, we must take out the trash ourselves.

What did you expect? Everyone is like that everywhere these days. If anything, dude open source dude attracts people like that more than anyone else. It's popular enough that corporations have to pretend to support it so the ITfags will support them. The major corporations and these people are really the same thing, just people making shit software and pretending that it's charity while they make tons of money, because getting paid is not enough, they also need the virtue signaling.

I support banning men from IT. Just because they are all a bunch of incompetent marxists and trannies anyway. Replace them all with women, watch everything fall apart, and hope that the male hobbyists (excluding the people here, that are equally incompetent) make something good with the free time that they will get from being unemployed. That sounds much better to me.


Seriously though, if you want owner controlled equipment,
need x86?
too expensive? Time to cut some corners in the non-botnet department:
too underpowered?








Heil Israel

They finally got their National Security Letter and had to "pull it." While they can't just come out and admit it this seems pretty obvious.

I love Donald Trump! Heil Israel MIGA 2020!!!

Mods are kikes. Why are they deleting my posts?

Holy fuck what is going on in this thread

I smell some satanic fuckery here.