Beaker browser

I've been using the beaker browser for little bit I mean it seems OK but my only complaint is it tends to be a little bit finicky sometimes I usually use it to visit fritter Is supposedly a peer to peer Twitter I don't know why I waste my time with it to be honest with you but what's your opinion about it

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Cool but useless

I like it: in browser editor, git-like source view, offline first, ability to fork websites, dat urls are hashed by default and p2p.

It has lots of potential just needs a bigger community that’s actually using the platform properly. If there was more digital-xerography, more people creating tools for it, Chrome/Firefox support for dat, etc

nice run-on sentence, faggot
are you a phoneposter by any chance?

Yup I don't even type it myself I just use the recognition thing on my phone I use the omni chan app

I think beaker also had IPFS support at one point But they removed it for some reason

The Website only talks about their p2p thing and if I look at a new browser, it's because it potentially changes how I can interact with sites in a better way not that it offers some twitter clone full of people I don't want to talk to.


What ever floats your boat moo moo

Beaker is cool, and I hope it gets more people using it. It does have the same privacy problem as torrents do; basically to read and access stuff exposes your IP address to anyone seeding the content.

They removed it because the team partnered up with the dat project. I assume they signed some sort of agreement to support only dat.
It's a good thing IPFS is trying to get integrated into all browsers, instead of requiring a new one.