By 2025 Amazon will have a literal series of tubes running to every apartment/housing complex in major cities to pipe in food ingredients. You'll get one line for meat (think of it as a liquid hotdog fountain, or you can opt into ElasticTofu for a 100% soy-based service, with a bonus discount), one for condiment, and one for soybean oil. They will plug directly into your AmazonBasics brand smart cooker, which will cook automatically every day on schedule every morning to have you finishing your meal just as your daily smartcab ride to work arrives at your apartment. Meals will be optimized using advanced AI to maximize human-wagecage endurance, and the menu will be selected using a separate artificial intelligence to curate meals based on local cultural, ethnic, and employee preferences. The warehouse cafeteria will be a wagecage lot with cubbies, each containing a cage-connector port with an injector hose that plugs directly into the wagecage's built-in cooker at their optimal break time (all made possible due to AWS-based cloud cooker monitoring and ingredient allocation services, which log and keep track of each cooker loaded recipe, ingredients, present cooking status, employee weight, employee BMI, employee portion size, employee meal price, employee wagecage efficiency profile, with extra options for text messages or email alerts for when your meal is done, for an additional fee). All meals will get automatically withdrawn from your wages based on portion size and ingredient base price. They'll store the ingredients in giant underground distribution tanks with the main pipes going directly to regional warehouses, and then branching out to employee apartments.
By 2025 Amazon will have a literal series of tubes running to every apartment/housing complex in major cities to pipe...
Other urls found in this thread:
"Soylent Green is people!"
Good reference
The pipe thing will not happen. You will start to see services which pack all your selected groceries on the Amazon™ food store and send to to your house by vtol. Batteries and drones are starting to rival the costs of delivery boys. Not to mention the speed they provide.
A cage for programmers when?
I highly doubt that will ever happen
sounds /comfy/ tbh fam
You fuckers better do some Ted Kaczynski type shit and build your own house and live off of your own energy source, the power grid itself is fucking botnet
I learned the other day about deep-learning algorithms and how much they have supposedly progressed in the creation of plausibly human-created text.
Sage for OP being written by a computer.
but i still have to eat it manually?
Don't listen to this poster. I've been watching him for a while, and I have a strong suspicion that he's actually a computer.
Well, I've learned something new today.
Bro, i am Vegetarian and i do not eat soy anymore because of the Dangerous of Estrogen.
To that we should be scared of Amazon.
It ban Books and censor everything, as also cooperates with the CIA. Not only that it has set up Military Private Databases.
Amazon should be screwed and frighten before we go into total Enslavement.
ikr? op is gay and fake.
now this is botnet shitposting.
I'm no bot, now get back to your wagecage.
Sounds like the type of 2070 paradigm shift the elites would cream themselves over.
weren't they already started with drone things for delivery service?
Instead of a lot with cubbies, it would be more efficient to have separate meal delivery robots that would fill up at automated food pumps. They'd navigate to the employee then hook up to the wagecages mid-shift like a plane refueling mid-air. This negates the need to stop moving during mealtimes whatsoever.
How would you even shit?
It's built into the seat. Just shit while you work.
Yikes. Where did all this misogyny come from?
Yikes. Where did all this misogyny come from?
I'm seeing a lot of bot posts spammed around here. Be careful anons
I wonder (((why))).
This is a slide thread. SAGE AND REPORT
These are our enemies. Why are we supporting them?