Eye of the Lynx: imageviewer aimed at browsing porn

I released version 1.1.0, it fixes excessive ram usage, several files that used to fail to load, including due to paths with unicode in them.

I also added a few small features.


I've been using it myself for fapping for a few months and have been quite satisfied so far with it.

Attached: ce50d133b4b3764d3bd3b182504e7301.png (200x200, 91.24K)

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No one cares about degeneracy here, go away.

what makes it good for browsing pronz? better watch out son im about to release nigchink once i get the downscaling to work in

Usability aimed at making it easier to jack off while browsing images.

I am not familiar with nigchink, I'll see what I can see about it.

it's in vipquality stage. only real Gs have access to it right now

why would i use this instead of eog? its probably a disk raper just like all other image viewers that support browsing are.

Good question, because I used to use eog.
Directory browsing from the image viewer and vertical image scrolling. Eog was what made me try my hand at making a new image viewer, because of how inconvenient I found it to browse porn.

i would be fine with anything else but eog is the only one that does not try to load every file in the directory when it opens. in other viewers you can only view single files if you dont want to wait while it rapes the disk for a minute before the picture even becomes visible(its a really big directory but this works fine in eog so its a issue in the other viewers). eog allows going to the next picture by pressing the arrow key and it only loads the file that is visible so no disk rape happens.

I do the same. I only load an image if it's going to be viewed.

maybe i could try that then. before eog i used mirage(some shitty abandoned python viewer but it had a nice minimal ui and its the picture that i want to see not the ui) and tried everything else that was in the repos but they had the same problem or didnt have all the features that i wanted.. its really slow when you try to load some 5000 pictures at once from a network share and hdds.

gthumb and eye of gnome are an aids piece of shit. plz try feh or gwenview or something
but it takes an entire minute to start
because Gnome

it opens instantly. none of the others do because they scan through every file thats in the current directory before anything else happens. the gnome people and possibly op are the only ones who have done this right.

also feh and similar wont really count because they dont even support image browsing so you have to open every file manually instead and thats even worse than waiting a minute for the slower viewers

m8 i tested like 40 image viewers on linux and windows (mostly linux) and pretty much anything including a broken piece of shit using some ricer toolkit is faster than gthumb/eog.

feh supports image browsing. just run feh gay_nigger_eating_ass_100pics.

i dont know what kind of 30 year old computer you are using but the gnome viewer does everything instantly on my x220 and desktop. but like i said i can try something else too but it has to support image browsing without preloading the whole directory like all the viewers that i tried did. you can try that yourself too.. put 5000 or maybe even less is enough pictures on a hdd in one directory and open it.. if you dont see a picture immediately and hear lots of hdd noise then its preloading the whole directory.

i know exactly what hardware an x220 has and it will most certainly not be instant.
5000 jpgs will literally use all your RAM to preload. i cant remember what feh does but it might check each file to see if they are "valid image files". nigchink on the other hand merely collects a list of file names

thats probably what eog does too. anything where you have to open all files is going to be really slow and should never be done if its not really required. i did try many alternatives before this eog and they all were very slow because they were doing something to every file

Yeah, I had this issue on the first version of EOL, then I started to cheat by using common file extensions before trying to run an actual check.

I use sxiv, it's very scriptable. you can select pictures in sxiv and after closing it pipes the filenames to output. You can easily script your own sorting/tagging system that way.

>>>Zig Forums








I'm seeing a lot of bot posts spammed around here. Be careful anons

Holy fuck what is going on in this thread

Fucking slide threads everywhere

Fuck off you lying, dirty, masonic kike shills.

looks like it depends on broken things

Attached: a.png (856x81, 5.35K)

ITT: linuxfags trying to reinvent irfanview

I pitty you that you don't have access to the best image viewer in the world.

Attached: 1444058615003.jpg (248x233, 9.15K)

linux does not really have anything good when it comes to multimedia. this filepicker is starting to annoy me so much that im seriously considering switching back to windows since it wont be fixed ever.. they have had 30 years time to do it now so i know that it just wont happen. not only does it not show the thumbnail on the file but the preview is also tiny and has no option to make it bigger. somehow it has those huge blank edges tho.

Attached: a.png (725x785, 60.48K)

"linux" stfu and try KDE. "linux" smh>>1060624


This tbqh. Just get a girlfriend already.

No, current year "womyn" are garbage.
Just use your imagination when you wank.

found the incel lol

Dude is actually pretty on point. Do you sincerely think the average 100+ IQ user wants to settle for a tumblr, tindr, liberal brainlet? Most people in their right mind I think would prefer to find a decent companion, (note: hard to come by) not just some random on the street, attractive as she may be. Intelligent people prefer to make ONE good choice, versus 5 or 6 pointless choices in a lifetime.

Doesn't solve anything, only time, patience. Less you end up with an idiot and find better options down the road feeling stupid for your impulsive liberal behavior. Fapping doesn't solve anything though, gotta work on self improvement.

actually thread related: feh, sxiv

feh cant downscale so all those million pixel pictures will be unviewable. it seems to support some config files but the format is not documented anywhere.

you realize calling someone an incel on a chan is like calling someone a racist on stormfront, right

try checking "man feh" in the terminal, feh has other .config options.

Or calling someone a racist on an imageboard, for that matter.
Really nigger?
Not even every futaba channel-style imageboard has -chan in the name, so your newfag speak is even more embarrassing.

Yeah, but not every imageboard is a Futaba Channel-style forum, so the point is kind of m00t

Not quite- the other type is pretty well established as being called a booru.

You're not my representative, faggot.

i cant just set a fixed resolution for it since i have two screens with different resolution and it might open up on the wrong screen. all the "bloated" viewers do this dynamically so it looks good on any window size. feh by default opens everything in full size so this happens and theres no option in the program that changes it without reopening it from the terminal with some parameters instead.

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Attached: tfw.jpg (500x464, 68.46K)

As all we can see, StephenLynx is destroying our minds.
Begone, demon!

it does open the selected image immediately but loading of ~3000 other pictures does still take a while.. ~100 pictures/second

feh (with adjusting the default parameters)

Thanks for speaking for all of us. For a moment, I thought I was an individual.

Are you this new to Zig Forumschan?

This is like one of those open source Bible readers, but worse.

I use viewnior to look at pictures of cute dogs, has never failed me

what is even the point

how is this any better than fucking a woman

i don't get it. saged for gay

What do you mean "worse"? This doesn't necessary contain inbreeding, pedophilia, jewdaism and promote it so it's obviously better.
