Haskell is causing global warming

or at least it would, if anyone used it


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Other urls found in this thread:


just another kike psyop to make the goyim beg the government to lower their living standard

All wncieonmwnrliara ahouls uaw X.

The site said perl, python, and ruby use the most electricity.


Attached: AP-story-1989-doom_n.jpg (960x514, 36.9K)

luckily for us, around 1998 the global warming pause began so we didn't all die in 2000.


Attached: globalwarmingpause.png (720x324, 186.23K)

but then the climatologists discovered that not only warmth was caused by global warming but also coldness, and it was thus decided that the phenomenon shall henceforth be called "climate change".

ctrl-f "global warming freezing"

Attached: climatology_dees.jpg (568x505, 80.92K)

lel'd indeed

Back to Zig Forums, stormfaggot.

Top notch argument, convinced/10
You're wrong tho.

Attached: fedora.png (640x640, 273.58K)

People like you are why I stopped believing in free speech.

You accidentally clicked the wrong bookmark. You wanted to click on m.facebookcorewwwi.onion

Don't worry I signed the paris agreement pledging that I would stop using Haskell over the next 30 years unless I had a good reason to use Haskell.

Good point. I use c++ and have my kernel/bios set to energy save.
I should be praised and allowed to sell energy certificates to dirty scriptfags.

I do accept Bitc-- oh wait. Shit.

Aside from global warming being fear mongering spread by the governments to trivialize the nigger invasion and the prosperity of the average citizen, the benchmark is also shit.
Unrealistic. This is just comparing how shit these Portuguese write in different programming languages.
Neither Lua5 nor LuaJIT are slower than fucking PHP.
More like a test who has the darkest skin.

Attached: The Coming Ice Age (1978) (Global Cooling)

We could introduce carbon credits in programming, so if a programmer writes shit code he could buy credits from a programmer who lowered his carbon footprint by killing niggers.

Well, while you don't necessarily have to concentrate on niggers, it does lower the value of 'P'.

Attached: billgatesformula.png (850x480, 302.56K)

Bill Gates needs to be shot!

Yes, with polio flu vaccines :^)

Also I think he's talking about human emissions.
Those being just about 2% of the yearly carbon cycle it is unlikely we're gonna get the rest down to zero.

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That formula is a gross oversimplification. The number of services that an african tribesman uses is only 10% of what an american uses.
With a choice between 1 lardbeast or 10 niggers, I'd rather save the planet _and_ save 9 bullets.

You're ignoring the fact niggers are being moved into our nations. So the damage they cause to the environment (which is far less important than the fact that may destroy mankind if we fail to repel them) will keep growing as long as we can afford to pay for them.

Attached: pooinnaturalhabitat.jpeg (590x391, 91.66K)

Who destroys the environment? You burning some fuel in your highly engineered car or a nigger trying to survive?

Attached: Haiti_problems.webm (640x360, 11.81M)

environment != climate, stop using lead based bullets they harm the brain

Attached: Haitians eat dirt cookies to survive.webm (426x240, 11.05M)

Look at this faggot and laugh at him!

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Holy fuck every board is infested with these Zig Forumsyps. This is actually an interesting topic, as Javascript is even more inefficient and actually massively used. But instead of discussion we get alt-right troglodytes shilling koch brothers propaganda FOR FREE

Attached: WHAT_ABOUT_THE_MEMES.mp4 (1280x720, 12.19M)

You're just mad because people are starting to see through your nonsense attempts to incite global panic. Heil Trump! Heil our people! Heil victory!

It's not our fault al gore and the certificate scammers are even wronger than the cock brothers in this point.

I already told you i'm not alt-right.

Both. But humans at least produce something of use, while niggers do not. There's no rational reason to keep increasing their population.

I think so too.

I thought your kind wanted to give pajeets a chance in the first place.
Now go back to your site, foreigner!

Attached: every board on 8chan.png (1039x988, 430.59K)

Bill Gates is a shithead. It's completely nonsensical to split "services rendered" up into persons and sevices/persons. As he is a billionaire flying around in his private jet to eco-conferences he wants to hide the fact that he is causing thousands of times as much pollution as some hunter-gatherer.

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Yea, I think a lot of users just gave up and left in the last couple months because of this garbage.

Yes goy, use a CPU with power sidechannels, it's for the environment.

Actually, we have had an extended, mild inter-glacial period that's gone for thousands of years longer than it normally would have, precisely because man began agriculture and other technology development over the past 8 or 9 thousand years. If mankind hadn't done so, we'd be in the middle of another ice age right now.

[citation needed]
Also this is contrary to what climatologists claim who say that AGW started in 1940s.

forgot lolpic

Attached: that70climate.png (2002x1127, 1.87M)

Why are here so many fags complaining about Zig Forums?

Does not compute. Should I watch more Bill Nye until I understand?


It would not surprise me if Rust were actually faster than C++ when using similar abstractions, because the Rust compiler has a lot more information that it can use to tell things like if a reference is being exclusively used somewhere. C++ has to be a lot more pessimistic during optimization.

Don't mistake me though it's still a language for jewish anarchists and trannies.

Yes, being moved. By wealthy westerners with high carbon footprints.

This is a naive look at power usage. The average C program needs multiple years of development, tens of programmers or even thousands if it's a big project like Linux, and thousands of recompiles to iron out some of the bugs. All these recompiles and wasted time from UNIX slowness and bugs (which the weenies never fix) spread out across tens or hundreds of computers wastes a lot of power and as the Unix bloat gets worse the developers have to buy new computers to run their bloated weenie software, which costs massive amounts of energy to manufacture.

JavaScript is also a UNIX language. A real computer with a real operating system would use one real language for web pages like Lisp instead of three frontend languages plus G*d knows how many languages for all your bloated backend software.
Anything using C can't be related to performance or security. If this check isreally unnecessary, 1970s optimization techniques would be able to turn thatcheck into "true" at compile time, but this is written in C and the semanticsof C are "gee, I don't know, whatever the PDP-11 compiler did." This isanother example of C and UNIX weenies taking a big shit on decades ofcomputer science. Browsers are also tens of millions of lines of codebecause web "standards" are made in the UNIX style of hacks and kludgesinstead of being designed by smart people.Looking at the code, it's just a simple usage of bignums, which Lisp couldevaluate at compile time. This could even be a compile-time error if it's false.Speaking of C and UNIX sucking, I got this error when looking at those links. The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Apache Server at trac.torproject.org Port 443

The difference being those development machines can easily get more energy through a wall socket.
This is a look at IoT devices with built in batteries.
Oh fuck off you semite worshiper. Yaweh sucks cocks.

But it isn't and it won't be. And maybe never even as fast.

Are you a time traveler from the middle of the last century? Tens or even hundreds of computers aren't considered many today. We're long past the market for perhaps 5 computers worldwide. And devs are a tiny portion of the population, even if all devs did was recompile linux from scratch all day long that isn't much power.

Attached: hitler_no.gif (149x181, 1014.89K)

He wishes.


It is, actually.

The same is claimed of the Julia interpreted scripting language and C.
You can't be faster than C. Whenever someone makes a benchmark proving otherwise, he's just showing of the library templates in their specific best case performance scenario.

Jesus Christ Lua is one of the worst on the list. I'm starting to not respect this language quite as much as I used to.

What is the most energy-efficient language to use for server-side web page operations?

it really, really doesn't

read the chart. It's c

It really, really does for anyone who uses a portable device.

Majority of power usage comes from the screen and the radio. Language choice is a drop in the bucket

That's the same kind of garbage people use to justify every other kind of bloat, especially in web development. Just as programming fast code is important in aggregate, so too is programming energy-efficient code.

It does, more power means higher temperature which means lower frequency which means slowing down.
That and energy costs a lot in a datacenter, that cooling isn't cheap. Optimizing for energy isn't so easy though, it isn't obvious like with performance.

fair enough, but they weren't testing luajit, which is the fast and therefore energy efficient variant.

some tasks in Lua are certainly worse than PHP. Regexes for example.

There is no realistic situation where LuaJIT is slower than PHP.

Purely interpreted Lua is still a lot faster than PHP. The benchmark is simply bullshit.

I'm not going to learn PHP even to win an argument, but consider:$ luajit spamr.luaTime : 8370 msMaxRSS: 15852 kB$ python3 spamr.pyTime : 2326 msMaxRSS: 24160 kB$ perl spamr.plTime : 1346 msMaxRSS: 24692 kB$ julia spamr.jlTime : 2384 msMaxRSS: 222112 kB
fromfunction sval_pairs(t) local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end table.sort(keys, function(a,b) return t[a] > t[b] end) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if keys[i] then return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end endendfunction topsenders(filename, limit) local senders = {} local file = io.open(filename, "r") if not file then io.stderr:write("failed to open ", filename, " for reading\n") os.exit(1) end for line in file.lines(file) do -- needs to use a different regex for VPSes _, _, email = string.find(line, "^%S+ %S+ %S+

you posted from image, nigger
here is correct one storage.googleapis.com/cdn.thenewstack.io/media/2018/05/3730357d-results-energy-time-and-memory-usage-screenshot-from-research-paper.png

also this research is a scam
how can Pascal software be 3 times slower than C software, when Pascal is compiled structural language similar to C?


CO2, speacially in presence of other gases like H2O, acts as a coolant, it heats up at surface level, goes up, it cools down and moves back into the ground with a cold temperature.

I'm not a climatologist but from what I recall the whole problem is while CO2 is in the atmosphere.

Attached: china-air.mp4 (1280x720, 10.52M)

It certainly is. Of course, if you took the time to read it you might spot that it's full of bullshit. I especially liked their "Keynesian Economics' Relationship to Economic Problems" article written by an inventor that's literally nothing but Wikipedia links. Seems legit!

This site is truly a goldmine of scientific discourse

We were talking about C++. I guess you're a bit Cnile? :^)

adafags btfo

And you're a retarded nocoder. C is nearly a subset of C++ or as the inventor of C++ described it: a subset with a few exceptions
You can malloc, realloc, free in C++ too and do the "fast" thing C did.
Just because there is an alternative way in C++ like nullptr, doesn't mean you have to use it.
Unless you do type deduction (which didn't exist in C) you can freely use NULL everywhere instead.
Julia also isn't faster than the C++ of the average shitcoder if that's what you wanted to hear.

I told you fags the benchmark is shit. You can't test languages. Only implementations.
I'm not an ada programmer but from what I remember the best Ada compilers are commercial.

Can some Ada programmer confirm or deny this?

What kind of retarded brainless cunt put a trend line on this shitty graph?

It's all right. The author of this beautiful graph predicted the existence of hybrid programming languages, for example Go-Haskell hybrid would have the same memory usage as Ada.

* as Ocaml

Can we stop talking about science and get back to the main point of this thread?
This is about the climate, and all programming languages do produce code that needs electricity to run.

Attached: computerhomosexualdevilmachine.jpg (440x570, 52.45K)

In my opinion programming languages and compilation aren't as bad for the planet as proprietary software and bloat.
Just think about all this software and hardware that had worked, but were made unusable, thatks to greed, consumerism and capitalism. For the same things, 1GB of RAM and Pentium processor were fine in the past, for example office stuff, now you need 4GB just for the system to work, where half of it is eaten by a web browser. I mean Windows and proprietary software of course.
Also gamers and crypto currency miners are cancer. Games are not as optimised as they were in the past, because a good consumer will buy powerful hardware and their game anyway. Ultra graphics should be forbidden.

We were talking about C++.

weak damage control


ultrabased except for the last 3 sentences which are ultraunbased

Cryptocurrencies are good for privacy and give controll back to users, but they're not environment-friendly. I don't know how efficient proprietary, centralised bank systems are thouh. It is possible that replacing banks with crypto would be better, but this needs investigation.
I'm not a big fan of forbiding things, but living without ultra graphics is possible, whereas without stabile climate and ecosystem is not (excluding utopian shelters). Playing with potato graphics is eco-friendly and gamers should be aware of it.
Also most games are botnet, so you shouldn't play them anyway. SuperTuxKart is fine, but it's a resurce hog.
Second last is actually true, prove me wrong.

Protip: The human body isn't environment-friendly. Better kill yourself.
That's not how it works. You made the claim, so you have to prove it.

The irrelevant shit told you that it's possible to write C++ code that's just as fast as C.
I wish I could just do >all this irrelevant shit but you don't have any arguments to start with.

More like blockchain currencies.
Who fucking cares?
What I'd be worried about is everything in my country using one crypto and and my lights going out because blockchains require exponentially more energy and my countries electricity supply wouldn't be able to stem it.

One should also think about what environment-friendly actually means.
Are electrical cars environment friendly?
Wrong. Giant batteries of toxic shit.
Is wind or water energy environment-friendly?
No, wind requires massive areas from nature to build all those wind turbines on and requires to be stored in water energy because wind doesn't blow every day.
Water energy requires reservoirs to be effective, destroying lots of nature. And sooner or later the dirt the river carries will the river floor before the wall higher causing the damm to overflow if it doesn't get removed with giant amounts of machinery and work.

The whole environment-friendly thing is a scam on commoners expectations.

You can build windfarms outside forests you know.
It isn't a lot (unless you're a hippie), and it isn't like burning coal or oil doesn't kill more than just a few people and animals every year.

Attached: ohnotheycutalltreesintheocean.jpg (1920x1080, 216.75K)

environment != climate
One is the fight against monsanto, the other against co2.

But humans are indeed considered by some a massive co2 source that needs to be pruned.

That's not how cryptocurrencies work.
If your electricity grid is that bad, at best you'll get bigtime weed growers draining your power and that's only an issue until cannabis is legalized wherever you live.

Are there cryptocurrencies that work without blockchain?
Also there are the (centralized) Proof of Stake coins like PeerCoin which are blockchain based but need no ressources.
They're useless though until the problem requiring centralization is solved :-/

muh climate change
You're a flat earthed idiot. Did you born yesterday? You don't have to be a scientist to see, the climate is changing. I see it every year - winters are shorter and less cold, the weather is more extreme.

Sane people who don't deny the fact, we're destroying the world we're living in.

Global Warming set to be the next 'Holocaust' aspect of the narrative in 20-30 years.

It still needs maintenance and storage in water energy.
What if I was and told you smoking my weed is less harmful than water energy?
Ever heard about nuclear power plants.

The fight against Monsanto is important. I wouldn't fight CO². Without CO² all plants would die and all life on the planet would vanish you retard.

Sane people care about their lights staying on. And we can't produce infinite energy.
The chinks, niggers, monsanto etc destroy the world. Of course it would help if we had less plastic packaging but that's minor.

Also, you cant build them in the middle of the ocean because electricity isn't exactly transportable and if you build them in front of land masses you'll destroy coral riffs etc. Valuable underwater life.

But nobody was talking about C. Until you came in screeching about how C is the fastest, that is.



I wish to remind everyone that the first cars were electric and where replaced by motor cars because electric cars were and still are fucking inefficient.
So was water and wind energy.

Way to contradict yourself, faggot.

unbased and antisaged

Just STFU. You are both faggots. Jesus, the amount of autists on this board.

unbased and downsaged

You don't produce energy. Read the first law of thermodynamics

Wow you're so cool and smart! Tell me, how can I become as cool and smart as you?

UwU thanks sweetie~!

Nuclear isn't a realistic alternative, it has too much bad press even if you ignore the building costs.
Chinks do a lot of damage since they build most of the small things everyone buys, but you're being very dishonest ignoring the US, and, to a smaller degree, Europe.
Niggers completely destroy their local environment since they're a virus. But to fuck with it globally you need industry and that's too much work for niggers. They will cause more damage as they're moved to human nations (who give them gibs which they use to buy swag made in china), but then the bigger problem becomes niggers and environmental issues become unimportant.

Attached: resources.jpeg (977x1212, 290.84K)

Glad global warming is a hoax, if it wasn't we'd be in serious trouble for using python.

The C cultists are on the ropes, LMAO!

Attached: cheetah2.jpg (311x400, 19.85K)

I'm talking about making electrons move your retard. It has nothing to do with total energy being constant.
It has nothing to do with thermodynamics unless applied to thermodynamics, you fucking mongol.
It's called law of energy conservation
Niggers aren't only in Afrika and while they don't use lots of electricity, they can't handle modern civilization and not being able to just throw the trash their holding into the environment.