Future Tech Trends

So I've been reading about computer and telescopic contact lenses for a while, and it seems so long ago now that the thought of it becoming mainstream tech just isn't even worth pondering. But honestly, it's the only tech leap worth exploring other than virtual goggle style developments (imo). Even bluetooth phone holograms like the proposed "cicret" bracelet seem kinda meh to me now. And I'd also hate to see these contact lenses appear miraculously during the spread of 5G.


What do you anons feel should be the next big leap?

Attached: telescopiccontactlense.png (1024x643, 674.78K)

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No big leap.
We achieved peak technology and the next decades will see optimization first then followed by abandoning of tech.
Ex: cars.
Ex2: computers.

Attached: Mercury vortex in a magnetic field-bSIzyk5Mjko.mp4 (640x360, 12.97M)

ferrofluid was talked about a lot for some time, for the same reason, magnetic properties, I could have sword I saw a video on youtube about a documented case of object levitation too, seemed pretty credible.

the future is the past, that may also be true, but I doubt people will outright dump tech, some things will always remain for recreational use.

Attached: ferrofluid.png (1184x792, 204.57K)

could have sworn*

Technology is going to go backwards because there aren't going to be enough people who are able to maintain this level of complexity heh.

Doubt it, there's always pockets of tech communities that develop constantly and the government (DARPA) is always looking for new ideas. Besides_

Machines, AI, they may take an interest in their own survival and we may be amazed at what they will attempt to discover.

Amazon will literally own your augmented body.

Memory crystal tech seems pretty neat, but I don't see it becoming any more awesome than it already is.. Unless they develop some memory diamond...or..memory..hypercube or something.

Attached: memorycrystal.jpeg (346x146, 9K)

This is what people who don't work with AI but only read about it in pop-tech articles think.
Let me guess, you're a Tesla (Musk) fan as well, think Iron Man is awesome and your favourite atheist (yes, you have one) is Krauss. You also believe in Quantum Computing and that somehow VR is the future as well.

No, I'm aware it's more like complex processes using bit states and changing states or whatever, but it may be more than what it is today, someday. I'm Christian actually, and all that other stuff isn't even worth addressing. Just future tech.

I can already see us looking back at this in the way we look back at the oldest computers.

For every community of slaves, there's a community of escapees. You can see it today in the form of proxies, tor, coreboot, etc. Always somebody out there going to some extreme to preserve privacy.

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Funniest April fools I've heard all day. Your present and future is pajeets.

Well, guess there's no room for dreaming anymore. No more dreams.

What do you envision, user?

It's been that way for awhile now.
New devs are being carried on frameworks that have been built on frameworks.
Getting down and dirty with code has been made so complex that no one wants to bother with it.

The Matrix was a documentary.

i watched you get those dubs in real time

Literally anything that doesn't involve further AI or carrying more heavily proprietary networked systems with you at all times.
I'd like a fully open SoC that's strong enough to run terminal applications for one.

We'll be able to replace our body parts with both mechanical and biological prosthetics in ten years. We already have induced pluripotent stem cells and CRISPR-Cas9.

We'll be able to know how to connect our nerve cells to electronic circuits with technologies made by artificial intelligence.

We'll be turned into nigger-cattle at birth, so that glow in the darks ensure we don't even have a chance to fight back.

I see so many things developing in the area of human health. And even human body reconditioning to survive distant planets. The way I envision it though, is a lot sadder than it's written.

3D scanning?..

Attached: TopScanners_Cover1.png (850x500, 67.24K)

They already exist. **It's not telescopic, but fractal image enhancement.
There's a reason you haven't heard about nano-machinery for the past few decades after the initial discoveries were made. It's worse than you think.**

cap worthy.

Attached: matrixdocumentary.png (720x400, 206.37K)

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Got one of these recently, because I thought it couldn't be true, so I'm putting it to the test. Thought it was worth mentioning. Especially with this whole 5G scare going on.

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Eeeyup. And we will never stop it. We will just watch as our whole world falls to eternal 1984. We are weak, pathetic losers who lack the upper body strength to fight back or do anything but put bullets in our brains. Cry with me, bros...

Read the bible.

correction folks, cicret bracelet is clearly not a hologram. just a visual projection of a phone display.

tell us

I have two main pieces of technology I'm highly interested in.
This could speed up computing the same way that going from vacum tubes to transistors did. Also, it would solve one of the bottlenecks that slows down communication and thus computing: transforming the optical information from the fiber to electronic current for the computer to work with. Not only that, but using photons for computing instead of electrons opens the possibility of having run-temperature quantum computers.
You could reasonably expect 3D printing to completely change the manufacturing landscape. Today we rely heavily on central facilities that mass produce all or most of the products. These facilities use expensive and hightly specialized machinery to produce everything used to construct all of your, for example, computers. With advancements in 3D printing at one point this could shift into decentralized manufacturers, all of them locally producing parts of your device on demand, even if not as accurately and fast as your common centralized/specialized factory. Think about how much of your device could be created using some 3D printing or CNC-like machine: For starters, all of the 'carcass' of your computer is made of plastic or some similar material which is easily worked with using these machines. Then we have pieces such as the PCB, keyboard keycases, etc. What's left is very tiny and complex pieces such as the processor and chips, which if you look long into the future wouldn't be unthinkable to consider some basic/low-tier processors to be printable in some mid to high end printing machine, which would be nuts because you really don't need most of your devices to have the latest intelaviv processor in order to function correctly, and something that could be made in a 3D printer may fit that need with no problems.

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all we need to do is make a real ai. then, recognizing that we are just a parasite on earth that do no good, they exterminate us to let nature take back the planet and then head out to space to get new resources for themselves.

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probably the most impressive idea I've encountered all day, user. I'm familiar with wetwork and organic concepts for computing, but this seems more rational, in line with fiber optic. First question that popped into my mind though, was, what about ram? and a form of optic ram compatible with it.

which makes me think of this again

but there's gotta be a more interesting option I'm not aware of.

They are supposedly currently working on a functional design of optal ram but who knows if it could work well.
Also, there's this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_data_storage, although no idea if it would be the kind of technology used for somthing like an optical computer and its memory

Actually very similar to crystal tech, only a different medium.

pretty impressive

I was all into this crystal disk burner back in 2001 or so, I thought it was the coolest thing (not pic related but similar). Gotta see if I run into it again. The discs were CD sized and the unit was like a mini portable fridge.


link is not it either

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it's pretty neat actually, interesting development.


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I remember seeing this on the Discovery channel show Next Step back in the 90's. Same with magnetic ram. Don't know why I haven't heard much about them in the 3 decades since.

Maybe SD cards replaced them(?)




Holy fuck what is going on in this thread

Shut up chaim.

Holy shit, the Masonic influence here is glowing.

Fucking slide threads everywhere


Yikes. Where did all this misogyny come from?

Yeah, fuck off boomer. Nobody cares.

Fuck off you lying, dirty, masonic kike shills.


Biotech is the future of tech.
Computerization is boring and evil.
Computing would develop on its own as intellectual and creative activity.

jesus christ

It actually contains multiple layers of different materials, like 3 or 4 I believe.

What can this be used for?

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Ya know, satellite internet is something we rarely talk about here. It deserves attention. I wish by now though, it was something simpler, like a satellite signal directly to a SIM card/dongle/wifi card even.

Attached: satellite-internet-2019.jpg (980x300, 70.23K)

Zig Forums satellite.

Attached: satellite-internet-2019.jpg (980x300, 70.23K)

Ancap private space travel when?

Very well documented. Nice.

The tidbit I find the most interesting about this movie is that a lot of the special effects with the T-1000 were actually practical effects, not computer effects. (for example when Arnie blows his head apart at the elevator, 100% practical effect)

Launching a satellite, and accessing it, is not as hard as you might think. Ham Radio Operators have been launching their own satellites and accessing satellites for decades.

It's a nice thought, but can you imagine the legacy we'd leave behind for future generations? (Thanks to mainstream media no doubt).

"A buncha shitposting weebs and neo-nazis celebrate 14th year anniversary of their first Zig Forums satellite launch. The only imageboard left in the world. More at 11."

"At least it's not a holocaust memorial on the moon." - Zig Forums

"RISC-V SATELLITE NOOOW!!!!!1!!" - Zig Forums

"It's diverse and inclusive unless you're white, straight, and plan on having kids. Vote for Bernies remains, don't be an anti-necrophile" - Zig Forums

Just the thought of it should make any man reconsider initiating the launch sequence. But hey, it's worth a shot. There's always the option of a self destruct payload.

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I thought the subject was a radio-satellite, not a Voyager-type orbiting probe.

The image was only slightly related.