Do any of you have alt-right or liberal family member who constantly mock you for your far-left beliefs and constantly harass you about them?
Do any of you have alt-right or liberal family member who constantly mock you for your far-left beliefs and constantly...
Thank God I'm not an americuck
No because none of us are autistic enough to fight over beliefs, we fight over petty squabbles, and deep inner hatred for one another like normal people.
That too
No? I don't exactly have a complete reliance on my parents for basementspace, so I don't have to interact at all.
My stepdad tried to talk to me about it but it was pretty easy to get him to stop after I demonstrated the contradiction in his beliefs and how he laps up whatever diarrhea his bosses feed him regardless of the many examples of how it has made his own life shitty over and over.
He kept it up so I just got really fucking mean and told him he has the simplistic worldviews of a developmentally disabled person, and now he goes out of his way to talk about how he likes welfare and animals and he isn't a monster every time he enters a convo with our family because I already converted everyone else in the nuclear fam to leftist sympathies.
Basically, don't roll over, don't act like arguments are won by reason, facts and logic alone, and don't act like you're above shame tactics and subversion, and you can convert people or at the very least shut them the fuck up when you can't.
Not really. The closest thing is my mother, and, while she's a conservative on several social issues, she's economically left leaning. She's a christian and she actually cares about the poor, the homeless, the sick and all that stuff.
She also despises the reichpublicunts, albeit she doesn't like the demoshits, either. If anything, she merely votes for them, only as a lesser of two evils choice.
My parents are libraterian-libs who are Hillary2020 types. My mom got mad at me when I said the Dems and Repubs are similar. My Dad doesn’t talk politics much. I haven’t mentioned Communism or Socialism to them, but I did say to my mom once that most insurance companies should be nationalized, she didn’t even rebut my claim she just said “that’ll never happen.” It’s like she can’t think outside of the Political box of the two parties.
One time my sister asked me if I'm a "liberal"
I'm an unironic far-left ancom and my brother is an unironic nazi that thinks the alt-right is somehow too liberal. Parents don't care about either since they are truly apolitical, feels good.
Yes, except I’m not a beta so I bully them about being liberal.
I hope you see the irony of this some day
No, I constantly mock and harras my liberal family members for their beliefs.
Most of them have become quite sympathetic towards communism and communist movements at this point.
if i hear another "breadline" or "hurr no food" boomer joke i'll slap my dad
but no food and holodomor was a holocaust.
My parents are liberal. Awful!
But I mock them, for their stupidity!
I'd be a communist if not for all the disgusting idpol, multicultural, homo stuff.
Idk bout fixing your nationalism and probably racism as well but you can be a traditionalist and a socialist. Just don't associate with Marxists and it's really that simple.
No. I talked with my dad about the topics he told me I changed from who I was (matured) & that I learned a lot. He recommended me Noam Chomsky which I already knew about.
My dad is cool af tbh.
Sounds shitty
My mom watches all these movies where totalitarian states are being portrayed in black and white with sad piano music playing. Mostly it's Nazi Germany but sometimes they pick on socialist states as well, so my mom got indoctrinated by stuff like Life of Others, so she got really mad when I made the implication that the GDR wasn't a hellhole and Stalin didn't kill 100 gorillion, so I dropped it. I have no interest in having political debates with my family. I sometimes make implications, so if they want they can follow the breadcrumbs and figure out what I believe, but they seemingly have no interest in that.
I made my girlfriend into a ML from being a radfem liberal, so there is that.
Nope. Father is social liberal and mother is social democrat. Both are "middle class". They just smiled at me when i was rambling about communism as a teenager thinking i was naive (and i agree with them about this now).
My zoomer younger brother is pretty much a communist at this point even if he doesn't openly call himself one so we agree for the most part. My dad is a social liberal but he's not as bad as that could be I suppose, we debate politics all the time and he is capable of being civil. I do think he'd be sympathetic to communism if he didn't have that boomer "doesn't work" mentality, at least he seems to prefer social democrats to progressive neoliberals. My mom and other brother(who is also younger) are apolitical as far as I know.