Who thought this was a good idea?

Why do you uberniggers think open source is more "secure" when talented paid CIAniggers could potentially combine all their talents to invent multiple backdoors in a couple of days/hrs(just for fun) from just reading the source code in any popular or significant work that a lot of people use? I'm really sorry but are you people fucking retarded or what? Why have you not considered this? And yeah and good luck fixing or ever finding that vuln on github with voluntary contribs(lol).

Yes the program may not have been audited but previous matter of fact still applies.

Literally who thought it was a good idea? Perhaps popular programs sc should be published of former deprecated code this way it could potentially be a lot safer.

Also include the scenario of chinks and street shitters stealing your work and making it theirs by edits ripping you off and commercializing it after they close source it. That sound good to you?

Discuss, and fyi I'm NOT against OS or FSF. I'm just a thinking man.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Keep going. If you say it enough times, everyone will know it's true.

no need to add anything. just read the source and you will very likely find some bad vulnerability that has been there for many years

Sorry benchods I was busy shitting in the street outside and I didn't think it posted cause this gay site doesn't work properly.

Looking forward to stealing your jobs in America soon thank god for Jews am I right

Open source softwares are safer than proprietary softwares that contain backdoors like Windows and Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Yeah yeah you guys got it all figured out, woe is me. Guess it's back to using windows. /g/ teir thread.

Post ur exploits, either you are genius or larper. Everyone would like a ssh remote exploit or some easy shit which is why it has been patched. Cpanel is probably very secure because of this, endless bug hunting because it is a good target. If you found one you would run straight to hackerone with it like the skid you are. Prove me wrong faggot.

Let's make it illegal to check, if a program is secure, all bugs will disappear!

shut the fuck up retard. all software can be backdoored. it's just harder to audit if it's in assembly language

EFAIL. There I said it.

Yes, ban such evil things as

Some kike mod deleted my post quoting a security expert on open source? Here it is again:


i haven't been here in months, and, wow.

the lack of strict moderation has killed Zig Forums, completely.
maybe it was for the best.

I feel like the shills have descended on the entire site ever since NZ happened. Sage for offtopic.

kike scam dreamt up by the EFF to push people away from decentralized communications and towards centralized signal bullshit.

weak argument, show us statistics or actual research.
security by obfuscation has been debunked a million times by chinks and russians.

if you're worried about NSA Glow Niggers reading feeding millions of lines of source code into Ghidra to bulk automate finding 0days, then you should worry far, far more about NSA hacking into the bug trackers used by the top 1000 software companies and also ingesting all emails to security@XYZ

shit man, NSA doesn't even need to hack your shitty open source. you're thinking way too small buddy.
we all know from the Snowden leaks that NSA is lazy af and always looks for the cheapest shot. why would NSA exert enormous efforts to find and develop their own exploits, when they can just read the fucking emails by the developers of XYZ software they want to exploit, and steal any alerts about bugs or vulns found or known. this way, NSA can be months and years ahead of any embargoes and the usual slow roll out of patches we see. and there is zero chance in hell that NSA hasn't been doing this since day 1, because remember NSA's motto: NOBUS: Nobody But Us.

NSA won't just sit back and let the gooks or the ruskis get the same idea and target all developers to steal their insider knowledge about exploits of their own software. no, NSA will do it first, and be The Evil to beat the competition.


Case in point.

That shit was endemic to Zig Forums long before. Remember Brian Fagioli? Remember learningchode?




Judensheim pls go

Heil Israel

Whatcha sliding mordecai?

I smell some satanic fuckery here.

Why is there so much racism in this thread?

Yeah, right, and the moon is made of cheese.


open source is shit
closed source is shit

we need a new system, that will combine best aspects from both

More than a century.


That's an oxymoron.

Literally no one thinks that. Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.

What about a system where you can't see/edit the source but you can compile it

Didn't mean to sage

they can see the proprietary code too. you wont ever see it and cant ever fix it

they use unencrypted email?

Open source is much more favored since the underlying math algos are the most necessary thing in crypto and it doesn't matter if the methods were public, of course they will be even before the standards competed it will be publicized in the event and everyone who is an insider knows it.
That makes it 'backdoor free' in a sense that they can kidnap the devs and torture them to spill the beans but with open source - the beans were already spilled.
Though that only pits us into the single point of weakness that is the 'RNG' part of the hardware. Now most intelligence agencies only need to crack the RNG. There's been plenty of cases it being rigged in consumer products/processors. There was even an online lottery that boasts its RNG but got its famed RNG cracked out of nowhere and the crackers even put up the future lottery results.

Before you complain about open source being 'vulnerable' complain first about your hardware which had its own "instructions" rigged by the same intelligence agencies themselves. Now you've probably never heard of how good they optimized 'encryption' when in fact the keys were always sent over via a 3G baseband chip that's embedded in every processor.

You have NSA clearance right?

Huawei is what you're looking for.

Not the user but that's a silly question.
NSA spliced undersea internet cables and they have all the "data" in the raw. It's only a matter of cracking the cryptosystem which is the easiest part. In most cases they use poor and weak crypto which is the standard in sites like facebook. In case the web server did have a good cryptosystem, they can still crack it once the same crptosystem gets owned.
Many cryptosystems had been improved over the years and guess why.
When cracking shit, all you'll need is

could even be simple bugs but the embargos delay the release of the fix so anyone who knows about the bug can do things with it

Yes. Most retards would claim that to crack bitcoin you will deplete all the energy in the universe (as if energy is destructible!).
It's the optimist's mind trap.

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Old timey crypto relied on secrecy. Without that it was trivially broken.

they're clearly talking about free energy

OP a back door is when something put their on purpose. Meaning CIAniggers would to edit the source code then find a way to get the source code back into the repository without the developer's digital signature. In the case of open source software they would be found out because of the sheer number or people who read over the source code in an open source project. The developers would know that unauthorized changes were made to the code and they would aware that someone had hacked their source repository. Also some developers are so anal they checksum every file in the repo. If checksum doesn't match it has been changed.

Also case studies have proven time and time again that independent auditing leads to better security.

Microsoft pays out huge bug bounties independent security researchers who find bugs in the Windows operating system. In fact there are numerous companies who pay out bug bounties to hackers for finding and reporting exploitable bugs in their software. But generally speaking the code base of Window has only been seen by people who directly work for Microsoft. So security is entirely in the hands of Microsoft and they miss a lot of shit.

Offensive security's Exploit database shows 9,342 public exploits for Windows which is primarily closed source while there are only 2,849 public exploits available for Linux. This is all stuff that's been reported and patched.

Also I want to clear up some vocabulary. A backdoor is something that a developer or a hacker puts into a piece of software. Some backdoors are there for debugging and developers simply forget to remove then before putting software into production.

A hacker might gain access to a code repository and insert some malicious code into a the software. This happened with Linux Mint in 2015-2016.


Hypotheticals like this are transparent and easily countered with another bullshit hypothetical. What if you built a completely closed system that didn't leak energy to record a 1 or a 0? They'd have to entirely reconstruct their paragraphs of mental masturbation with more hypotheticals. They ignore past technological achievements and imply, to a degree, that technology has plateaued overall. It's as naieve as saying something like "there's not enough nickel in the core of Earth to make enough AA batteries to power a world full of portable telephone/camera/television/microphone hybrids for an appreciable amount of time, plus imagine carrying all that shit around lol!"

Also great thread, thinkingman OP. Don't hurt yourself too hard from all the thinking, it would be a shame if the world lost such a big brain.


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Explain how u inane glowing shitposter


good one, op

not him but I think he means systemd keeps other init systems safe by being the most popular one and the one CIAniggers target.

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Hacking proprietary programs is literally as easy as shipping your own dynamic library. Hacking open source is an over operation and the spooks are scared of doing it.

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Free software, high standards

Case in point

so your argument is basicly variant of security by obscurity, it works but not always and not for long