Take the UNIX Hater pill

I hear many people talking about their UNIX addiction. The thing is that they rarely understand that UNIX is truly addictive.

I remember back in the day when I weighed 260 pounds and felt miserable, I lived on UNIX. It was a staple in my religion. I bought 2 licenses of UNIX System V. I gorged on them, had ed sandwiches and smothered my shellscripts in metacharacters.

My body ached, I was lethargic and depressed..

Thankfully, hypnosis changed my life. I used hypnosis for UNIX addiction as well as for weight loss and overall lifestyle change.

The result is that today I have a large amount of no desire for UNIX. I lost about 115 – 120 pounds and I feel great.

My hypnosis for weight loss program can help you too. If you are struggling with UNIX addiction or just want to lose weight, call or email me now. Together, no matter where you may live, we can develop a hypnosis program for you.

Pic related, it's what all you UNIX weenies look like.
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Computers are for faggot virgins in general.
Get an arduino or something and do something actually good.

This guy's so against ASCII's "metacharacters" that he refused to use the enter key for his text art. Very commendable.

Deep down everyone knows the Unix hater is 100% right. They are just too afraid to admit it.

The Unix hater's objections of Unix are far too academic to matter to me. All I care is that I can run my computer and Lignux properly does that for me.

What does "GNU" stand for?

Yes it is true that GNU is not Unix. As a independent and compliant implementation of Unix, it works very closely to what Unix does.

lol you mean you never noticed all the glaring design flaws and awful user experience in linux?
Yeah how truly academic.
I'm glad the lisp fag has co-opted unix hate into his symbolics revivalism.
Maybe we can start having suckyless threads again and talk about how unix philosophy has never been tried.


It's all dead either way.
Linux, Apple and Microsoft will become jurassic pretty fast just like IBM.
Distros will never achieve significant popularity, MacOS is the eternal crap and people still use Windows because there's nothing to replace it.

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Can someone give me an estimate as to when the shitposter/s will go away?
I'll leave the board till then.

14 years is the perfect time to marry. Prove me wrong.

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No I don't notice any glaring Linux design flaws. As an OS kernel program, Linux provides adequate user experience for me.

No, you prove it, pedobaiter.

Spoke like a true casual. This attitude condemns the industry into mediocrity.
Whatever, it's not like anything will improve ever now.

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They are reddit and cuckchan niggers that don't know >>>/g/ exists and awaits them.

He's right though. the "not unix" is just for legal purposes. As in, doesn't have any AT&T code. It's still functionally identical.

Not making a point or taking sides. I don't care either way. Just laughing at how there is no way to accurately describe GNU without admitting that it is indeed just Unix in the same sentence. Lying for legal purposes is still lying. It's amazing that he got away with it. Just replace Unix with Windows in your mind and imagine what Microsoft would have done to Stallman. No excuse in the world would save his ass.

React OS is a clone of Windows. ReactOS works by independently implementing the functions of how Windows behaves. Make no mistake, ReactOS is not Windows. Microsoft has no legal recourse to cause the project to cease because ReactOS is not Windows. GNU works in exactly the same way. The name Unix has a specific legal definition and to have the Unix trademark applied to your system carries specific permission from the Unix trademark holder. This is why it's acceptable to refer to GNU as a "Unix-like" and why it's wrong to call GNU as "Unix".

If it works the same way, does the same thing, has the same issues, and was based on it, then arguing that they are not the same thing is just being pedantic. They are identical enough that "GNU is not Unix" is a thing. Even the name is defensive. ReactOS doesn't work like Windows, and it doesn't do what Windows does. It's not Windows, it's shit. If it was Windows, then it would actually be viable as a Windows replacement, but it doesn't replace much of anything, does it? And it won't be until the world suddenly becomes not shit and Microsoft is forced to release the source code for every version of Windows, excluding only possibly the current one, because they are clearly enforcing a monopoly, since nothing is allowed to replace Windows. But that will never happen. But don't forget that Microsoft loves dude open source, dude.

GANNOO and the BSDs are what Unix ended up becoming, they are just branches of the same thing. Barely any practical differences between them. Still Unix. Still a disappointment, and generally shitty. Living proof that if something is dude open source, it will last until the end of times no matter how shitty it is, and it will forever be an excuse to never invent anything better. Then again, that is kinda harsh. It's not that bad. Not compared to the software that runs on it. If it wasn't for that, then it could be more decent. Give me Windows 95 levels of usability and I'll be happy. And it should have the same performance for the same amount of features, and actual design. None of this decent performance but nothing but a window manager bullshit. Do that on Windows and it will be much lighter. We had everything back in the day, so it's possible. Not even 95, Windows 7 is fine too, by current standards. Just compete with anything decent that Microsoft has ever made and Unix can be usable enough until someone makes something else.

RMS chose to make GNU Unix-like for mere compatibility reasons, since Unix was a popular system at the time. That way, encouraging people to use his OS would have been much easier than it were completely different. It has was never a technical choice based on the actual quality of Unix.
The main goal of GNU and the FSF is, and has always been, spreading the idea of free software, not necessarily make a "Unix-like" system, or even a "perfect" system from a functional point of view.
If you look at major GNU projects such as Emacs, in fact, which were not part of the original Unix system, they are anything but "Unix-like" in functionality, code and underlying philosophy.
The name "GNU is not Unix" is not defensive. If anything, it's making it clear that the system, despite mostly looking and working like Unix on the outside, is _not_ Unix, and considering it "what Unix ended up becoming" is just wrong.


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Doesn't matter, I want a time estimate.


where did nano chan go?








Holy shit, the Masonic influence here is glowing.

Where are all these shills coming from?

Why is there so much racism in this thread?



Shut up chaim.

Go back to cuckchan.


Speak for yourself, faggot.