Did he win?

Did he win?

Attached: k3h98jilhfplzozdd8l5wglm0bq.jpeg (1920x1280, 224.92K)

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The battle isn't over yet. Now fuck off.

Fuck you systemNigger. Counter sage

so consolidating Linux under one system like Windows,
was it worth killing countless open source projects?

Linux is soyboy central at this point. I'd rather side with autistic beardy autists like PHK than with whomever designs Red Hat software.

Nobody but money wanted to consolidate loonix.
And money contributes most of the code to it, so it basically owns it. Whatever.

Let's pool our Bitcoins together to hire a hitman.

We need a Zig Forums Terrant that physically removes botnet.

so "extended" linux becomes the norm

Attached: terry.jpeg (263x300, 14.97K)

I don't think so.
GNU Guix System is blooming - 1.0 version is going to be released soon, no systemd support (shepherd instead), ource-based, functional package management with reproducible builds, binary bootstrapping is getting better, the Hurd port is in progress, 100% libre distribution.

I wish they could merge Linux (kernel) into systemd, so I could use the Hurd and watch open sore and "Linux is the real system" guys drowning in Pooettering's shit.

Can I use the normal linux kernel and if so is it documented how to do it?
If so I'll switch from Arch in a heartbeat.

Is it possible to use GuixSD with proprietary drivers? I was thinking of installing it on my laptop, but it's got a shitty proprietary wifi that doesn't work with the proper drivers, so I think I'm going for NixOS instead, but if I can make Guix work then I would prefer to (eventually) use it as my main OS.

Yes, it put Red Hat in a better position. And luckily for them Microsoft hates users even more so not many will go back to NSA/Windows.

Attached: redhat.png (800x800, 12.43K)

I'm not a scheme pro yet, but it is possible to define a nonfree package, just haven't done it before.
Check out these:
I'm buying a libre computer, but I'm going to try installing Guix System on my botnet PC too.

Also forgot to say. Guix System follows Free System Distribution Guidelines, so they make no effort to provide nonfree software support, so it may be hard to install nonfree drivers and firmware, but there are some unofficial package definitions.


Quality software won. He was just a prolific developer.

Quality software already lost decades ago.

No, his system is full of 0days, anybody with two fully functioning brain cells will avoid it.

He wishes.

the best alternatives are complete so they just work and are not dying if they have users.

No. I have no problems living without systemd because I believe in free software. I actually invest myself into my software.

so you want IBM to control Linux?

Yes, Satan, I do.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (259x383, 261.7K)


What is Void Linux

An awful meme.

Systemd is a filthy jew op. Gentoo is the distro of choice.


Yes he won and the entire linux foundation lost, was it worth it? I'm on bsd now.

I would like to see systemd port for *BSD systems

Gentoo supports nonfree software and systemd.

GNU Guix is better.

and you can customize which licenses you allow

By making it easy to use systemd or proprietary software, a distribution shows using these things is fine. By showing these things are fine, you make people use it.

It's like saying "Drugs are bad for you" and then giving someone heroine. The point of free software is not only to have convenience, but to give freedom. By not fighting software that's nonfree, or systemd you give up to it.

Systemd is GPL software. Stallman has no problem with it because it's GPL.

who cares about stallman, what matters is real freedom, not his deranged imaginations

OP: slackware still exists

Fuck off with that commie's definition of freedom

not making anything hard to use just because you dont like it is freedom. if the user can use whatever he wants then thats freedom.

Capitalists' definition of freedom is better?

no they both suck


I already switched to OpenBSD, it's much better than Linux. Linux is a mess.

yeah they're the ones behind all this, just stop using that cuckolded OS

Not being radical about freedom and free software leads to it's degradation.
"Liberals" not caring about things brought systemd to the point where it is now, made Linux - the kernel use proprietary blobs, letting hardware to be proprietary too. Open source fags add nonfree software, e.g. discord to repositories. "Liberals" and corporations made the EU impose censorship on the Internet, they took away net neutrality in the USA.
You must care about your freedom. This "commie's" definition of freedom preserves it for a long time.

stallman is fine with systemd and that's why his definition of freedom is lacking

only thing stallman cares about is that the code is freely accessible. he does not care about the quality of the code just that its free.

Argumentum ad verecundiam.
Also is there any source about Stallman saying that, because on the other hand he knows that "open source" DRM is still malware, so why would he not call systemd one? Maybe he doesn't know technical details about systemd.
Good thing is that GNU Guix's maintainers know that systemd is a malware so whatever.
But sure thing is systemd as free(?) software is better than nonfree software, because at least you can investigate how it works (doesn't work) and mitigate malware disfeatures.
The main power of systemd doesn't come from it being bloated, but it comes from having influence over distributions like debian and software like GNOME. Bloat is a bonus, so it is harder to remove.

why do you always put those non english soyboy redditor words in your posts??

English is not my native language, so I may make mistakes, but I've never used reddit, because it requires nonfree js to work.
What exactly do you mean, freedom, or argumentum ad verecundiam?
Second one is fucking latin you illiterate burger. This is the name of a defeasible argument.

back to 4chan with you

How so?

t. Void main for 3 years

no, but we all lost

Attached: pulseaudio.png (680x227, 71.91K)




Nice damage control.

heres a plot twist: his programs are used because they actually work unlike most shit unix weenies put out.

Except they don't lol

Attached: Pulse audio.png (800x815, 863.44K)

Damage control by pointing to the site? What a dumb fucking nigger you are.

Well, what is voidlinux.eu? Please explain it.

just use english next time; you're not impressing anyone here with your latin shit
and I don't care about what stallman thinks aside from the fact that he influences a lot of people - because much of his stuff (such as the freedom issue) is nonsense

There, I explained it for you. Go away nigger.

How abour you kys?
LMAO. Definitely kys.

Void Linux is a meme.

That's it. I'm going to install hyperbola linux today.

The creator came back a while ago.

GNOME is malware though.

Void and runit are very comfy. Archfags btfo. You use that botnet and dare to trashtalk Chad Void.

I'd like to do a poll on which OSs Zig Forums uses but it would just be windows and templeOS responses along with "fuck off CIAnigger"

wouldn't a better thing be to pool your bitcoin together to hire a team of coders?

It's not about impressing anyone, it's about tradition.
Rhetoric was invented in ancient times, so the names of arguments are in latin.

Maybe. But I was just memeing.

Btw this didn't really happened. Some guys joked about it on IRC and Lennart, like all SJWs, misinterpreted it as an actual death threat to further his agenda.
IRC logs here: pastebin.com/TdbzLgiW


Yes. Very few distros that don't waste your time don't require systemd. If making your computer work isn't the only thing that you do, chances are you will have to accept it. But it doesn't matter, because the Linux Foundation is even worse and even less trustworthy. It's all garbage.

very true user

It is

Stallman doesn't care about "open source" DRM, only that the DRM respects the user's freedom to run the software, study the code, modify the code and share copies of the software. If users are forbidden to do any of that, he will reject any kind of DRM regardless of whether it is "open source" or not.

That's a setting board owners need to turn on

OpenRC is still a thing

Runit is still a thing

S6 is still a thing

Elongind is still a thing and provides compatibility with systemd shit thanks to the SJWs from GuixSD

OP is a faggot. Shove that blackpill up your ass.

Also GNU Shepherd and a lot of stuff

Artix or Void, lads? Need something new to switch to from Mint.


I switched to Devuan from Mint, but it is a pain in the ass, but you can give it a try. I'm going to switch to Guix System as soon as I'll get a libre computer.



Guys, how do I get rid of Pulseaudio?
I read some user mention stdio, and I read that it runs on top of ALSA, much like Pulseaudio does.
My question is, does it work well with Firefox and is there a systray mixer for it on KDE? (or any other DE)

Attached: pulseaudio-firefox-alert-bar.jpg (668x221, 31.68K)

It's called sndio
No idea.

Last time I tried (((firefox))) on OpenBSD (on 6.3) it worked.
Fucking (((firefox ""devs""))). They bend over for (((pulseaudio))) on linux yet they kindly support sndio and android's sound (based on ALSA) via cubeb. I have heard that it's still possible to enable ALSA support on (((firefox))) using cubeb.

And OpenBSD.

i just typed apt remove pulseaudio but most of the distros i use have no systemd or related things so i dont need to do it

firefox does not need pulseaudio. you can compile it so it works without but some shitty binary distros compile it with only pulseaudio support.

I heard that new versions (59+) have PA as a hard dependency.
I don't know though how true that is, since I'm sticking with 52 until I leave this shit browser completely.

Linux is a shit.

Windows is much better.


I'm compiling firefox 60 right now, i can confirm that's bullshit.
There is no hard dependency on pulse, only pozzed binary distros.


even ubuntu allows removing pulseaudio. it just means that some of the precompiled packages wont work properly but it can be removed if you want.


Gentoo but you knew that already

they probably killed ian so he wouldnt speak up against it