So often, alternative sercices are made by anarchists or neo-nazis who were banned from mainstream communities. Will the leftists or alt-right be the ones to lead the resistance against big tech? protip: youre thinking that the answer is your own side, you irrational tard nonbinary political affiliations are allowed ITT
Right: Left:
Grayson Green
The extreme centre will rise again.
Blake Butler
You're retarded to boot and there will be no resistance, no alternatives. Besides, the leftists are the mainstream already for a long time, after decades of infiltration through Gramscism.
You have to realize that shit is going down for the world, and that tech will succumb.
Nolan Myers
Big tech is 100% aligned with, and run by liberal leftist.
The left stopped caring about the capitalism and the proletariat somewhere in the 70's. All worthwhile jobs were shipped off shore, and in return the left got gay sex, ethnic food and a job as a barista.
libtards proceed to be owned by a big corporation and policed by Mc cops. But since it's done by the market it's fine.
This is still being done, and I don't see it chance soon.
Besides this, it's also killing wages. You can't compete with people willing to shit on the street. Doesn't matter if they have work visas, or work from india. All import from countries with lower development level and quality of life serves to put pressure on wages. Doesn't matter if it's a software or an imported motorcycle.
Cooper Richardson
Literally incorrect. You must be living under a boulder for the past 50 years.
Benjamin Harris
_Actual_ tech companies are actually not that politicized, but if you think """tech""" companies such as Google, Facebook and most of the rest of Silicon Valley faggotry aren't anything but leftist shitholes, you need a reality check.
Justin Kelly
[differentfag] It is worth considering how much of the political correctness is a facade and how much is legitimate. A lot of them are left-leaning in terms of social equality (equal pay, diversity hiring, etc.) but some of the bigger ones are just pandering to the crowd.
Jayden Thompson
You must have fallen with your head since you were born.
Jeremiah Edwards
The company presidents are all explicit leftists, this isn't a pr stunt or signaling. They just resent they can't be more turbo because their companies stop if they stop hiring white males.
Luke Campbell
well so far the left seems to be leading with things like riseup and disroot
Ryder James
If I can host it myself and inspect the source code, it's not a fucking fairytail, is it? >inb4 no-one has inspected the source code for backdoors. I've done network analysis and found no unexpected network activity and have done high-level analysis of some of the tools I host
Logan Thomas
t. hapase?
Daniel Roberts
It's healthy to escape the hugbox echo chambers but goddamn both sides have some fucking idiots.
Sebastian Russell
I can think of disroot, riseup, antix, GNU and a few social media alternatives on the left. All I know of the right are a couple of image boards and personal sites with no JS. I would love to be proven incorrect but it seems the left is far more focused on helping kill the botnet.