Reminder that there is a neat site made by a (((Zig Forums))) poster on spywares.
Would be pretty cool if the BO could stop being such a giant faggot for just one second and add it to the sticky.
Reminder that there is a neat site made by a (((Zig Forums))) poster on spywares.
Would be pretty cool if the BO could stop being such a giant faggot for just one second and add it to the sticky.
Hurr durr i can run mitm proxy and tcp dump and publish my findings. You have to go back aaathatsas shill
Yeah, we know.
There used to be a thread made by the lad that runs that website.
and yet no one has done it before
It's obvious you're shilling your site. Not the first time you've done it.
Your page sucks, check THIS out
not his typing style
and by that I mean he would make like 3 typos in that sentence alone
In the category Medium it says: "You should be able to disable all spyware features for a program to get this rating". I think you should add that to category Low also. As it is now I would rather have a program from category Medium than Low because then I can at least disable all spying. Even if the spying in category Low is extremely limited, it is not necessarily possible to disable and thus worse than one from category Medium.
He's kinda right though. Because of the details of the specification, it necessarily means that all applications (that follow the specification) are various levels of badwrong. Maybe use a different word than "Spyware", but it gets the message across.
Please quote those parts of the specification.
The site quotes it, specifically saying the User-Agent (
Read the article you lazy nigger, he does it for you.
Ctrl+F "14.43 User-Agent"
Then either don't send the User Agent header or do what the Tor browser does.
Be a honeypot?
If that's what it's supposed to be, they did a shit job of it.
Kill yourself, your shitty opinionated blog is worthless
You too should hang
Whatcha saying schlomo?
Shut up chaim.
I don't think so to be honest.
Go back to cuckchan.