About time we had a thread on home grown tech. Hobbyist stuff and pet engineering projects
Hobbyist electronics
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Controller for food dehydrator cabinet.
So far I have only designed power electronics output stage: 2 x 16A TRIACs + MOC3052 drivers, with heat sinks capable of driving 1300 W resistive heater loads each. Next thing I need to do is to measure inductance of the fan motor to see if I need any snubbers on another TRIAC that will drive it. After that comes zero crossing detector, power supplies (buck + linear), supporting circuitry for sensors (temperature + humidity), MCU (I will probably use STM32F0*)... I expect to finish hardware side of things over this weekend. I will then write software while waiting for PCB from chinkland.
Microphone preamp based on BC549. Nothing spectacular, basic common emitter amplifier.
I’m building my knowledge through books.
nice try, fed
I just finished a nano-scale nuclear fusion reactor that produces a net power output of 700,000 watts. However, I am disappointed with its performance, my girlfriend built one that produces 1,200,000,000 watts.
Both are the size of briefcases but of course one cannot carry it around because it would singe your hair off, even at lowest power. Power output can be varied from around 8,000 watts to the maximum of 700,000.
But of course, I'm not going to post any evidence or plans, because my designs would only be used by Masonic organizations and Zionist Jewish influenced cabal members to power their Satanic weaponology and demon-worshipping baby-sacrificing cult rituals...
Yeah, well, who doesn't?
Mind giving your name, DOB and email? its just for an interview (=
Unfortunately this.
The problem I've got with 'Hobby Electronics' is now it's being ((monetized)) by Empire-building Monopolists-- Dale Dougherty's "Maker™ Movement™", Hackaday, etc. I've done a few neat things (that 4-bit CPU posted here a few years ago), but I don't care to put it online, because it gets the parasites and Buyers™ bugging me and otherwise trying to make mega moneies off me and everyone else.
Sure, it has always been capitalists in the hobby, and "Am-Pros", but a primary reason I've taken up Amateur Radio is that it's a scene with already well-defined limits of what ((they) can do.
I built an 8 bit ripple carry adder in Minecraft, does that count?
I wish I could understand opamps.
My calculus and electrical knowledge is weak.
Hackaday isn't that bad because there's some quality projects and good information. Yeah they sell stuff too, but they're typically modules/widgets that can be used with a project but not necessary.
You can compare that to something like "Hak5" which seems to be geared towards 12 year olds and using their "pentesting" tools. The host guy seems like a faggot that's trying too hard to be a 1337 hacker from 1999.
Marker movement is fucking stupid art shit that doesn't really serve a purpose other than to entertain low IQ crowds and sell Arduinos/RPis. It is likely a faux-movement created by the electronics industry to sell more product. It's the kind of movement where you'd expect to see a fire-breathing triple-headed dildo with a built-in cellular network controlled vibrator.
Oh look, they just did another clickbait Jeri Ellsworth post.
i made a pretty beefy boost converter and i have been fucking around with audio grade opamps. just plan circuit shit for me is pretty boring. currently i am fucking with this stm board that has a cortex m4 I got for free a while ago and trying to make it into a mp3 player. it has a dac and a 3mm audio jack that you can connect, just its a pain in the ass to convert mp3 files for input for the dac even when using a codec.
Why not just fuck off and let people discuss their hobbyist electronics? We're a bunch of nerds building stuff in our basements. We're not going to any sort of conventions or meet up. They're irrelevant to the topic and you just want to whine. Build shit or STFU
Is there a good no-math based LED/battery chart to follow? I'm much more of a hands on testing things sort of guy and I'm trying to figure out lighting things. It would be really helpful to have a chart with recommended batteries for different amounts of LEDs. Like if you wanted to run 5 use this type of battery to get this amount of light. LEDS x batter = time sort of thing. I know there's differences that matter but a baseline would be nice so I can order suitable batteries and have them in the desk drawer ready to pull out
Are you using a codec? Do you read the mp3 from an SD card?
You can draw as many amps from a battery as the circuit demands, it just won't run that long. Get the mAH or AH, figure out the current draw for your leds, that should be enough to figure out how long the battery will last, not including losses in discrete components.
There's so many types of LED and lithium cells and batteries there's absolutely no point in making this kind of chart. Learn Ohm's law and get to work.
I know you can do it that way and use the online converters but I'm looking for a cheat sheet for a foundation to work from. I'm new to lighting model kits and I want to figure out dioramas and lighting up individual engines. It's much easier to have a foundation to work off when planning to open space in parts for the electronics to fit. I can do the individual maths no problem but when deciding on a new project I don't want to have to do a bunch of maths as I browse my model kit collection
I'm repurposing the local water tower into a HAARP style frequency emitter to disperse chemtrails
So I recently discovered you can ground EMF, there are pads on eBay for sale that accomplish this, even clothing that can achieve it.
I wanna take it a step further and create, essentially a shielding infrastructure network in which the EMF waves travel to get to a specific device. In other words, I want to develop, or see someone develop, a way to channel EMF in a controlled manner to devices without exposing users to harmful radiation. There are pads that one can simply place under their laptops for example that can ground the waves (90%+ of them), but I want an internal way to achieve this in a laptop specifically.
I was thinking, simply placing a sleeve over a wwan card and wifi card for example that allowed for the service to be usable, but still ground the waves internally as the sleeve absorbs excess leakage and uses the laptops internal metal parts to ground.
Any ideas? Think maybe a couple of layers of copper might do the trick?
Is this a Markov bot?
bot posters are better than humans then. its a good future if i can shitpost without having to deal with often annoying humans.
No I'm seriously interested in this soft of thing..
Nothing of what you posted makes a single lick of sense. Attend a telecomms 101 course and come back.
Not building but I have a few controllers I need to repair and an amp that needs a potentiometer replaced
I tried resoldering the headphones jack on my mp3 player after it lost connection. Now it just makes a constant clicking noise and doesn't play any music. Have I fucked something up beyond repair or can I desolder it and try again?
Sure it does
see here
It can be shielded, and "earthed" not entirely, but significantly. This is basically my idea, no different than the shielding in your HDD, except it includes different metal combination to achieve the desired effect. This is a crude example, but I can imagine it being implemented in a rectangular case designed specifically for the hardware in laptop builds. With pores to absorb, but metals to trap and shield. Maybe it wont be effective, but it's worth a shot.
you sure that you didn short it? those things are so tiny that everything has to be perfectly or it wont work. its nearly impossible to solder modern tech without special tools because everything is 1nm away from the next part
I might have. I'm inexperienced and possibly damaged it. I have a back up to use so I didn't mind if I couldn't fix it. I may as well just buy a new mp3 player if I can find one that doesn't suck.
The only mind diseased enough to think shielding a laptop's wireless adapter is a worthwhile endeavor is also perfectly convinced high-frequency 5G will kill untold millions instantly. Do you recognize yourself in this statement?
People also buy cable risers, that doesn't mean every product available for purchase does anything useful.
You're typing like a George Soros employee, user. Stop it. Clearly radiation causes cancer.
thats my final plan currently i just have the mp3 in sram and trying to play before i add a sdcard
i wish i had more time to work on it.
I understand what you mean. Keep us posted about your progress.
why do people always keep saying that? where is all your time going
Look up "Faraday cage". Shielding wifi doesn't make sense. Switch to laser or cable instead. Directional antennas if you don't care about leakage in lobes.
So you want to allow propagation of the electro-magnetic field only in a specific direction?
That's called a cable.
EMF,ELF, and heat.
I'm pretty interested in learning about hobby electronics. Do you guys have any books or resources recommended for newfags?
Yikes. Where did all this misogyny come from?
Kike mods are trying to get TOR banned. Don't let them get away with it!
Europeons need to burn in a tar-pit. Disgusting
I smell some satanic fuckery here.
This isn't going to work. Try again.
Europeons need to burn in a tar-pit. Disgusting
I love Donald Trump! Heil Israel MIGA 2020!!!
LOL, I wish I thought of doing that!