What are your are favorite or least favorite hacker cliches? Why?
Hands down my pet peeve of hacker stereotypes is this shit with the balaclavas, hoodies, and masks. Everybody knows you can just put tape over your fucking webcam. Also this Guy Fawkes mask thing is pure faggotry. If you're going to be hacker don't LARP as Hugo Weaving's worst character. Though I predict this Mask thing will gain traction again in light of the recent arrest of the white wizzard.
Anyhow this came up in one of the cybersecurity groups on LinkedIn. The hoodie thing is marketing from people who do marketing for security products and want to make hackers and malware look spooky to people who think using Microsoft Office is a computer skill. I get that. What bothers me is when actually security professionals like Consultants and Pentesters use bullshit cliches along with blog articles on security breaches or malware and just makes everyone involved look like a faggot who has no idea what they are talking about. Sometimes I think tech companies just let cybersecurity people sit at the grownups table because it's funny. What do you guys think of this?
I chuckle everytime I see a "hacker" in a movie use hardware/software that are either closed sourced or partially closed source. Unless they're using a Librebooted Thinkpad, with a completely FOSS operating system (or an entire hardware/software build that they made themselves that's FOSS and FOSH), they're getting backdoored.
Landon Murphy
That a 19 year-old extroverted weak-willed street-kid with smartphone-level education that does rave drugs and devotes 99.9% of their life to being a Scener can have ELITE hacking skillz that the NSA fear.
Aiden Gonzalez
I've watched a lot of DEFCON videos and other cybersec conferences and most of the speakers strike me as a bunch of fags LARPing as Frank Abagnale, especially the ones who talks about social engineering.
The only time wearing a hoodie and mask, when hacking related, is acceptable, is when black mailing people IRL. I can understand them wanting to be a grey man, and dressing like it, but i think the way hollywood does it is utter fags. I know this isn't hacking related, but in shit network cop fbi nigger shows, when ever you use a program, fucking BEEP BOOP NIGGER POOP loud ass sounds. I also how they type and how fast AND FUCKING LOUD IT IS. FUck no good hacker would type like that 1946 nigger if they wanted to hack well.
Dylan Davis
It is according to employers Yeah I tracked my total hours writing fucking word documents and making PowerPoint presentations
That's what they want on resumés... It's frustrating working for people that are literally dumber than you are. It's worse when the IT section has to be called because some complete moron can't connect to their local USB Deskjet printer. I have to leave the building at that point.
Camden Williams
Sometimes I will spend 1/2 hour taking a shit
Jackson Brown
Another thing that annoys me is "Life Hacks". Isn't life hacks just a rebranding of nigger rigging. I like the term nigger rigged way better than life hacks. It's not a hack every time you figure out how to do something trivial.