SpeedGate is a sport that some AI faggots came up with. I wanted to archive the website and link that here, but the website is generated from JS in real time (because that's apparently necessary to describe a sport,) rendering archiving useless. Eventually, I had to screencap the website 18 times and stitch the parts together in GIMP to create pic related.

The game seems alright for backyard fun; thing is, it really wasn't that much work on the part of the software. The sport was dreamed up by a series of ANNs that were being run on an (((Nvidia))) cluster along with many other possible games and this one was the one that made the most sense (others were games that involved exploding frisbees and underwater freerunning.)

Although the sport seems decently fun, it seems that the creators are complete faggots. I'm not sure about my own opinion of this sport, but it at least seems like a technically impressive feat.

Attached: SpeedGate.jpg (1904x13984, 2.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Random tech website's coverage of the game:

Humans have employed Al to identify what's in photos, create artificial faces, and evenplay video games betier than we can. For the first time, Al has created a sport. Nvidia anda design agency called AKQA fed neural networks data about sports that already exist,and they came up with a new one. It's called Speedgate, and it's a mix of rugby, fieldhockey, soccer, and more.The team started with the rules for 400 of the world’s most popular sports — that’'s morethan 7,300 individual rules. That data passed through a recurrent neural network and adeep convolutional generative adversarial network. A recurrent neural network usesconnections between the individual nodes to process sequences of inputs in time. Agenerative adversarial network uses two networks in comp:the two generates an output, and the other decides if the output seems “real.” on with each other. One of AKQA and N ran the networks on clusters of Tesla GPUs to generate more than1,000 different sports complete with rules and logos. Of course, machines have noregard for human safety, so many of the suggested games were too dangerous orimpractical. There was one that involved underwater parkour and another based onexploding frisbees. And who wouldn’t want to throw balls back and forth while walking atightrope between two hot air balloons? The humans on the team evaluated the outputsand pared them down to a list of 10 possibilities and then field tested three of them.Speedgate was the winner.To play Speedgate, you need two teams of six players and a few flexible poles to createthe gates. There’s a center gate and one at each end of the field. Three players on eachteam can go wherever they like on the field, but the other three can only cross into theother team’s half when their team has control of the gate. You get control by kicking theball through the center gate, but you can’t step in the center gate area. ( player.vimeo.com/video/329923291?dnt=1&app_id=122963?wmode=transparentYou can toss the ball between players, but you can’t run with it. If you catch the ball, it hasto be passed or kicked within three seconds. If you don’t, the other team can try to snatchit away. You score points by kicking the ball through the other team’s gate in eitherdirection. The winner is the team with the most points at the end of three 7-minuteperiods.There’s a full website with rules, field measurements, and even a recommendation forwhat ball to use (a size 4 rugby training ball). AKQA is looking to make Speedgate a thingin communities around the world. There’s a page on the Speedgate website where youcan sign up to get materials on how to start your own league. Unless that’s just what themachines want us to do.

Attached: etspg.png (842x2195, 637.08K)

too complicated

apparently they told their AI that women want to play sports.
This is interesting. They're basically admitting that AI is useless on it's own; it needs a human to do filtering for it. Out of 1000 games, only one ended up being any good. And looking at it, it's clearly pretty ass as well. Recent blogs on AI generated poetry finds the same thing. AI can generate passable, but ultimately shitty poetry, 1/1000 of the time.

This, pretty much. I really wonder how this would compare to just randomly mixing the rules of different games together and seeing what comes out.

It's a literal SJW sport



The biggest issue I see is that awkward foul zone in the center gate

its just stupid with all those poles all over the field. you're gonna crash into them all the time. won't be so funny after a while.

Skiers don't seem to mind

The kind of people who jack off over "AI" are also NPCs who have no deep insight into anything. They make shit poetry AI, because they don't have the capacity to understand what poetry is. Literally in their mind they think poetry is just stringing funny words together, with no holistic idea. It's pathetically reductionist thinking applying to everything, except that thinking makes money these days so it gets encouraged.

I wish there were newbie friendly, universally adopted scripting languages for things like writing bots for games. Right now I/O is 90% of the work, before you can start learning basic AI algos you have to go on a fucking journey to figure out how to get the program to talk to the game first, or learn the devs spergtastic api. There's plenty of people who know a lot of deep, specialized strategy that could make really cool true AI, but aren't, because the barrier of entry is too high.

This is so goddamn true. A good majority of people that I know that refer to themselves as "programmers" only know how to glue together other peoples' code.

archive.is/LNsd8 is a perfect example of how shit most people are these days at writing something actually useful.

module.exports = leftpad;function leftpad (str, len, ch) { str = String(str); var i = -1; if (!ch && ch !== 0) ch = ' '; len = len - str.length; while (++i < len) { str = ch + str; } return str;}


Holy shit, the Masonic influence here is glowing.

I wonder (((why))).

Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug.

Looks like some Soros-funded controlled opposition to me.

Whatcha sliding Chaim?

Hats off to the 14 year-old who has made all the Larpfaggots on Zig Forums lose their shit.

6 players on two teams + 6 gates = 6.6.6
Satan wants his own niggerball game for NPCs

I agree with the other user: SJW sport confirmed

Good idea user, but don't you think that idea is a bit too Jewish?

Whatcha sliding MOSHE?

Kike mods are trying to get TOR banned. Don't let them get away with it!

Still beats Tumblr.

I know coding classes tell you not to rewrite everything, but this is nigger-tier.

I didn't know civilization had regressed so far already.

Attached: wtfface.jpg (400x327, 15.92K)

Mods REALLY need to start banning racism on here.

This is why you never trust anything written in JS.

Eat shit, you fatherless stinking nigger.

Sasuga Zig Forums.

doesnt node download everything on demand.. that would explain the crazy download counts

We need a filter that changes AI to 'Machine Learning' until 2023

Artificial insemination?

Looks fun. More people need to go out and do physical activity more.

More like SpeedGAY

Why did they need a computer to invent this, though?

Yeah Right...
In the words of George Raymond Richard Martin:
"You just took a lot of pills, mashed together a bunch of sci-fi and fantasy clichés and crapped out a 2000 page turd."

This might be passable as a sport if the creators weren't such insufferable faggots

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