Are you really a programmer? Show us your own 8ch downloader then

Are you really a programmer? Show us your own 8ch downloader then.
Here's mine.

Attached: scr-1.png (487x436, 67.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:[0-9a-f] .(jpe?g|png|gif|webm|mp4))@\n\1\n@g'[0-9a-f] .(jpe?g|png|gif|webm|mp4)'',

I'm seeing a lot of bot posts spammed around here. Be careful anons

Judensheim pls go

That could be my next project

I'd be more impressed if you found a toilet to shit in pajeet.

You can read about my downloader if you have a decent OS installed you don't with man wget

UI programming is basic sh*t, but I do agree that OP is a faggot for not doing cross-platform software. (and don't give me this "Linux or GTFO" shit)

Mods REALLY need to start banning racism on here.

command line or GTFO ;^)

where does this nigger think his bot is posting?

Why would you want to use a terrible autist os when you could use something that actually works? :^)


maybe you should ask in what language was made before posting.I suggest you read more about look and feel.

Attached: Screenshot.png (627x298, 20.37K)

Attached: Capture.JPG (883x683, 89.32K)

You work at Mozilla on Firefox? Wow

curl | grep -o '

Attached: 1425866630721.jpg (798x800, 149.91K)

You work at Microsoft on Windows? Wow

How embarrassing. I shared no evidence to suggest I use Windows, rookie.

like theres anything worth downloading here. just click the save button in the browser if that ever happens or use wget but theres never so much good stuff that its worth using that.

whats there even to program on windows.. they have simple gui editors for that and even someone that has never programmed before can use them.

Get on my level.

Sent from my Emacs

Attached: 1555514920.png (1280x1024, 55.09K)

wget -P thread_media -nd -nc -r -l 1 -H -D -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm --reject-regex='s.jpg' [Thread URL]

The look says nothing as it is Win10. Could be Java or C# or whatever the fuck OP wants

>>>/hydrus/ is even better

Not everyone is sicko mode

Then it will not be cross-platform.

Source code or GTFO

#read the URLs to get from the URL listed and treat it as HTML input to be parsed:wget -F -i
add accept/reject lists and other options as needed

thanks user I was hoping someone would post that line too.


>for i, thread in enumerate(downloadBoard("" currentBoard "catalog.html",currentBoard)):
Pages are served JSON format so use
instead of

This fucking chad.

wget -bEHkprl 'inf' -So 'wget.log' \ --accept-regex="^https?://(media\.|softserve\.)?8ch\.net/((${B}/(res/${T}\.html|threads\.json)|main\.js)|(${B}/(thumb|src)|file_store(/thumb)?|js|static|stylesheets)/.*)$" \ --warc-cdx --warc-file="8ch.${B}.${T}" -nH -P "8ch.${B}.${T}" -- "${B}/res/${T}.html"


How comfortable is that resolution nowadays? Is there a reason to keep to it rather than going with e.g. 1920x1200?

I mostly use it out of habit to be honest, but it's enough for two windows with 80 chars each. Somewhat annoying for movies obviously. 4:3 master race

But it's 5:4

Yeah, but I'd prefer a 4:3 monitor.

Close but no cigar - it would work only without any vertical borders/scrollbars etc. whatsoever (unless the font has char width less than 8 pixels).

Why did VESA approve that weird 5:4 reso of 1280x1024 (rather than 1280x960 or 1366x1024) anyway?

it's real simple one i made. just calls a method with an xpath string passed in. no ui. i just run it from the ide whenever i want to hork some shite

Attached: Capture.PNG (668x470, 97.77K)


wget -O - |\
sed -E 's@([0-9a-f] .(jpe?g|png|gif|webm|mp4))@\n\1\n@g' |\
grep -E '[0-9a-f] .(jpe?g|png|gif|webm|mp4)' |\
uniq | wget -i -

any sed thing looks disgusting every time


post your code faggot

public static void DownloadAllImages(string url, string xpath) { using (var client = new WebClient()) { var html = client.DownloadString(url); var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); var links = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(xpath) .Select(x => x.GetAttributeValue("href", null)); const string imageDir = "dlimages"; IoHelpers.CreateDirectory(imageDir); foreach (var link in links) { var filename = link.Split(new[] { '/' }).Last(); Console.WriteLine(filename); client.DownloadFile(link, Path.Combine(imageDir, filename)); } } }

Linux or GTFO

Kike, pls. Next you'll demand blacklisting CIS males next I suppose.enum class Type { Kike, Dyke, Gayaf, Nigger, Pajeet, Mudshit, XYZ, CIS_male };bool blacklist_check(const Type applicant) { return (applicant == Type::CIS_male);}int main() { // Perform initial blacklist check auto blacklisted = blacklist_check(Type::CIS_male); // blacklisted blacklisted = blacklist_check(Type::Kike); // OK so far blacklisted = blacklist_check(Type::Pajeet); // OK so far}

RTFM for wget
wget even has regex options, plus a config file option if the command line gets too long

See the following for ideas:

D-did you just d-dox yourself, pajeet?

Attached: aaronlawson.PNG (604x55, 5.36K)

stop that retarded meme that is putting the - symbol where it should not be


Attached: 8chan_cmdline_interface.PNG (767x956, 44.72K)

I have an oneliner I frequently use.

...nice design doc?

Here is a working curl post script

curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (\
KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5" --referer "" -d "thr\
e=1&post='New Reply'" -X POST


at least fake a recent version. no one uses those old phones anymore.


ok this is actually interesting.
so i could make it works (i just used braindead wget). how do i make front end of this?. i don't really want to use GUI, but i want to make it with TUI, all what i knew for other scripting language is just python,though.

It's not a design doc, its a usage statement. No I won't post the source, and no your curl script doesn't snipe gets lol

common sign of a code baby

someone already posted a Zig Forums scraper here
female chest pumping aaron lawson?

I've shared plenty of code snippets on this board, including a nice userscript for the catalog page. I can't share the gets sniper for obvious reasons, think about it.

Simple browser extension does this trick, fren

Not even if someone makes a FOI request for the source code, since it was made with public funds glownigger?

let me guess your "sniper" algorithm

woooow thats crazy fam, how could you ever make something like that!!?!?!?!
let me guess your distinguishing feature is that you do concurrent requests?


How can I make you post something which does not exist?

Why are you using C++?

Unless the OP shows it is cross platform, NO FAG

wget -r

my dubs bot is best dubs bot

55's (3 total; 30.00%)

88's (2 total; 20.00%)

00's (1 total; 10.00%)
11's (1 total; 10.00%)
33's (1 total; 10.00%)
44's (1 total; 10.00%)
66's (1 total; 10.00%)

Attached: b305be9fe4b168eeadf89d9719703c4f2cbb70adcf11c77c7833c4fa5d36c62b097199b0.jpg (602x481, 42.17K)

Here's a dubs check with multiple dub types. This thing really shines when there are dubs, trips, quads, and quints all in the same bread.

00's (6 total; 16.67%)

66's (6 total; 16.67%)

88's (6 total; 16.67%)

11's (4 total; 11.11%)

77's (4 total; 11.11%)

22's (3 total; 8.33%)

44's (3 total; 8.33%)

33's (2 total; 5.56%)

55's (2 total; 5.56%)

555's (2 total; 50.00%)

111's (1 total; 25.00%)
777's (1 total; 25.00%)

Attached: 1310256077001.jpg (368x288, 34.74K)

I don't believe that there's really that much worth downloading here that I should program my own downloader for 8ch.

This is mine.

#!/bin/bashlist-boards() { i=1 while :; do curl -s"$i" \ | jq -rM '.boards [].uri' \ || break (( i += 100 )) done}list-threads() { board=$1 curl -s"$board"/catalog.html \ | sed 's/>/>\n/g'\ | awk -v b="$board" -v FS=\" '/goto_thread_catalog/ {printf "%s,%s\n", b, $2}'}dl-thread() { board=$1 thread=$2 mkdir -p board"/${thread%/*}" board"/${thread%.html}" curl -s"$thread" \ | tee board/"$thread" \ | sed 's/>/>\n/g' \ | awk -v b="$board" -v t="$thread" -v FS=\" \ '/class="fileinfo"/ {getline; printf "%s,%s,%s\n", b, t, $(NF-1)}'}dl-image() { board=$1 thread=${2%.html} image=$3 if cd -- board/"$thread"; then wget -q "$image" fi}export -f list-threads dl-thread dl-imagelist-boards \ | parallel --joblog .joblog.boards -r -j 4 --lb -- list-threads \ | parallel --joblog .joblog.threads -r -j 4 -C , --lb -- dl-thread {1} {2} \ | parallel --joblog .joblog.images -r -j 4 -C , -- dl-image {1} {2} {3}

Unless you collect frog photos.

Attached: 9cf346a39b809138fdb1df3c5df3e015eaa15f5cfb8a372851c90fbfa117a5c9.jpg (489x488, 22.26K)

function downthread () { # Download all files in a thread link="$1" site="$(cut -d '/' -f '3'

Guy that's learning Java by going through the java tutorial on Oracle's site here. It's going fine, but I haven't even finished the chapters on the basics yet, so this is out of my league. In the future, I want to code a bot that uses my browser to go to sites and download all the image elements it can find, which I guess is what OP's creature is doing, and other simple tasks on the web. What do I need to learn for this? I'm guessing that Java will be of some use. Do I need to learn a scripting language?

Attached: niraka.png (469x540, 296.03K)

Java is a great language for web automation. I mean, you could use minimalist scripting methods like people are showing off here for simple tasks like grabbing images, but Java (and also C#, Python, NodeJS... but its easiest in Java) can actually launch a real browser instance and perform interactive commands using a user-centric API, using the Selenium library.

Cool. I'll just stick to Java then.

Attached: java.PNG (1294x1079, 233.86K)

i think this book is a better tutorial than oracle's website

i forgot to mention its long as fuck but i had to get it for csci class, but hey learning a language isnt easy

Thanks, dude. I checked out a few of the chapters, and it seems concise compared to the stuff on the site.



Attached: kysnigger.png (624x669, 224.99K)

but, how is it working with the constant captcha?
use it in Zig Forums and quote Hitler constantly

Attached: mouse.jpg (946x844, 69.69K)

Is that just 'wget -r -A '*.jpeg'', but worse in every aspect?

Attached: download.png (977x101, 1.27K)

Nope user, that's not just wget *.jpeg, it downloades all kind of files not just photos. (You) can also open files by double clicking the item from the list, you can move the files from the folder by dragging them from the list. I am working on new features right now in order to expand my programming knowledge, you can stay stick to wget and never learn anything new user.

but the unixfags do not want one program that does everything

Why reinvent the wheel? Unless you're making a game

Attached: Hydrus.jpg (1279x571, 150.42K)

because i'd rather just download videos and not have an entire image suite that i don't need

way to off yourselfs.
Heres is one that isn't cucked:
wget -nd -nc -r -l 1 -H -D -R html,txt,tmp -p -A.webm,.mp4,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif $1#$1 where the url goes

>>>/hydrus/ or get outta Zig Forums

why would anyone want to download the cutted up low quality videos that get posted on imageboards? i hate them and i hate the people that post them without source.

thats the reason why the posts are like that.

Java is SHIT
fuck your boilerplate

I honestly just feel sorry for you. Hopefully you can learn a real language some day.

Java is an interpreted language just like python or jewscript.
I honestly just feel sorry for you. Hopefully you can learn a real language (C/C++) some day.

Java and nodejs are both compiled just-in-time, as is Python if you use the pypy implementation. However only Java provides static typing, which allows for far more powerful IDEs and easy API discovery.
Why would you do web automation in a systems programming language? Or are you just LARPing as hard as you can and throwing every buzzword you've learned against the wall to see what sticks?

Aw shit, here we go again.

Attached: 1334329164853.jpg (600x623, 59.86K)