>"OP must be at least 32 chars on this board."
Zig Forums introduced captcha for every single post
Other urls found in this thread:
It's because hapas are superior to whites. Now you wiggers have to type out a million captchas every day. JUST LIKE CUCKCHAN!!!
Hail Eurasia, faggots
Are you hakase being mad that nobody comes to your site?
Probably a Jew trying to instigate problems, as usual. It would really be sad if it was some kid Chuck Norris saved during the filming of the movie Braddock.
Because he did save kids.... for real.... it wasn't a movie.
i just put something random there if its unreadable
Anti spam measure.
kek nothing gets better in this shitholes
does that mean i can torpost again?
No,I guess it's some guy named Zach...so they say..
Braddock: Missing in Actions III was still a great movie.
what the fuck
simple test post
imagine still unironically posting on Zig Forums in current year
It's not like this place was readable with hapafag bumping everything anyway.
It's not surprising as more of the cuckchan niggers show up here, steps like captcha per post are required. They don't lurk or attempt to integrate. If they had any sense there's enough of them to make >>>/g/ their new home - exactly like they had on cuckchan - and leave us alone.
Apparently the cunts here have never heard of "banning open proxies", which tor is pretty much a gigantic verson of. But no, gods forbid you paranoid faggots don't get to shitpost here and so we all have to suffer.
As always, mods=fags.
just go to 4chan if you want that
Personally, i welcome our new hotpocket overlords
find the settings page yourself nigger
/test/ doesn't have per post captcha you retard, I've been here since fucking 2014.
and still not figured out how to get the captcha on every post just like (now) in Zig Forums
I'm writing my own client and didn't use any captcha'd boards since I started. You can stop trying so hard now, it's starting to become pathetic.
If I'm "starting to become pathetic" you've long since shown your expertise of "being pathetic".
Just stop.
just kill yourself
who are you quoting?
and it's the shittiest fucking pajeet implementation when you have JS disabled:
The proper solution would be to just show a captcha as well as an answer box on the thread page, so we can type our reply and then captcha answer right below. Endchan did some retarded fucking bullshit like 8cuck as well which is why noone ever used it.
And if you're too fucking retarded to figure out how to implement this:
On generating a page, make a random ID (hmm, like the one you already have) and store it in the database along with the answer. When the user makes a post, it has the ID as a hidden post form element or hidden input, whatever you call that shit. Then the database captcha entry is removed so it isn't reused. You could also implement this without touching the database with cryptography and the captcha expires instead of being invalidated on use. Also if the captcha was not signle-use, it could map to a unique ID (stored in the db) so the admin can remove all the user's posts at once if he abuses the site.
Well 8cuck is dead now so might as well everyone move over there.
fuck me might as well post on cuckchan if im gonna be typing captchas all day lmao
name a better technology oriented subchan
Dude, it obviously says budihk
This is a temporary measure due to the spam, and tor posting (I believe) has also been temporarily disabled. It will return
He should have added more volunteers instead of making posting more annoying for everyone. These kinds of counter measures tend to last longer than people intend to keep them for.
If anything he should have added the captcha to metatech. It's so slow I doubt people would care.
It's obviously budlHk.
Or maybe budIHk?
Or even budlHn?
merely a test
accidentally saged
nanochan because i dont have to do retarded bullshit to post just because i have JS disabled (a practice that's been popular for over 19 years)
its probably because the per post captcha is only enabled here. the other captcha is the normal one that the rest of the site uses and its not required for every post.
so what the fuck makes this different than 4chan now? recraptcha for every post was the main reason I left
I really wanna rape Hakase, the owner of nanochan, as she's really cute! That Japanese girl has good boobs and butts!!
Even these two CAPTCHAs don't work on Tor Browser with Safest settings. I had to use Tor Browser for Android to pass the CAPTCHA.
I am pretty sure that is StephenLynx's fault
me too
i hate this shit. like solving 10 captchas on the post form isnt enough. even the botnet captcha is easier
go back
this is the future you (we) chose
Are you a bot?
at least i can see that its a traffic light. here the letters are often covered by random lines and are mixed case so you cant know what the letter thats covered by the line actually is. the letter could be a l but it could also be a I
like this first letter here could beat least a p or o or r. its clearly designed for machines that can solve these at high speed and keep retrying until its successful. for a human these are just a waste of time and very annoying.
danger censorship
an n.
You must be blind as a bat, (((user))), if you cannot see that.
The first letter is an "e"...
Hilariously wrong, bots are already better than humans at OCR of distorted text and a myriad of other tasks
why don't we see a bunch of spam registrations at most forums then? many of which have only simple captchas
This forum didn't have a captcha for the longest time, but the hapa fag only came recently. It turns out that most forums aren't worth spamming.
>Your cookie expired. Please solve the CAPTCHA again at oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion
>Your cookie expired. Please solve the CAPTCHA again at oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion
>Your cookie expired. Please solve the CAPTCHA again at oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion
Now all the bugs I listed above still apply, but the 24 hour captcha expires every minute or every 2 posts or some bullshit. I have never seen a worse fuckup in the history of the web. Even some gay fucking zoomer tech startup's website is not nearly as bad as this. It's like each time you fail the per post captcha, you have to solve the
Zig Forums is deprecated anyway. people should move to nanochan
Now since this board is infected with the lowest common denominator of tech, I know someone's about to write:
No, you dickfuck. It's taken for granted that captchas are unreadable and ambigious from time to time. The proper way to engineer a captcha is to account for this. Literally all you have to do is
Everyone who does it any different in any way is a complete fuckup and should kill themselves.
That's not how it works nigger
It's an e you niggers
lets all go somewhere else! if we all go to the same place, it will be just like here. even if its a board that is pretty dead now, we would make it live again. anyone with me? where are we going?
Yeah it'll be just as shit.
Yeah I know, but I meant other forums (not Zig Forums). I mean I've seen ones with captchas like "what's this pokemon" and that somehow manages to keep the spammers at bay.
Those generally survive because nobody bothers to break a specific niche captcha.
lots of old forums are full of spambots tho. if you only use email verification and the standard captcha of something like phpbb then the bots can register on the forum and start spamming it.
It's really sad when you see an old forum and think it's full of activity but when you go into any thread it's just spam bots trying to google bomb something.
Still require proof of this.
If you have complaints regarding the board specifically, please use >>>/metatech/
If it's about anything else, >>>/sudo/
lmao other boards got spammed yet only the freedom loving Zig Forums ended up with perma craptcha.
Welp, I did not click on the picture to expand it and I thought that it was an n. I am sorry.
what do I do now?
Simple test post