Linear volume control

How is this still a thing?

Attached: fader.jpg (400x300, 41.2K)

most hardware controllers are linear too

Because it is the logical thing to do? What else would you do?

I don't understand what is the problem. If you wanted full volume you can have it. If you wanted low volume you can have it. If you want something in between that's not quite full nor low then you can have it. What more do you want out of it?

It is not. Our hearing is logarithmic in nature rather than linear.
Obviously implement a logarithmic volume control which changes volume by the same amount of dB whenever moved a given distance. That's how all volume controls made by non-retards work.


So you've got nothing but autism. Congratulations

usually those only have too quiet or way too loud as options

what the fuck are you talking about?
what is twice as loud?
how do you know one sound you heard is "twice as loud" as another?
not OP and dunno if he's right, but the only autism here is your amazing non-argument that reasons at a purely syntactic level (which is a trait of autism)

Are you serious?

Anyways it doesn't matter how you implement your volume slider if your targeting non-autists. Non-autists do volume adjusting by lowering the volume if it is too high and raising it if it is too low.
Non-autists don't give a shit about the unit the volume slider uses. Just don't limit your volume slider to 10 values.


are you serious?

don't you really have better things to whine about?

I can guarantee none of you have mixed music with linear faders.
What bothers me is when the input clearly isn't filtered and creates zipper noise.
install puredata and see for yourself.

This thread is retarded,
30dB is 10x louder than 20dB, which is 10x louder than 10dB, which is in tern 10x louder than 0dB.
Human hears sound in a logarithmic fashion, so the difference between 10 and 12 dB are the same as 15 and 17 dB.

The issue with linear slider is that it is easier to code.

Fuck, finally a music producer

Actually just sqrt(10), as the definition of 1B (i.e. 10dB, but nobody uses whole bels) meaning a tenfold increase is true for power, but for units such as volume/intensity/voltage etc. it's 2B (i.e. 20dB) for a tenfold increase. More practically, for power it's very close to a twofold increase every 3dB and for volume every 6dB.

*for quantities

The volume slider of foobar2k is (unsurprisingly) very well designed. Every step of the mouse wheel is a change of 1dB (by default, you can change it in advanced options, but 1dB is very practical as it's a small but perceptible change in volume), meaning an increase/decrease by about 12%. Graphically, the rightmost positoin of the slider is 0dbFS (decibel relative to full scale, i.e. the clipping point in digital audio), i.e. maximum; moving it halfway to the left reduces the volume to -10dBFS (again arbitrary, but it works quite well - 10dB correspond to a volume change by the factor of about 3.16); moving it again half of the remaining distance reduces the volume by another 10dB etc., so it's a hybrid between logarithmic and linear which is very usable.

itd take a couple extra lines of code to be it logarithmic. honestly it wouldnt be hard to change even for someone who is shit at coding. i think when they designed it they were thinking about the fact hearing is logarithmic and it works well anyways well enough. when i was doing shit in college they made me do everything logarithmic-ally when he had to do with things with human senses. its the same thing for brightness of lights too. so youd change the duty cycle logirithmitcally when you are blinking a LED. I remember it not being hard at all.

A volume control that I find strange is the one for the built-in speakers in my 32-inch 1080p LG tv I use as a monitor. Its scale is 0 - 100, but at 20 it's already pretty close to maximum loudness (from 0 - 20 even a difference of just 1 already gives a pretty noticeable change in volume) and any further increase from 20 up to 100 is pretty subtle. I don't know if it's a textbook example of logarithmic increase but it's definitely not linear either.

Look up the Accuphase AAVA if you want to see a truly linear gain stage.

A gain of +6.02dB

Defnitely not, quite to the contrary - with logarithmic every discreet step causes the same relative increase/decrease in volume as perceived by the human ear.

How can software possibly know how much volume my speakers are putting out? They dont know if I'm using IEMs or floorstanders

"user friendly design" for people who dislike changing the volume from the terminal, using decimal numbers.

It doesn't matter what your speakers are putting out. Your audio DAC will be controlled by the computer OS and the application software in the computer. You speakers could be mute for all the computer cares.

I swear spotify did this and used to piss me off. Im not some hearing scientist math superautist so dont have a clue about linear vs log and what should actually be used.