A website where people control an online computer
Other urls found in this thread:
just click without any reason then
he really is
Definitely a Windows VM.
oh my fuck
some reddit kid is trying to netinstall loonix... and fails every single time`
People are going to flood this with CP, I can fucking see it.
why do you always post that
Some faggot keeps disabling the network.
all me
That website logs IPs and will report you to authorities if you do something illegal.
Truly the canaries of retardation.
lol they got nullrouted
someone might learn something new today
inb4 jews shut it down
take note of how indicates that
You suck Timmy Twotonez
Timmy twotonez biatches
heelllo im using a big piece of shit to clean my windows
i am writing on the site haha how hillarous
These rules were meant to be broken.
Why am i not surprised.
its actually pretty funny
How about na
Sounds fun
I want to Kill Niggers within a time frame.
knock on my dorr FBI
Knock on the door of the American People FBI
Is the site down for anyone else?
Yeah, it isnt loading for me
i am going to shit on your fucking souls if you don't stop
Shut it dumb glowie.
A website
a websait.
White Men own AI, White men own Scyips.
3 years in White men.
as a transgenger Whiteman. All I have to say is.
FUUUUUGGGGGGG Streight White Men owned this. and white woman are giving birth to White Kids left and right....
How do we Niggers stop this?
What's the point of this? Can't I do it myself offline?
i was told to come back here by guest91516 so here i am
they made it so the vms only show up if you use a theme. example:
loonix virgins btfo
loonixtoddlers btfo
xp vm is kill
it is back now
This is what (((they))) want you to use in the future. Total control.
Close, minus the paranoia and jew squiggles.
does it block tor?
we managed to install windows whistler
looks comfy
More sleek/modern than 2000, less Fischer Price than XP.
I only see three VMS when I load the page and none of them are this
setInterval(function(){ document.getElementById('chat-input').value = "you failed"; document.getElementById('chat-send-btn').click(); }, 1488);
ok who decided to open the site inside itself?
Also this is fun with
setInterval(function(){socket.send(['submitMessage', 'Anonymous', 'You suck at this'])}, 1200)
a thread died for this
fuck you brandon
still enjoying the monster by the way?
s e e t h i n g
this post is from faggot land, goodbye/ Long Answer
Monster Jam on Windows XP? Long Answer
Monster Jam on Windows XP? Long Answer
Any way to totally ruin the disk image for these VM's so the site admin has to reinstall them manually?
who the fuck is Brandon, you newfag
people have tried many times and failed
use file shredder
I sniffed an credentials to an unsecure ftp site from a tech company. Looks like its a GE Company called Arcam? Any ideas what to do? looks to be in use still
User: arcamservice
pass: NightKing!
epic dab moment
it's dead
lmao he said niggur so funny xDDDDDD
bump :^)
ebin thread
Fucking the VR up
pretty based
this kid got doxxed and he's having an autistic fit now
This is probably a honeypot, don't use it, someone said he saw DOST-failing images on it in the /v/ thread. Supposedly it has also been shilled on cuckchan. It probably is something like this:
someone looked up nudist beach images on google but that's about the worst of it
also why would only one person get a DOST test failing image? nobody except for that one guy said anything about it
If you connect to everything directly without any sort of proxy inbetween (TOR or otherwise) you deserve to be vanned at this point