Tl;dr: Chrome is adding encrypted DNS
tl;dr: Chrome is adding encrypted DNS
Why does the GCHQ care about porn so much?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dont want dns in the browser

Why does Google only start """caring""" about privacy to defend pornography consumption?

any competent block is done on the ip/routing level anyway so dns wont matter.

also whats happening in the porn industry.. it used to be just quite normal looking things but now the front page is full of niggers and other very degenerate or weird things that only a mentally ill person would even think about doing. sure those things existed before too but it was not so visible that anyone could find it without even searching for such content.

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Because Google is run by jews, who care a lot about freeing goyim from the confines of sexual morality.

Buddy, its based on your previous searches. Don't opine this way in public, you'll expose yourself.

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it must be based on the searches of the previous user that had my ip then because that was the first time i opened that site on this computer and even this ip.

You forgot the (((mindgeek))) people.

Degenerate porn is definitively being pushed at (((pornhub))), etc. Once, their footer text read something like "to help protect and nourish your porn addiction", and another time, an user on plebbit complained that there was too much incest in the front page, the post got many upvotes and then (((katie))) (a plebbit (((pornhub))) employee) showed up. The (((jude person))) acted normally until some point, where (((she))) spazzed out and menctioned the (((kikes))) without anybody on that thread having spoken about (((them))) before. Many laughed at (((her))), and (((she))) even revealed that (((she))) goes to cuckchan's Zig Forums (iirc, but (((she))) does go to cuckchan). This lead to the redpilling of a plebbitor.

reminder that if you go on the front page of a (((mindgeek))) pornsite you are guaranteed to see at least one incest-themed porn video

Kill yourself, faggot

gas yourself sodomite

Because porn is like a drug, overtime if you spam your dick so much with one stimulus it stops responding so you have to give it something more obscene to get it up and running.

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What great news, I love rubbing my meat :D

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i just dont understand why the people in the videos do what they do. sure they get paid for it but why not get a normal job instead of getting raped by some nigger gang on video

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Because getting a proper job requires long term work.

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Are there any archives/screencaps/links of this thread? Must be some fun read.

They probably want to make sure you only see porn approved by the law, IR stuff.


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shut the fuck up faggot, we don't want your national socialist browser that forces us to do what some government says. nor do we want chrome (because it's botnet)



also your stupid implementation of national socialism at the browser level would be just as stupid and broken garbage as this site

shut the fuck up faggot, chans became infected with cancer in 2007, and Zig Forumsniggers did not even exist until 2010 or later. you are litteraly worse than cancer. also you faggots dont even post on this board unless its a very low technical barrier to entry like this thread or a "MUH VPNZ!!!" thread


holy fuck this fucking absolute aids makes you do the 24 hour captcha every 2 posts now as well as the per post captcha, each of which have to be opened in separate pages. kill yourselves webshits

This is the most retarded post I've read all month. Take your meds, you fucking sperg.


I remember that. "I don't know what side I'm on anymore" I think the redpills were given that day in suppository form.

They don't. Google are opportunists when it comes to way of maintaining their market share. The Brits banned porn, so Google is going to use this as an opportunity. Google is a business. There's no conspiracy behind it and Zig Forums is just being their usual schizo selves. Not saying you should all use Chrome, its still proprietary software after all with dubious privacy at best but regardless.

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lmao go read a book

If you really think money is the sole motivator of google you're deluded

Bongs have gossip rags and rags which admit they exist only for propaganda. Nobody else covers much of their news, so I don't know what you expected OP to do.

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cuck deserves it

muslim invasion will win.

Your brain on Zig Forums everyone

how would polis find what you type into search website?
i read court document of man who kill baby
after he kill he search- how to clean up blood in google
this court case happen in euro country somewhere

did polis take phone and look into search history or ask google for google account?
if https is in use will what u type in google be know to isp?

Google isn't your average company, they aren't quite struggling to stay afloat. If money were the only thing big businesses cared for they wouldn't be pushing so much race mixing and faggotry in ads (and movies) for example.

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nice how you left out an important part of that post

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Yeah businesses actually managing money is a conspiracy too! Everyone gets their own conspiracy!

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its easy to see what they are doing if you have a functioning brain. just like with ads they put these interracial things in popular tv shows and people then start knowing about it and possibly even thinking that its ok to do that.

Google isn't a business, it's an extension of the state into areas the government cannot directly control for PR reasons. When it's revealed that the government was censoring people and creating detailed databases containing everyone's personal information people screamed bloody murder, but when a "private" corporation does it it's fine. Alphabet Inc and most of silicon valley exist as smokescreens which allow government operatives to exert a level of control over the populace that they cannot wield openly.

I never see those ads because I'm not actually looking out for them. The average person is nowhere near as obsessed with queers as Zig Forumss reactionary task force is. Maybe Zig Forums is all secretly closeted homos and self-hating Kikes themselves

Do you go outside? I live in a fairly rural area of canada with no black people whatsoever, and even here the ads on the bus stops are 50% niggers. It's a gross attempt at social programming

Occam's Razor is pretty dull right now. You'd have to assume profit isn't in Googles best interest. If Google wanted to maintain itself as a private organization in the eyes of the people while not actually being private they'd still need to not fuck up on Facebooks level. Your scenario makes 0 sense

The final stand of the brainlet. Yes, the rich and powerful would never collude. The rich and powerful would never attempt to deceive you or lie to you. The world is simple, and everything that you see is as it appears.

That's not what Occams razor is you retard. Of course its not impossible to imagine the rich and powerful collude with eachother but its also more likely to make the least assumptions about a particular scenario. You want them to not be assumptions? Then find proofs

Occams razor states the simplest explanation is the truth. For example, gas prices went up because supply went down, not because there's a complex relationship between high-ranking executives at oil companies colluding to fix prices. Or, google is censoring conservatives because they think it will increase ad revenue, not because they have a vested interest in censoring right-wing outlets and pundits. Occam's razor is completely retarded when applied to non-scientific pursuits.

What sort of retarded corporate commie logic is that? You can't even build a good strawman.

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If only the world was that cool.

Its completely retarded period.
Truly the brainlet aproach to thinking.

good posts

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shut the fuck up incel

is that meme still a thing

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I would be surprised if they didn't make money off porn.

This way they can have more market-share.
Plebbitors will choose chrome bc they are too fucking stupid to do it themselves.
Also (((they))) want you to keep consuming porn to reduce birthrates of the civilized population (rots your brain if overused & fucks up relationships).

how would they possibly do that? arent they already the biggest in everything that they do
