Use emacs for 3 years

emacs is a meme, vi is a meme, stop meming yourselves and get into the future

Attached: 1200px-Visual_Studio_Code_1.18_icon.svg.png (1200x1195, 16.31K)

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terminals are terrible for complex text editing but this place is all about doing things the hard way so people shill things like vi

Liar. Both Vi and Emacs are superior to your (((visual code))) bloated shit.

Its only bloat if you're working on single file projects

Durr. IDEs are a little more productive for experts. They are way more productive for beginners. Experts can quickly discern structure and break program flow down without much help, so IDEs mostly save typing. Beginners (and junior developers) are much more productive because they can't as quickly grok code structure or utilize documentation (and memorize the most commonly-used utilities).
For an expert, a properly-configured Emacs or Vim is just about as productive as a more fully-featured IDE (maybe a little less productive, but often far more comfortable to use, so it's a worthwhile tradeoff). Any beginner should be using an IDE for a while until they are more fluid in programming.

I might have respected what you said if you didn't post that visual pic and oust yourself as a blatent troll.

On to a more realistic discussion, for a beginner to intermediate writing python and c, would you choose geany or eclipse?

Geany is a good editor, and Eclipse is a serviceable IDE, but Thonny is far better for light Python use and has really good integration with debuggers, variable inspection, AST inspection, and some other features. I haven't used a whole lot of Python IDEs, but I started using Thonny because I needed something powerful but accessible to tutor a friend in Python, and I'm impressed by how well it does.
For C, I use Vim with YouCompleteMe and it works well enough. It really depends what you want out of your editor.


Cheap troll aside, I'm interested in this "psychological impact of using X piece of software" bit. There should be some studies about this.

Also IDEs help with errors and warnings. They will usually highlight the line(s) with erroneous code and state what the problem is in a more user-friendly way than GCC or Clang do.

PyCharm or bust

I use Vim because it works for me.
Any text editor is good, as long as you don't cry about others using something else all the time. Grow up.

A really fantastic IDE for Python.

I found YouCompleteMe to be quite a hassle to work with. I prefer a Language Server Protocol plugin with Clangd as the server. Plus you can use LSP with other language as well.

You don't need an IDE for that. A text editor can have a "compile" command or button (Vim has ':make'), parse the output of the compiler and show the errors to the user. The advantage of the text editor is that you can set the error format for each file type and thus get error integration for any language you want instead of just the ones the IDE supports.

This. Of course that is if you use an editor. An IDE locks you into its workflow, the entire build process is locked inside opaque "project" files, making collaboration with people who don't use the same version of the same IDE impossible

YouCompleteMe has been a LSP client for a bit over a year, but LSP isn't perfect. One of the maintainers of YouCompleteMe wrote a big write-up of LSP's issues:

That's true, but far less useful than getting yellow lines on warnings as you type/edit and resolving them as you go.

I'll read up on it later, thank you.

You can have that as well in an editor. Pic related is Neovim with Clangd, you get a symbol in the gutter and a floating text with the message (Neovim only), and also the full message at the bottom of the window when you move cursor onto the line. You could probably have underlines as well if you were to use a GUI for Neovim, but I always use the TUI instead. It does require a bit of work to install the plugins and hook up Clangd though, so I'll give you that.

Attached: Screenshot_20190424_172404.png (744x403, 46.2K)

Where exactly do you think the hints for what's wrong come from? Vim's deoplete-clangx does the same thing.

I think you mean systemd-clangd

Also IDE vs editor is like MS office vs latex

No thanks. LSP Is overrated garbage.

imagine bragging about bragging about writing a lot of code
people like you are the problem

This thread is sinking fast but I just wanted to say, Thonny is great, thanks.
