>Esteemed Islam way higher than Christianity Axis had two Muslim countries voluntarily fighting for them, Allies had zero
Zig Forums can tell me whatever they want. Sure the party and their enablers were all their guys, but if Hitler lived today, he would be a tumblrist. A rare right-wing tumblrist but he definitely would prefer the company in this site, than he would any chans.
A below mediocre artist
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I remember reading he thought religion was just a tool for control in general.
That's among the first lessons you will learn in politics, user.
He would be mediocre philosophy blogger and twitter shitposter at best. I doubt he would even be right-wing in confrontation with obscurity of today's capitalism.
Oops hit the post button.
He's probably be stuffing his face while doing Nazi podcasts
He was also a manlet, had only one ball and a tiny dick.
So much for the "aryan" master race.
Do people still use Tumblr?
Thought Yahoo! kinda ruined it.
Medieval selection pressure caused by outbreeding and bipartite manorialism is the reason why Germanics are soyboys.
still use it for porn sometimes but yea there's ads and shit which makes masturbating less enjoyable
He’s probly be some PoMo faggot
Hitler saw nothing wrong with capitalism.
He spoke about capitalism a lot and of course blamed it on jews.
it was actually pretty popular in 20-30s germany
Yeah but what he considered to be “capitalism” is far from the real deffiniton.
different era, there was less chemicals in the food then
irrelevent, maybe he just liked it?
not an argument
scientism is gay af though. just because he can astrally project and you can't doesn't mean you have to be an envious faggot about it
is not a bad thing
yet leftists (especially anarchist "free love" types) say its ok when THEY do it, just not big mean bullies like him
need some evidence for this
how are these even arguments?
Implying tumblr cucks are eugenists
I actually think he's great at making scenic paintings. It is just that the artistic conventions of the time emphasized portraits and human figures in paintings.
He had digestive issues when it came to eating meat. Also, soyboy is honestly a retarded meme anyways. (Most of the examples are literally just excited neckbeards. You're not growing that much facial hair if you're low-T. Also, soy doesn't make you more effeminate.)
Hipsters don't even wear that kind of mustache. It's either full beards or twirled mustaches. Hollywood didn't popularize the style either. It got popular due to facial hair regulations instituted in World War 1 due to gas masks. Basically, soldiers, who didn't go clean shaven, would trim their mustaches down. Also, many top Nazis such as Himmler and Rohm actually had similar mustaches. (And, other militaristic figures such as Charles de Gaulle.) Basically, Hitler's stache was popular among war veterans from the Great War.
His private spazz outs were mostly in the 40's due to taking Meth and other drugs. But yes, he is a bit of an artsy figure. Nothing wrong with that.
I agree with you there. And, I dislike him for that.
He didn't actually want Islam in Germany. Just he wished there was an equivalent of it. (He thought the same of Germanic paganism.) Hitler wanted a new religion to replace the old, not embrace an existing religion or a long-dead one.
willful cuckold is a big thing in the alt right. So, Hitler wouldn't be out of place. Also, don't assert things without outright confirmation.
I don't really care and you need sauces.
I don't care about Zig Forums's retarded obsession with machismo, but you're equally as retarded and historically illiterate.
t.Someone who doesn't even like Hitler.
what became of hitler is the no.1 reason to fund and support the arts imo. no matter how mediocre
Literally this
Hitler was basically a 20th century german Gavin McInnes (but less financially successful of course.)
He thought it was a good system, or would be if the "Aryans" are in charge instead of the "Jews".
Because apparently due to a disability Aryans can not be greedy or manipulative if they are it must mean Jewish genes.
German big business and idustrialists were actually backing up Hitler some lolberts claim they were forced to, lol
This is why Americans claim Nazis to be left-wing radicals and sadly more and more people outside of it are starting to unquestionable adopt the meme, because it also benefits them.
His weaknesses WERE the scenic paintings. He couldn't maintain perspective.
I mean it's not important if you are and amateur, but it's not good either. Mediocre.
Hitler had a chin though
I think the topmost line on the left is supposed to be at a different angle, but the persoective is shit and not helped by the scrotum-looking tree he painted in front of it to cover his mistake. It he redid the top bit of the lower windows, it would be okay.
Has there ever been a man more cucked?
that's often an effect of growing up in a deeply catholic home where your parents use "God" to scare you into submission.
t. Catholic alter boy
And remember, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and your dead grandparents watch you while you pee and poop.
Because they have nothing better to do.
Röhm was a faggot and Himmler an esoteric.
Both susceptible to Hollywood pop culture
If Hitler were alive today he'd listen to The Cure, The Smiths, and Depeche Mode
So what is up with this Capitalist Enoch? after having a "movement" for years now, where is the movement? Where are these guys, and why is that answer usually in some kind of socially unacceptable shithole culture?
I didn't know they had any songs about incestuous gods. And depeche mode is music for lesbians. It doesn't belong on that list. It belongs on a list with muse on it.
When you are taught that a powerful being knows everything you do, think and feel and is eager to judge you for that and that this is moral, no wonder you become authoritarian.
I will stab you through the ears with a hot iron, take that back right now.
Depeche mode is worse for my ears
OK, I am curious. How did you came to that conclusion?
It's obvious just by listening.
It's like a song being in a certain key. It's hard to objectively show that, but once you listen to it, it's obvious.
I listened and I still don't understand.
Maybe let's try it the other way around.
How do you define a lesbian?
What are you, Jordan Postmodernson?
We may come closer to this question once I know how lesbian music sounds.