Hey I'm new to Reverse engineering any recommended books to get me started? Share tips and your story of how you became a RE.
Reverse engineering
If you can't write reasonably complex stuff in Assembly, learn to do that first and learn to use GDB to debug it.
I've been working through various crackmes from crackmes.one
Right now I'm working through hell86, and I'm using Ghidra for static analysis.
Well its either Ghidra or IDA, and IDA is proprietary cuckware. I'd take libre glownigger code over that any day.
Some specific things in tech such as reverse engineering are always evolving and doing so faster and faster.
There are some initial logical tricks to finding how ANYTHING works, but other than that, there are no books but few blogs and tutorials that might get you on right track and get you started until you start googlin every little bit of info you get your hands on.
Learn UART dumping of firmware, learn binwalk, radare2, assembly, bash, C and python, try to solve few crackmes and and you are off on a good start.
also das u-boot
Deprecated by Rust. DOn't learn C. C is a meme at this point.
weak bait, you pozz nigger.
Just remember that RE is a shitty field to get a job in. It's fine if you do it for fun, but the pay and environment are awful.
This has to be peak freetard.
Give me one good reason not to use the single best libre static analysis tool, seriously.
How do you know it's a shitty field to get into? And learning c is still a must for decompiler c pseudo code if it decompiled to rust per se I would learn rust. That Nsaware is really good it's easy to understand what's going on and I don't have 2k to throw down for it's competition.
Go and download the source code, look for malware and come here, if you'll find something. Or maybe you don't know what's source code for.
how so?
How come you have NT widgets? Are you that guy that unironically runs Windows 2000
Still 200 times better than Windows 10
rust doesn't even have a set standard. do they seriously expect anyone serious to use it?
You're forgetting Radare2
Lmao Radare2 is basically useless compared to both Ghidra and IDA
See how much time it takes you to RE some kernel module in Radare compared to Ghidra.
There's no way RE can be that shitty, I'd figure people have to PAY for RE because it's pretty arduous.
I've always found it's easier to pick a target for reverse engineering, then build a syllabus on how to take it apart and figure out how it ticks around that. Research without a goal in mind isn't particularly engaging, at least for me.