Attached: IMG_20171021_175353.jpg (1920x1080 177.15 KB, 660.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What a blast from the past. I remember this image being spammed everywhere. You realize he's provided PROOF of his living in Romania, he's provided IN-PERSON REPEATED CONTACT with others, and he looks nothing like he does in that picture?


Why does the 2nd image have stuff blacked out?

Chill out, Brian

Because the retard who has been lying about port scanning doxed him, and despite being a member of the Infosec Community he doesn't seem to know what a VPN is. He thinks that VC lives in Oregon and just 2 minutes of Opposition Research would show him that is not true. He later deleted the tweets, and what was shared was censored of the dox.

He continues to be a giant lying ass tho.

They even talked about it in Risky Business #539 podcast some journo fag doxed him at Twatters.


is phk fash? remember he was one of the guys that inserted the freebsd code of conduct

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-08_20-31-21.png (614x471, 70.91K)

Some lefties genuinely dislike Israel as they see it as extremely nationalistic and xenophobic


Most of the jews that they've interacted with pass for white, and Palestinians are very clearly brown, and therefore fall into the underdog position while the jews become oppressors.

>Some lefties genuinely dislike Israel as they see it as extremely nationalistic and xenophobic white


It's not the first time I hear about Brian Krebs in a somewhat bad way, what's up with him?

He's a narcissistic journalist.

Is there a tl;dr somewhere?


kys dumb phoneposter

i have no idea what's going on but cockman sure is based and my cocaine.ninja email is breddy gud.

What about all those pictures in the various news stories whenever someone sends a bomb threat from his email server.

Attached: cockli christmas.opus.webm (492x462, 1.91M)


I don't have a phone, nigger.

does not constitute a thread. Reported.
Use >>>/g/ if you have such low standards for thread creation.