I'm thinking to just keep using Windows 7.
Also what problems did Windows 7 had always?
I never seem to had a Virus/Worm/Trojan/Ransomware for almost more than 8 years.
The only reason why I'm not switching is because of VSTs. I use alot of them & have collections of it.
Windows 7 is ending in 2020
Can't you use those with wine?
I wanna run synth1on linux, but I dunno if I can yet.
I tried a few VST's with wine before and they don't work very well..
I used LMMS with Lynx its pretty broken.
Why not just dual boot, and keep the windows 7 OS internet free.
u will get rekt online with no patches user
Haven't updated in close to 10 years, never had a problem.
i don't know the validity of this, obviously older OS are blatantly vulnerable to security threats because people write viruses for them, but couldn't you protect an unsupported windows 7 with virus programs?
Raw dog her in the ass, you can always take meds for the burning sensation for the rest of your life.
You are either lying or oblivious. Windows 7 had hundreds of security issues, many of them critical over the last few years. An unpatched Windows 7 system is a botnet node.
Most attacks seem to be through the browser these days since its guaranteed to be there and on multiple platforms as well. With custom settings and good addons you can do a little to mitigate that. Or just a hosts file and JS off/canvas crap blocked, but you won't be able to use the majority of webpages without JS.
As an alternative, GNU/Linux can mostly work for most use cases, with some caveats regarding hardware/peripheral drivers and DEs/GUI toolkits being a big joke (cough cough GTK). There is a laser focus on tiling WM environments despite their limited use case, a good lightweight floating WM with tile gestures, some key chords, and single click would inevitably be superior but these people don't have a mouse or something. Package management still isn't quite perfect, Lignunerds have just reinvented static binaries as some horrible image format because they have been busy navel gazing, but at least it exists. There is a universal package manager or two now but at least one of them works. X11 to Wayland transition will take forever and nobody is even sure if it matters or not. The kernel does support a lot of hardware compared to more than 5 years ago, and despite what these Zig Forumsturds will attempt to tell you, systemd is doing a better job than sysvinit or upstart ever did. If you've got a problem with systemd, just use runit or OpenRC or something.
I recommend you grab a terminal that isn't glued to some desktop environment and doesn't have horrible defaults, like st and use a multiplexer with it, and maybe use Emacs or something, that will be the majority of what you use to do real stuff beyond the browser/basic DE stuff. DEs are not complete and cannot give you a full interface to the system, and they sometimes shit themselves anyway.
Only thing that's probably a real pain in the dick is professional A/V stuff (there is OBS, Blender VSE, and Ardour though plus tracker stuff and Audacity) and proprietary software, as well as Wine for anything remotely modern. Windows 7 is still useful for the legacy stuff/games.
You're both right, the system itself is probably backdoored and everything you do online is hoovered up
Says the faggot
Win 7 sp1, never updated, Everything works fine
Yes shit is but any updated stuff is worse, unless you go gentoo or something like that
The same on my gaming/htpc rig - just nuke services you don't need and block IE
If you must, your only option will be in qemu+pci passthrough to use your obsolete gui applications. Don't let anything other than FTP touch it post 2020, for your own sake.
i still use win2000 sometimes and its connected to the internet. no bad things have happened.
I still use Windows 95 without security updates and haven't experienced any problems so far.
It's neither usable in itself when running in a VM, nor installable on usable physical hardware.
Well, you probably did something wrong. As i said everything works like a charm. Internet explorer 4.0 is spiffy as always. I love those toolbars.
Imagine living this existence
OP here.
I'm planning to just move out of god damn Windows 7 and just use a VM to run VST's & stuff I like. I also been distro hopping for 3 fucking years. I learned that my Wireless USB is propriety.. TP-Link is a crap driver for linux. 500kb/s-1.2mb/s that shit runs slow as fuck, but on Windows 7 it runs about 30mb/s which is insane to compare.
I might soon in the future move to use a wired lan cable since its easy.
thanks for your opinions Zig Forums gonna run GNU/Linux.
also using VSTs to make some Jazz fusion.
I like old start ups alot than Windows 7
Windows 7 is just laggy bloatware my ThinkPad T420 came with when I first got it.
Don't regret switchin' away from Windows when Gentoo Linux started trending on halfchan back when it was uncucked and based.
Gentoo is still based and redpilled you trend-following faggot.
Get SuRun and have linux type security on windows. No need for anti virus or anti spyware. SuRun is free, comes from Germany in english and works on all versions of windows.
How many times do we have to go through this?
It doesn't fucking matter, either install linux or keep using 7 for your gaymes, literally nothing changes other than microsoft dying more.
I'm friends with a guy who still uses XP, so he can't use messengers other than telegram, because they don't support XP anymore, so I don't talk to him
uhhh they are a 1 trillion dollar company worth more than most neets.
He meant halfchan, not gentoo
How is XP in $CURRENT_YEAR? Are there any updates which are known to have undesirable effects (besides the obvious one which enables end of support messages)?
Why would he cling to such an ancient system? Hardcore autism?
Being nonfree software, having spyware and backdoors as a feature.
A trojan is a program that pretends to be useful software, but contains malware, so you're using one just now - Windows.
A good virus/worm isn't a shit showing second cursor and removing things - that kind of malware is written by amateurs, who just want to play and laugh at idiots. You are never going to see a master tier rootkit on your computer, until police comes to your house, because someone stole some money, DDoS'ed something. You're probably a small part of a botnet.
Also implying Microsoft won't push a special update, that'll fuck up everything.
No, you can't unless you use a hardware firewall or disconnect the computer from the Internet. Even after that, Windows probably contains a time bomb that'll make the system work improperly.
Better install Guix GNU/Linux.
There are people on Zig Forums who unironically uses windows 2000 on a regular basis. I think it's just stockholm syndrome
updates dont cause problems (even the one where it complains about end of life, just click the okay button).
you will be stuck using chrome or firefox as window's xp ssl is very out of date and will not be able to make ssl connections. also if you are on an actual old pc be prepared to disable js or upgrade your ram.
security compromises will always be possible (especially if connected to the internet) but if you are good you should be ok (clamwin might be able to help).
the only software you will be able to use is outdated or your old software.
all in all if you dont have a reason to, dont. you will just make yourself very vulnurable.
Are you using Guix right now?
I was one of those faggots until the machine in question broke down. I didn't bother since I was growing out of that nostalgia autism phase. It was also around 2007-08 when major pc games stopped supporting Windows 2000 as well.
No, because I don't have a libre computer yet and I don't have time to switch from the other distribution I'm using now.
But that was just "install gentoo" guix version meme, because I don't like gentoo.
Windows 2000 was never properly supported by most games, they were made for either Win98SE (until about 2002-2003) or XP (later).
OP here.
I'm on Void Linux now I'm gonna try to make music by using Windows 7 on a emulator.
No. It's not like it would just uninstall itself in 2020. You'll be fine.
Void is fun. I like it.
What he meant is that official MS support will end. This means no more official security patches. Of course this is the norm for the case of non-free software. This is the future that OP chose for himself.
It's not. I'm posting from it right now.
Windows 3.1 Netscape Navigator master race reporting in.
CloudFlare still supports these ancient cypher suites?
The NT monolithic kernel and drivers having access to everything.
No USB 3 support.
No offline activation for regular users.
A huge amount of users who turned off auto-updates and never updated manually.
Windows Server 2019 is unironically the best option if you must use Windows 10. It's literally Windows 10 with all the bloat and most of the botnet removed. In fact, if you pirate there's no reason to use Windows 10 instead of 2019, since it's a much better and more effective alternative to the LTSB/LTSC meme editions.
I can't tell if this is supposed to be ironic or not.
What a surprises.
How is it better than the LT versions and why are they memes?
Wat? Even XP can easily support USB3 with proper drivers.
You can activate offline with a SLIC2.1 BIOS.
XP could also support AMD Navi, Nvidia Turing, NVMe, and VR headsets with proper drivers.
Except USB3 drivers for XP exist (at least for certain USB3 chipsets).
Does no one else do this? Do a fresh install of your favorite ancient OS, install your favourite software, clonezilla backup to external drive. If any problems arise, restore the backup. Holy sheeit I'm a genious.
I'm never going to use a Windows newer than 7, but I understand that eventually backwards compatibility will run out and I'll be left without options. I've thought about trying Linux, but I also heard about Windows 9, a heavily modded version of Windows 8 that supposedly strips out the bullshit and makes it behave like 7 with 8's additional infrastructure. Does anyone know anything about it?
Le paste and lead pilled xd
Sounds like the 8.1 embedded industry pro spin made by some guy
If I wanted to put in a backdoor dedicated to the guys who are woke with the older versions of Windows, I'd do it by modifying the older versions of Windows under the guise of extending the life of old Windows versions.
Never heard of this, will try, thanks.
If you're already using windows you may as well just embrace the botnet. use windows 10 on one partition for your proprietary shit and quarantine anything of value to you on a linux install.
How the fuck was windows 8 so bad even normalfags evade it like the plague while windows 10 cancer is widely accepted?
That OS is so bad I'd rather use gentoo for the rest of my life rather than deal with the huge fucking shitpile that is the Windows 10 Spyware Botnet Service.
God damn I love Zig Forums
I do question if Windows 7 is actually faster/better at gaming than just using some distros with wine/virtual machine. And if it really is better, will windows 7 really be gone for good after 2020? Is it just the support for it stopping? Or is it OS wide forced windows 10 update with the only way to get windows 7 afterwards through old torrents? Kind of worried I might only be able to use distros to game after 2020 since I don't have a dedicated gaming pc yet, and I could theoretically just use windows 7 without connecting to wi-fi ever and just using another pc to download everything onto an external harddrive and transfer manually.
This. You would have to be a boomer grandma to get infected with a virus in this day and age. It's almost as if people browse with Javascript enabled or something. I bet they don't even disable services either.
Is there a better alternative to disable javascript other than using noscript? And how to disable services???
t.I have no idea what I am doing
lol, if some shit like Wannacry 2 will pop up some day, without updates you will switch to 10 in no time. M$ will take care of this.
To disable services, type msconfig.exe into the search bar on your start menu and disable everything that is not necessary. Especially look for anything to do with "remote desktop" and such, that is a common vector for infecting your computer. Javascript can be disabled in most browsers in the settings menu. Don't use Firefox or Chrome. Also, you should disable internet access for most of your software that doesn't need internet. Windows firewall is surprisingly good. You can block all executables and .dll files in a folder and it's subfolders by using this batch script.
@ setlocal enableextensions @ cd /d "%~dp0"for /R %%a in (*.exe) do (netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked with Batchfile %%a" dir=out program="%%a" action=blocknetsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked with Batchfile %%a" dir=in program="%%a" action=block)for /R %%a in (*.dll) do (netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked with Batchfile %%a" dir=out program="%%a" action=blocknetsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked with Batchfile %%a" dir=in program="%%a" action=block)
I would block your video card drivers and only update manually because that shit is nasty. You'll have to boot up in safe mode to disable many of these programs that run in the background.
What about using the
solution of just using it to game, closing the ports and never using wi-fi?
Dude, you are a life saver, I'm guessing there are a good amount of ways to do that on distros, but I never learned how to disable services on windows until now. Thanks a ton user!
both ways are good, closing all unnacessary ports should make it a bit safer after 2019, but its a lot of system stuff that you can not control, and its gonna be more and more vulnerable
If you are too poor to buy a new computer you probably should keep the end-of-life OS. I'm sure somebody can use your ten year old POS for a zombie.
Its a 2 year old laptop that came with windows 10, only just got pissed off enough at the horrible speed, constant bugs and inability to stop updates no matter what I do to get a backup and try gnu/linux.
Damn. It's ridiculous that a brand-new machine will perform so badly because the OS included is shit.
If you hate Windows so much just use Linux. These half measures of "installing 10 but removing the botnet" or "using 7 but disabling the updates that make it pleasant to use" is just retarded.
The difference is they have to infect my clean computer with malware first. With Windows 10 it comes as a zombie out of the box.
This is the reason why I switched to Linux. It's certainly possible to remove the botnets from Windows but that's a matter of fighting against tools that are specifically designed to work to the interest of Microsoft rather than the user. You can do that but it makes far better sense to me to invest my effort into learning about Linux and how to configure it to work for me.
Protip: Set up Deep Freeze or Reboot Restore RX on your Windows gaming disk. Never install updates, store saves on external USB stick. Every time you reboot it gets wiped clean like a public PC at the library.
win7 has bad performance, it's graphic ui slows the shit;
has not much more then xp but x2 more shit to slow
Then what OS would be good for gaming then? And only a real OS so shit like the windows 10 service doesn't count.
Actually the same user who asked what distro would be good for gaming, was planning on using distro on my main pc, then a windows 7 pc for gaming. But if wine works better on certain distros I might as well game on my main pc. Always thought wine was slower than just windows though.
Windows 7
Windows 10 was (((free))), what a bargain!
Just buy a switch or learn to play native linux games like Dwarf Fortress. God damn, 99% of modern video games are trash anyways.
Reddit gaymers love Windows 10
They LOVE Steam
And there is an OCZ NVMe drive with XP drivers too. So what.
just learn how to run shit in a VM and pass a graphics card through, then you can play all the windows games you want on one computer. I had a setup like that for a while, a weak power-saving graphics card for linux, and the usual gamer crap for the windows VM. There's also enough software where you can share keyboard and mice between two and more systems seamlessly. Got rid of it when I realized I barely play any games anymore, and the few I do play run in Linux just fine.
Otherwise, just don't browse the internet with the non-patched systems. It's pretty much the only attack vector these days. You don't offer network services on them, do you?
i use winxd cuz poorfag neet,
win10 is best for gayming
Even before the support ends, why would someone be using Windows in 2019?
This is a wndows board now
I don't get people who claims Win7 is slow. This W520 on win7 and 8gb of RAM gets everything done faster than a modern Asus I7 with 16 gigs of RAM.
The reason I won't let it upgrade to Win10 is that it is pointless, and don't forget, if you read and agree to the EULA, that states you no longer have the right to protect and secure yourself from breing spied, you are a cuck.
Windows 8 is slower, haven't tried 10 (and never will)
Just wanted to build on this.
For professional A/V, I recommend:
DaVinci Resolve (minimum 16gb RAM if you are doing 4K. Lightworks 8gb RAM).
Resolve is my preferred choice but Lightworks is a close second.
Audacity and LMMS with plug-ins. Audacity has excellent clean-up tools and effects. LMMS is essentially a stripped down version of FruityLoops (FL Studio).
It is