GNU nano 4.2 "Tax the rich, pay the teachers" released
How does it feel to be surrounded by a bunch of commie retards in the free software movement?
GNU nano 4.2 "Tax the rich, pay the teachers" released
How does it feel to be surrounded by a bunch of commie retards in the free software movement?
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I think that's a spellchecker joke. It's funny
muh Zig Forums
free software has been filled with commies since the very beginning, what's your point
How is it a spellchecker joke?
pretty good
Do you really have to be a “commie” to hate the rich?
You have to be a "fascist" to lick the boots of the rich in the hope of one day wearing them.
Thanks ((((friend)))).
Lol imagine getting fucked on the daily but then getting triggered when someone mentions the people fucking you, absolute cuck behaviour.
If you have an argument then disprove trickle-down Reagan economics Mr. Mediocre-IQ.
It's quite simple really: if unemployment is high and people are lucky to have their jobs, what do I gain by paying them significantly more? Why is it in my capitalistic self-interest to pay someone any more or start a new business just because I have been given a tax cut, why wouldn't I just put it in a bank and collect interest? This is exactly what happens nowadays.
why does it get new releases? it already does everything that it needs to
Your question could easily be answer by reading the changelog
Still not as bad as vim and its niggerlover propaganda, but still software should be apolitical.
Commies love the rich, it's they who finance their beloved rapefugee NGOs after all. Commies do say they hate the rich, but then side with them on every issue since they just do whatever the media tells them to.
George Soros literally funded anti-communism in the east bloc you historically illiterate Zig Forumsyp. Liberals like him are in favour of private property and free markets which puts them on the right, not the left.
The eastern block is long gone, and modern commies were never part of it anyway.
Only economically. Those of us not obsessed with consumerism consider the social axis far more important. And socially a commie is no different from any other liberal, pick any issue and they want the same. Unsurprising of course since both are told what they want by the same people.
Throwing more money at (((public schools))) won't fix how subverted they are.
There pretty much are no modern commies, especially in burgerland. Only liberals, conservatives and actual fascists.
The economy shapes the culture. Why do governments and employer lobby groups support immigration? They need to increase the supply of labour to keep wages down and profits up. When a far-right figure like Viktor Orban (whose education was funded by Soros) come to power on an explicitly anti-immigration mandate, they still need to fulfill their obligation to capital, which is why he introduced the "slave law" that allows for workers to do 400h of overtime per year without getting paid for 3 years.
If you think caring about economics is just "consumerism" (which itself is a result of the economic structure, as increasing demand for commodities raises profits) you are either deluded or off well enough to have the luxury of caring about culture war shit. However, an increasing number of people are not and the capitalist media will continue trying to misdirect their anger away from the rich through feminism, white supremacy etc.
Because unemployment is never high among highest-tier employees. Because market chaos will induce wage differences between your company and competitors and force you to pay more to retain those key employees.
This is terrible. People too poor to afford education should only learn from advertising and corporate propaganda. If someone is just going to dig ditches till they die in one, why is money being taken from my pocket to teach them things? If he really wanted to learn something he should teach himself to read then save up to buy a book.
In fact, anyone reading this who learned to read at the taxpayers expense should kill themselves.
lmao every time
Software is inherently political
Lmao this means nothing.
Except it doesn't outside of software dev and a select few other careers (and this will soon fade away as skills become plentiful), because everyone is being paid next to nothing anyway.
It's true though. Commies (regardless of their proposed solution working or not) used to care about worker rights and the economy (which was the main thing they wanted changed). Now all they talk about is muh rapefugees and muh lgbtasdqwe.
mods can suck my dong
the solution:
buggy, and needs a good icon still, but it's written in Nim