How come religious people often have no grasp on reality and are likely to join up with reactionaries and enemies of the liberation of the working class?
How come religious people often have no grasp on reality and are likely to join up with reactionaries and enemies of...
Other urls found in this thread:
the answer is in the question
what is even the point of this thread
You know fren those threads are usually created with the intention of fun posting or generally making fun of those kinds of people I mentioned.
Doesn't even have to be a hate thread. I just thought sometimes things like this are needed. To see that no matter how much secterianism there is on here between people arguing who is the most retarded leftist… there always be right wingers more stupid and forsaken than all of us.
Did Lenin really smoke capitalism
Nah dude. He just ate the rich.
Despite some liberating instances, most organized religions are conservative and support the status quo. So similar to how liberals will hand power over to fascists to protect capitalism, religioncucks will join with fascism to maintain the capitalist system that allows the church to exist.
He put it in his mouth but did not inhale.
I wonder
Heh. Daily reminder that Distributism is a Catholic meme and literally crypto-feudalism with lolbert characteristics. The church always will be the enemy of Socialism. CathBols btfo.
Only the abrahamic religions are worthless. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam will need to be eliminated, and their followers mercilessly ostracized, for mankind, or at least the west, to improve.
so what about buddhist and hindu nationalism used to justify atrocities? you're a brainlet if you think abrahamhics are special in any regard.
Deleonfags are the biggest retards to shit up this board. Fuck off to >>>Zig Forums
Those are problems too, but I’m talking from a western perspective.
why do atheists love smelling their own farts and stinking up every thread with their "god no exist" bullshit while giving themselves fellatio?
its funny how leftists try and convince the lower classes that communism is the answer when the lower classes are primarily religious and then get sour grapes and whine "well fuck them if they won't stop believing in God, they're just backwards hicks, niggers, spics etc"
the audacity of some of these people.
OP asked an obvious question. And gets various obvious answers. If you can't rake it, jump out a window
I can take it but you need to take a dick first.
for the good of the people, comrade!
workers of the world unite! in an orgy!
I don't have a clue what you're trying to say here. "In the East" non-abrahamic religions might be worthless, but "from a western perspective" they aren't?
nice meme. "muh k i k e on a stik"
Religion manifests either as a buttress of the ruling class ideology or as a dual power structure (buttress of a new bourgeois ideology or a foreign or outdated one). There's no religion which represents the interests of the working class because any such religion would imply its own abolition.
Why are nazbols gay homosexuals?
College atheists are just as reactionary
All religious people should be executed
You don’t understand the anprim utopia of the future and how it will be implemented through the most advanced technology
I think you mean by "religious people" you mean those who believe in the existence of gods. And by "reality“you mean one in which no gods exist? If so its really a loaded question.
Philosophers disagree about what constitutes reality . Kant for example divided things into the
noumenon , the thing-in-itself (which we can't perceive directly) and the phenomenon, something associated with the thing-in-itself, but which we can perceive.
Generally religious people associate certain phenomena (luck/Fate, crops failing, sudden recovery from illness and feeling a new purpose in life) with what are to are in effect noumena, gods. (Its rare that believers claim to be able to see gods directly, if they do they're probably either schizophrenic or bullshitting.)
There's a bit more to it than that. Many gods have features which are egregious to the skeptically -minded. . (Horned caps , and wings, in the case of Mesopotamian deities.) But its because the " thing-in-itself" isn't graspable. It was because of the originating cultures (to continue the mesopotamian example, where cattle are expensive, horns might become symbolic of spiritual wealth, and wings of flight between realms.) but has become culturally fixed.
Sort of like the TARDIS! It's an example from fiction,( no one believes in the literal existence of Dr. Who.) But just as example, the TARDIS got "fixed" as a police box, it's recognizable as such, but it's essence isn't that.
nice projection. I was referring to egodyke.
also, your mom is gay too. and a niger
its petit bourgeois liberalism in a nutshell. also higher education should not exist.
Do you think you've made enough edgy atheist threads for a week yet?
I've noticed that most religion-bashing is a kind of thinly veiled classism. It's rarely the stated and primary dogma of the religion most of the bashers have a problem with, but rather fringe social principles that become an issue only occasionally and its "stupid" followers.
Now far be it from me to tell Marxists how to be Marxists, but it sounds like the worst kind of idealism that you could believe an idea would "make" anyone stupid or somehow "close off the mind"–similarly I'd hardly see what this has to do with class war given most proletarians are highly religious this mystical atheistic (and usually brown) proletarian exists in such small numbers as to be entirely meaningless.
Religion bashers instead tend to focus in on the followers of said religions, and almost entirely for the most suspicious reasons: they're "stupid" says the basher, borderline "retarded", yet who are these supposedly stupid people and in what great numbers do they exist? In America at least, this seems to hark back to the people in flyover states, the generally poorer, less educated, and rural American. It's here that it becomes obvious that the basher is most likely an urban or coastal petit bourg, as generally speaking it's not a "thing" in American Proletarian culture to lionize one's intelligence based solely on the ideals they hold–in fact I'd argue this is a telltale sign of liberalism rather than socialism.
The liberal follows ideals like trends, they believe it confers some special power onto them–in much the same way that the upper class and would-be upperclass adopted some absurd, performative kind of intersectionality (which almost always is reduced to white male bashing) to give the impression of worldliness or intellect, it's to try and "one up" the people who aren't in adherence to said idea.
If you don't believe me, then have you ever seen a religion basher actually engage with the philosophical texts and thinkers of a religion? Tolstoy? St. Thomas More? St. Augustine? The entirety of their stereotype is based on the rural religious–and of note is that these stereotypes transcend race and faith, they're entirely a class based thing. In Muslim cultures you have the stereotypical hyper-Islamic cab driver, only listening to Nasheeds so as not to engage in sin, in Buddhist ones you have rural Asians worshipping the Buddha as a god, and in the Christian west you have the stereotype of the "Stupid, Fat, Rural" Christian congregation who apparently only rant against "the faggots" and exist simultaneously as a tiny fringe that should be exterminated and/or a massive threat that ruins the modern world.
An important thing to understand is that Religion can be "classed" just as much as anything else can be. Among the poorer, less educated working class, you have a kind of vulgar religion–at times indistinguishable from paganism, which is heavily rooted in folksy traditions and prejudices and directly related to one's material conditions, faith is inseparable from material, and to some extent piety (in a truly protestant manner) is believed to physically help assist you through life.
If one retains religious belief into the middle and upper classes, it's here where they engage with–generally speaking–the higher traditions and mysteries of the faith. This has lead to the trend among my own faith of young, male, middle class Catholics desperately seeking to undo Vatican 2 in part because they believe it's "simplified" things, dumbed it down, homogenized the Church, they reach for the higher tradition and higher culture in the belief that if we all spoke Latin we'd end the decline of mass attendance as Church would be more engaging. Alternatively, rather than becoming hyper-traditionalistic, one's faith can start to "dissolve", it would lack coherence structure and instead become a weird syncreticism of various (generally eastern faiths) given a thin veneer of Christianity.
Only those who have the free time and will (the former of which almost always corresponds to better finances) truly engage with faith in a deeply speculative and philosophical manner, though I would argue that this faith is no "better" or should be held in higher esteem than "lower" class faith. Given the choice between spending a day with a religion basher, or the "stupid" masses of the rural religious they tend to despise, I will almost always chooses to spend my time with the "idiots"; I'd taken a trip to Oregon recently, and had visited one of the poorest towns in the state. In this town, there was a tiny little burger joint run out of a literal shack by a family–mother, father, daughter, son–and on this shack was a hodge podge of scripture, prayers, and other trinkets speaking to personal piety on the part of the family.
Were they poor? Undoubtedly, I could see the RV they lived out of right next to their restaurant. Were they "stupid"? Well I try to make no judgement of their intelligence based on our brief interaction, but I'm certain I'm better educated than they were. Were they bigoted? Maybe, but I'll allow everyone some initial bigotry. At least they were honest, however. They had a sense of realness and presence to them that is dreadfully lacking among the atheistic and urbane petit bourg.
Jews. I'm not making this up. They shot JFK through the CIA because he refused Israel a nuke to seal an alliance. He tried to break up central banking that enables capitalism to short circuit for a criminal cabal. Then Jews used money stolen by rigging capitalism with spy networks to use religion to brainwash religious people into neoconservative theory to slavishly die in their wars. Then they commit their lives to complain about working class problems paradoxically worshiping a political agenda
The neocons control the bible belt churches which are exceptionally dumb, advocating for the dumbest parts of capitalism and their bible freak leaders. Or they're probably making ok money and think average leftists are incompetent.
Because religious people aren't working class. All relogious people are bourgeois bastards.
A true leftie is also an atheist.
this unironically.
if you don't curse the deities, this means you are a bourgeois who has it easy.
Intellectual Christians that engage in religious, philosophy, and economic policy? How?
There are Phil Robertson's out there that are great men with good values out of the good book. They operate a business with a wonderful family. They're self-made wealthy, lower class, and not well educated. They are a very wholesome christian family.
Back in the 80s and 90s Reganish, republican strategists needed a new base to sell neoliberal economic policy, free trade agreements, and downplay amnesty of illegal immigration. Both parties knew that the base wouldn't accept deindustrialization willingly, so they picked up on the Abortion issue. Yes Abortion is important, but this is not why it came to the supreme court. It's a wedge to pit radfem against traditionalists to distract against the gradual disempowerment of the working class.
The left focused on a mosaic of unrelated urban petit bourgeois social issues that can be roughly described cultural marxist that had nothing to do with theory other than depress the costs of labor even if it screws up lives. Meanwhile becoming political gate keepers for big corporations to pay tithes in exchange to be allowed to do business and get a better deal through selectively using taxation, bailouts, zoning rules, enviro controls, and regulatory environment to reward whoever donates the most money. Notice why all western corporations are aggressively pussyhat LGBT propaganda to buy favor with the party. In exchange, if they win they deny their competitors access through a stupid made up rule. It's a classic kickback. Urban Negro churches have perfected the art of milking the civil rights movement in perpituity for welfare and to accelerate the economic decay and dependence status of lower class cities.
The right goes into full privatization mode. The two primary goals are Israel over all, defend the petrodollar imperial agenda, abortion, and absorbing reactionary racial elements through capitalism. The more ☘️700 club☘️ smoke they could generate, the better. Then merge altered version of religion to promote the neoconservative agenda of unrestricted capitalism, free trade, deindustrialization, deunionization, and make corporate scams legal enough to concentrate profits. The civil rights movement and the urban failure of welfare state capitalism turned the whiter countryside republican. Most of the moral signalling is coming from neocon jews guaranteeing support for tribal warfare that should on all rights be registered as a foreign lobbyist.
Behind the scenes, which nobody ever sees, are the benefactors of the two parties in a bidding war either in the back room to find an acceptable price. Policy decisions are usually preplanned in these illuminati auctions and thinktank lobby firms before the usual election. Sometimes openly handing out ambitious million billion Trillion dollar bread and circuses to mobs of idiots who are too greedy to care about how economics work. Sometimes it's a Mormon counting on ignorance, platitudes, and marginal support. Sometimes it's Lyin Ted doing both. And sometimes it's Reverend Jessie Jackson getting paid to call someone a racist in a sound byte to help
So the election happens, they all virtue signal with their fake moralist propaganda fighting to get the most out of their support. Dirty people bicker on nonsensical wedge issues designed never resolve and constantly cost more money. Then the winner's politician gets their agenda passed.
What you've got left is a corrupt crony politically fractured country with it's morality so well torn into pieces by hollow virtue signalling that most people discard it entirely as "that ignorant lie" and hokey cult that is abusing them. Your opiate of the masses. You cannot argue with religion, which is why it's the first to go on the chopping block of public discourse. Generation of propagandized idiotic hippie neocon boomers with a politically correct moral compass and bizarre loaded interpretations that flooded old media talk shows. Good natured people of modest means, with minds the result of a sewer by an establishment interested in ignorant obedient workers content with getting less. Their children abandon religion young, and either remain atheists, agnostic philosophy followers, find second religiousness in a mystery cult, or religiously follow a radicalization ideology. Some remain passive about being religious keeping it private. Some radically strip everything down until they find some resemblance of moral wisdom, values, and peace otherwise denied them.
"The west" needs to be abolished,not improved.
cont. 2
Personally, I've never met a genuinely religious intelligent christian that won't drop to retard platitudes. I bought the whole opate of the masses as a youth running away from Sunday school as I believed it was an empty gesture with spiritually meaningless words of NPCs that it is true. This was mixed with negative experiences and bad family issues.
Dave Ramsey is great for microecon, but it's reactionary petite bourgeois life coach stuff that, for his credit, are usually on the money. Stop doing destructive foolish choices, and you'll gradually get your life back kind of advice.
Some christian rock is ok, but it's still strange. The Christian march for Abortion event is bourgeois with all the ugly fat people jumping around for jeebuz. There's also this insincerity about Americans smiling inappropriately all the time. There are some good vibes, but i don't know how anyone could have a spiritual connection. All the America bouge vaugely christian PC gets boiled down into bouge programming like William P. Young's The Shack. My family got me to watch the movie. The moral points center around virtue signalling idpol cuckoldry of a little white girl kidnapped and (assumed raped) to death with the white father not taking revenge or finding peace because negress, asian woman, indian is god pseudo philosophy. Which is strange as God the Father has no physical form, and there is no graver crime than your innocent murdered daughter. Yeah, little Christ Chan died for your sins. The movie plays like a /stormfront/ parody trolling Xians with the cuck shed alluding to the Emmett Till trial. Sadly, this is a best selling novel.
It doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to make sense. Yet free speech tolerates this decay of faith into a disarray of meritless interpretations of false conflicting manufactured morality for a political class to hide their crimes, repeated until forgot they were lies.
cont. 2
Personally, I've never met a genuinely religious intelligent christian that won't drop to retard platitudes. I bought the whole opiate of the masses as a youth running away from Sunday school as I believed it was an empty gesture with spiritually meaningless words of NPCs. This was mixed with negative experiences and bad family issues.
Dave Ramsey is great for microecon, but it's reactionary petite bourgeois life coach stuff that, for his credit, are usually on the money. Stop doing destructive foolish choices, and you'll gradually get your life back kind of advice.
Some christian rock is ok, but it's still strange. The Christian march for Abortion event is bourgeois with all the ugly fat people jumping around for jeebuz. There's also this insincerity about Americans smiling inappropriately all the time. There are some good vibes, but i don't know how anyone could have a spiritual connection. All the America bouge vaugely christian PC gets boiled down into programming like William P. Young's The Shack. My family got me to watch the movie. The moral points center around virtue signalling idpol cuckoldry of a little white girl kidnapped and (assumed raped) to death with the white father not taking revenge or finding peace because negress, asian woman, indian is god pseudo philosophy. Which is strange as God the Father has no physical form, and there is no graver crime than your innocent murdered daughter. Yeah, little Christ Chan died for your sins. The movie plays like a /stormfront/ Xian troll with the cuck shed alluding to the Emmett Till trial. Sadly, this is a best selling novel.
It doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to make sense. Yet free speech tolerates this decay of faith interpreted into the juxtaposition of manufactured morality for the political class to hide their evil, repeated until forgot they were lies.
No gods, no masters
In fact we are the fucking gods!
Because, Christianity is a Semitic desert cult imbued with slave morality. It makes you cuck yourself to Zionism. It also allows retards to hand holds with retard-tier racial minorities. That and Christian scripture, when taken literally, violates basic science. (I know it isn't 2008, but Creationists are still brainlets.)
However, is right. Most of the secularist/antireligious crowd seems to have the
wrong reasons for opposing Christianity. They simply bash fundies for muh faggots and often just browbeat rural Americans, using Christianity as a disguise. (And, they don't apply the same criticisms to mudslimes who are often are as bad or worse.)
Instead of attacking the followers of the Bible-Belt churches, we need to attack the churches themselves and the dogmas of Christianity. Reveal the truth about the churches being Neocon puppets. The same should be done to the liberal-control black and Mainstream churches too. Argue against the dogmas of Christfaggotry as well as the very notion of a universalist religion.
Of course, libtards won't do this, because, on the fundamental level, they share the same moralfag mentality as their fundie counterparts. Just it is for universal liberal values instead of universal Christian values.
I guess my 'strategy' is too optimistic, honestly. We're eating from the trashcan of ideology more ferociously than at any other point in history.
Eh? The philistines (Indo-Europeans) worshipped a semitic god (Dagon/Dagan) and, as readers of the Old Testament will know, didn't cuck to Judaism.
Or Ba'al. Another semitic god.
Readers of the books of Kings in the Bible will know King Ahab and Queen Itha-Ba'al (Jezebel) didn't cuck to Judaism.
Good post.
Wow. Another prime example of a Christian obsessed with scat. Like lmao why do they love eating shit so much? They literally eat the shit of some lying autist retard old-ass pedofags mouth fed to them by another old retard and then they vomit the shit into their wives' (if they got any) or childrens' mouths. They sure love that greasy texture of idiocy and the rotten smell of delusion.
It's funny how retarded capitalists npcs use hammer and sickle when posting.
Low effort shitposting.
High effort autist posting.
Ah, yes what a good thread OP. Really is nice to see all the alrpers and morons crawl out over such an obviously provoking post exposing their insecurity and their autism. But I think it's time to anchor this shit before all of Zig Forums, /mental/ and /p*l/ migrates here over this.
Anarcho-Juche intensifies
Here Girls Always Want to Fuck -
Atheist intellectuals are disturbed megalomaniacs.
Atheist intellectuals are disturbed megalomaniacs.
truth. murdering them would be my pleasure.
Christianity > secularism
Capitalism > communism