Android Blacklist > Which phones should I stay away from?

Call me a BotFag for actually making this thread, as I already know owning an Android is a terminal illness (all phones are, so it's meaningless), but if you had a list of Android phones/manufacturers you'd rather stay from, and some you would actually recommend, I'd be inclined to see your list and why.

These are the rules if you want to recommend a Good Android Phone:

But hey, what do I know, I'm just a dumb-ass for not wanting to look it up, entertain me...

Attached: China_spy.jpg (728x380 263.75 KB, 18.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Firstly: All phones are inherently insecure.
Secondly: Samsung Galaxy S3
can run -
lineageos with microg
plus no 4g
Also very easy to remove cameras (ribbon) and two microphones (solder)
But just use a dumbphone/lineland/payphone and do all computing on a computer. It's really not that hard.
Also zerophone if ur an autist.


Wrong unless you're going to travel around with a laptop connected to a GPS.
Not to mention the possibility of studying or entertaining yourself when on the bus.
And if your family and friends use "apps" to communicate you'd me missing that too.
Not saying it's not spyware, but the denial on this board by burying your head and pretending there aren't any useful aspects to owning one is kinda funny.

Buy a phone from a company that isn't friends with your government, and that has no use for your info.
For instance, I have a Chinese phone - they can't do shit with all the info they collect about me - I use a custom room nonetheless.
If you're American and don't like Chinese stuff, buy some Russian phone, like from Highsense.

The perfect choice would be some kind of Iranian brand. If you find a good one, let me know.

It depends on what you need the hardware for. If you need a phone to make SIP calls then get a galaxy s2/3 or a dumbphone. If you want a mobile terminal that only uses wifi and no 3g/4g/5g then find a phone with a unlocked bootloader and linux kernel modules for all the hardware such as wifi/gpu and then install gentoo. The reasoning behind this is because as long as the cellular modem's proccessor is disabled/properly seperated from the CPU you can just disable it/never enable it at the software level and use the device as a handheld computer with relvant non botnet libre software.

A mobile terminal like that would be ideal for small tasks not involving word proccessing/need a keyboard for things. Like watching videos, a map, software based proximity calls like a walkie talkie but over ad-hoc 2.4ghz b/g wifi, and a simple calculator. I am not sure how you would test if the modem's proccesor is properly isolated from the rest of the system so other anons might have that info. If you just want a phone for the sake of it then get a computer you faggot. Really ask yourself if you need this and why, then if you could do it better and cheaper on the current hardware/computer you have.

Stay away from every phone with a proprietary radio.


pic related got you covered user

Attached: phoneblox.png (590x398, 161.23K)

Where are the wifi-only phones without the cellular shitware?

Your out in the middle of nowhere and want to know where you are. You could pull out the compass and start looking for landmarks, or you could use a completely passive protocol

Elllllll Geeeeee

No one denies the usefulness of it but they're basically just so malicious I'd argue it's not worth it. You can bring a book on a bus or some oldschool mp3 player or whatever if you're really that starving for media. It's kind of like the vidya fags that complain about windows beng so shit but then say they can't live without it because muh overwatch and muh fortnite. Convenience isn't really much of an argument unless you already don't care.

Motorola bought that, then Google bought Motorola. Then Google attempted to make this phone in a crude, disgusting slide design that didn't work right when it was presented. This was in 2014. There has been no news since. It's either dead or vaporware.

But their website is very corporate and they list a lot of high tech sounding companies as 'partners' in their technology...

Surely a childish delusion wouldnt result in all that?

Motorola was sold off to China (Lenovo specifically) since Google gave them 5th class treatment over the years.

I don't trust them with my personal data, not anymore...

This is primarily because both Android and iOS are inherently insecure. Doesn't matter where your hardware came from (protip: China, it all came from China), the OS is pozzed.

All operating systems will be inherently Flrapm until the computer programs itself. Privacy and security is nuanced, and what we got is what we got, every enhancement counts.

Samsung and LG are from South Korea.

The idiocy.

China bad.

You need better arguments and critical thinking rather than parroting what your news source tells you.

Stupid niggerfaggot