All servers and Tor nodes are compromised

How can we trust Tor nodes or server of any type, when they use botnets like Intel ME, AMD PSP, Systemd, HDD firmware?
If you own server you don't own it, Mossad is the true owner of your server

Other urls found in this thread:

gonna need more than that to get me to stop, cia. You cunts can't even bust pedos with that shit how tf.

George Mason University - Center for Humanities and New Media - Children & Youth in History: Age of Consent Laws by Stephen Robertson, University of Sydney, Australia

TEDx | Pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation | Mirjam Heine | University of Würzburg

Attached: police.jpeg (500x500, 41.18K)

They don't bust them because they don't really give a shit about them.

They don't bust them because they are the pedos.

Let me remind Tor worshippers that there are nine nodes it automatically trusts, and if even half of them are compromised, all Tor's security is GONE:

Oh I'm sure an article from 2014 is still accurate with all the shit they've changed and updated in the 5 years since.

Uh, yes it is still accurate. Just no one is speaking about it (coincidence?). Fortunately Tor's own site admits the issues in a roundabout way of course: (2019 recent enough?)

So the adversary CAN trick the Tor client into using other Tor relays if he can control the directory authorities.

I compromised your mom last night OP.

whoops forgot to sage


i2p doesn't have these problems as far as I'm aware but the network is also essentially dead for anything but torrenting at 100kbps. I'm under the impression that its supposed to be faster than tor on paper but in the current year it definitely isn't. i2pd seems to be the way forward since it doesn't rely on java. Does anyone know why tor has become the end all be all in terms of markets and other criminal activities? I don't see why it lacks that popularity other than the fact that its a bit more difficult to use.

Attached: i2p.png (220x220, 14.13K)

Tor was always compromised. It was created by the USA military. Also edward snowden recommends it which is a big nono.

Tor allows you to access clearnet. many people install it to browse clearnet. they can learn to use .onion sites later

You're definitely not looking close enough, but you might not like the content :^)

It's not supposed to be faster at all. More secure though.
If you're not behind a NAT it's probably faster to use.
i2p isn't know for rampant cp

last lines was for

new here, what's wrong with edward snowden recommending it?

Hi, the general consensus is basically like this: Edward Snowden is CIA operative whose purpose was to leak fake information about surveillance to scare the general populace into submission and herd privacy minded people and dissidents into snakeoil/honeypot projects like tor to filter them for further investigation.
You are welcome newfag, remember thorazine tablets chemically castrate you, don't eat them.

Yeah, shit is all compromised but not because of hardware botnet although that is a thing but because 90%+ of those nodes are literally owned by the feds.

Actually you are partially right. The TOR project started out as something for the genuine usage by CIA operatives but turned into a let the public use this to hide our operatives thing. The software behind TOR, the vpn, is technically sound. Its just all the requirements to use it like avoiding the 90% pwned nodes and the bridges services autologging your IP see at line 312 makes it difficult to use without breaking your opsec. Sure its possible, but things like i2p and standalone bridge software exist so weigh your choices carefully.

Oh by the way if you ever requested a tor BRIDGE from their database you had your IP logged if using a proxy, which you should be using you faggot

What a completely sensible viewpoint. Surely this advocate is a reasonable chap with reasonable rationality.

next year in jerusalem! :^)