How do you feel about the future of "GNU/Linux"?

How do you feel about the future of "GNU/Linux"?

Attached: systemd-slash-linux.png (3896x1769, 626.81K)

Other urls found in this thread: /master/docs/the-book/ /master/docs/the-book/

It really kills me that systemd is an entire layer of GNU+Linux now. It really does.

It will be abandoned pretty soon, as Android will cease. OSX is crap and so has become Windows.
Future OS is Fuchsia, a fourth way, unfortunately made by Google.

Like said. Except I don't think it'll be "abandoned" rather it will remain in limbo forever as a platform for everyone (Microsoft Google, various standards consortium.etc) to draft experimental software concepts and draft prototype software design standards on before being pushed to commercial software. Meanwhile on the commercial side everyone will have their own in-house kernel with some GNU/Linux compatibility for workflow reasons but nothing else. Basically the idea of "GNU/Linux" as a distinct OS/platform is dead. Rather its now seen as a reference OS on paper only. At least in the eyes of companies

Attached: 1467857119544.jpg (521x406, 43.99K)


I have no problem. Linux continues working and GNU continues working. They remain free software and all is good.

Hurd 1.0 never ever

Yes that's right. At the moment they don't have enough programmers writing drivers for Hurd. The applications that go above the base OS layer are also incomplete. It's sad but that's the investment going into Hurd.

Fuchsia is just an experiment at the moment, even Google admits it. It might be another Plan9 in terms of eventual adoption.

Watch this funny video for updates on the matter.

Fucked hard by SJWs who were outed early as being sent by Microsoft and Google to destroy the open source community but everyone joined them anyways.

"Free Software" and "Free Minds" used to go hand in hand with each other, now it's everyone has to believe what your corporate masters tell you or you get banned from everywhere.

Aside from the whole systemd problem, I think it's otherwise progressing along fine. Advancements and new software continue to be made. Microsoft's stranglehold is loosening.

Apparently you missed the memo, everything is botnet and the jews can read your shadow file.

No, he's right. There's a lot of garbage projects like systemd as more people who don't really belong in tech work in tech as the field is expanding, but there's also a lot more alternative projects that are much better than the mainstream choice. In general I don't think there was ever as much choice regarding software. You just need to get away from the normie and mainstream options that are made for idiots that can barely tie their own shoes. Sadly, as most of Zig Forums doesn't really know anything about tech they prefer to whine around here instead. They basically want the alternative option to feel special but they don't want to have to know anything or really do anything themselves. Perfect systemd users, really.

Linux will die later this year guaranteed. So I think the few people who are abandoning this cursed OS will switch to the BSDs

Technology is dead. Take the Kaczinsky Pill.

When are Red Hat/Poettering going to make their own kernel?

they don't have to because they already got linux

Shit man, might as well just use Temple OS at this point.

Please no.

OP thanks for info graphic

Attached: download (2).jpg (400x290, 23.51K)

why in the hell would GNU or Linux ever be abandoned? that is ludacris

"android will cease"

what? what in the hell is gonna replace android any time soon?

html5 just came out, and you're saying these things?


great thread...thanks guys

we need more systemd truthers

Think of it like forum but without the CoC cuckery and being distributed with the ability to host a node in the net of nodes.
This is the future.

Plan to install GuixSD once I finish exams and have some time to spare. Looks promising.

You ever seen a server? Find me one on windows

Goddamn burgerclaps and too lax anticompetitive laws

more diversity in programming, finally

no future unless you go full terry

It's great, but you have to go through pain to setup anything.
I wish I could force alsa to be the only thing controlling audio

Only if you use one of the (((mainstream))) distributions.
Devuan and Slackware are still free of the cancer.

They're only a global superpower because you use them too.
Stop blaming the US for your own weakness.

install bsd

I actually want Fuchsia to succeed. It uses microkernel architecture with namespace concepts from Plan 9 (this triggers a certain individual) and capabilities. It'll also just implement a subset of POSIX for backward compatibility (called POSIX lite).
Here's some good reading about it:
Namespaces: /master/docs/the-book/
Dot Dot Considered Harmful: /master/docs/the-book/

The source code is available under permissive licenses, maybe someone or some group will be capable of salvaging the useful stuff, like we have custom android ROMs today.

You mean "systemd/Linux"?

Looking at Fuscia's cock:
I can guarantee that the person who continually disrupts threads whenever "rule of thumb" is brought up because "it's sexist" will not be punished.

Slackware sadly was forced to include (((pulseaudio))) because (((bluez))) 5 requires it.


Well I figure I'm going to have to learn Scheme to be able to do anything useful with it. But that's half the fun really.

Gentoo does it by USE=-pluseaudio alsa.
For icecat, use apulse

The Zionists have infiltrated the project, sorry for you

Would a github based linux be good? As opposed debian or arch mirrors, have a package manager that does git pulls.
Instead of recompiling sources all the time and hoping the system doesn’t break, just modify the source how you want then do a commit.

Fuck no, microsoft owns them now. If you meant based on the git protocol then again fuck no because SHA1, the hashing mechanism used to verify all git commits, is completely broken.


It's IBM/RedHat/Poettering at this point.

Corporate/enterprise environments use only RedHat/CentOS, Debian, or SLES, so any "professional" setting is now 100% systemd (and has been for years really).

Fuchsia will be about as successful as OS/2 or Plan9.

Why include poetterware rather than dropping BT support? OpenBSD doesn't support BT.

Don't insult OS/2 like that.