Newbie Programmer

Hi Zig Forums, Well the thing is that i know the basics about programming (Variables, Booleans, Strings, Integers, Floats Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorfysm) and i want to know... what's next? I feel lost right know cause i dont know what to do.
Should i get a job or what? Can you guys told me what's next once you learns the basics?

Attached: Kagamihara_nadeshiko_Reading_C_Programming_Language.png (1280x1647, 1.72M)

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What's next is you build some things that are 100-1000 lines long. After that you read a book with the word 'intermediate" in the title

Whatever you do, don't sink into the language autism so common on this board.

I wouldn't consider these basics. There are things that are way more important for programming.

Anyway, to learn more and get better at programming there's only practice. You have to write code on your own to figure out how to solve certain programming problems. Ideally you write programs that actually solve a problem you're interested in, such that the program is actually useful in the end. However you can also look at other example programs if you're out of ideas. Also, if you have found an interesting idea for a program but you decide not to write it because you think it's too difficult or you don't know how it's going to work, try writing it anyway. Those are great opportunities to learn something new.
The important part is that you focus on what actually matters (i.e. writing programs). You need to write code daily and without anyone else holding your hand. It's not easy, but that's the only way to get the necessary practice to get better at it.

Codecademy's Python training would be good, then followed by its web development course (+ Vue if you want more diversity).

Unfortunately it really depends on what you want to do.
Go ahead and learn all the Javascript necessary *or pull in 500MB of "libraries" to make your art project webpage that occupies 3 GB of RAM.
C. Learn about how high level programming concepts don't apply all the way down. Get used to pointers. Algorithms (sorting, hashing, prng, etc), data structures; some stuff about the OS, CPU, memory so you can optimize your program. Cry about buffer overflows and use after frees or something and get stuck in an endless loop of debugging and optimization.
If you want to just like make game, stick to an engine or at least a library, or you'll end up like certain people on /agdg/.
No fucking clue; never done those.

But the other posters are right. There's a massive difference between thinking you know the basics and actually being able to write a program to solve a real problem, rather than a textbook problem.

Okay, I have some experience with that so let me say - yes, use an engine. I was really anti-engine for so long but there are really no good libraries below that level. Allegro5 is the best, which really means "yeah I suppose I can deal with this crap".

The more general purpose built (for 3d games) engines like Godot, Unity, Unreal Engine are kind of shit, for multiple reasons. You're better off learning some graphics programming and studying id tech's engines

I uaed sfml for a while seems pretty good and free and multiplatform. You just havr to code some shit yourself a engine would usally do yourself

read gentoo and install sicp

The absolute state of this fucking board

What did you mean by this?

Unity is botnet

Makes me fucking weep.


Can you understand what's going on in the class, yuru camper? The for-loops don't need to be nested, and it struggles with duplicate, non-whitespace characters in the same string.

Attached: anagramfinder.PNG (2748x1716, 121.8K)

when was the last time /v/ finished a game?

This isn't even a complete list because nobody cares about the wiki

When was the last time Zig Forums finished a videogame-size project?

When was the last time Zig Forums finished a project at all?

for the love of god whatever you do just dont use unity

When was the last time Zig Forums finished a project?

Hey that LISPfag made a non-working text editor in a mere six months!


Attached: foto.JPG (132x209, 7.63K)

When was the last time Zig Forums started a project (and got beyond creating a logo)?

Meanwhile all the Cniles on here haven't.

Just start hacking. It would also be best if you read this book ( Just because you know how for-loops work and you can make strings, functions, (((classes))), etc. doesn't mean you've mastered hacking.

Attached: SICP_cover.jpg (220x318, 14.03K)

man vim

Read through the security portion in the back of the book. Make sure your programs are locked down. Do an intermediate tutorial series in your given language on YouTube or something like that. Find ebooks or turtorials on network progamming, AI, game programming, or learn to create really cool GUIs. If you make Linux GUIs people will appreciate it.

Learn how to hack, then pentest your own applications. Write some hack tools. A hash cracking programming is an easy start and it has a legitimate purpose. Pure brute force with nested loops or a dictionary attack with read through a file line by line and try the hashing algorithm against each string and compare to string output the corresponding plaintext if the hashes match. Pretty simple.

Web authentication with curl.

Port scanners can be kinda fun. You can go really simple or you can put a lot of bells and whistles into it. Try to make a program that will find a specific service like image board sites, or check if site is given server is running http/https common ports 80 8080 8000 443 etc then parse the html for a given string like 'Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group' or something like that.

Find a piece of software that is a pain in the ass to install and write a script for it.

Like if a C++ program has an #include statement that has the wrong library path write a program that will read through the includes and use a program like whereis to return the correct library path and check if the it's right in the source code and if not change it to the correct path before compiling.

Write an install script for various cryptocurrency wallets and miners.

Write an application that will turn your plaintext or rich text into HTML pages.

Then write a program that will generate a site map of your pages.

Write a web spider.

Write a chat bot.

Write a command shell or a RAT.

Write a program that automates a bunch of command line programs. Say a process take like 50 or so commands in CLI to handle write a program or script that will do it with a command and maybe some arguments.

Write a picture board.

Write a chat server and client.

Just a few ideas off the top of my head.

Gotta love Java.

Using an engine godot is the objectively correct way to make a game.
Making your own engine is the objectively correct way to improve your programming skills.
Two different goals.

Sure buddy, show me all the hot games that were made with Godot.
Hard mode: without copypasting some obscure flash game-tier shit from Godot's website.

Godot is a piece of shit, the only reason it's relevant at all is because it's the only unity-style FOSS game engine.


You use a game engine because it takes care of a significant portion of game programming problems allowing the programmer to focus on the game and not reimplementing universal game problems.

There's universal problems but no universal solutions past the point of creating a window. Using an engine is the "objectively correct" way to make a game in the same way that using Electron is the objectively correct way to make desktop applications. Just because it's easier doesn't mean it's better, in fact "easy to use" and "good result" are usually opposing forces.

You may have your points but when it comes to creating highly detailed 3d game worlds you usually have very similar problems and solutions.
Depends on available work force. Only very big studios or very skilled developers can afford an own engine without the game suffering from the engine being a piece of shit.

I remember >>>/agdg/ making some sweet looking things with Godot.

I like löve, nice 2D game framework and lua is a fun scripting language that lets you both churn out code quickly and is also fast enough itself to do some pretty complicated shit without being slow as molasses like python or java. You can also trivially bind in external C libraries either with your own code or code of others. Underrated language and underrated framework. I think it's not used often because even though it's lua, you have to kind of know how to do things and can't just click together something like with unity.



Attached: cuteprogram.PNG (1904x1589, 121.51K)

This is how any programmer in any language will perform when they don't understand how to use the standard library.

pretty based

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oops wrong thread lol, sorry

Guy that doesn't know how to code here. What does the code do?

Knowing how a musical instrument works and knowing how to play a musical instrument are two different things. Do you understand only those programming concepts or have you actually put them to use in a practical application?

Right now, all you have is a hammer and a bunch of nails. Your next step is to actually build something, but you need to know what to build. We cannot tell you that.

So do you actually have the aptitude to be a programmer? Seems like you got it all ass backwards. You seem like the kind of person who will just be a grunt coder their whole life. Know that no company wants a coder. They're all looking for engineers, people who know how to take abstract concepts and transcode them into robust, scalable, manageable, user-friendly applications. You have to have a passion for it, a yearning. If you're going to be a faggot and sit there with a bunch of programming terms and be all like

then maybe you should be flipping burgers.

Attached: 9b1ee2a90b9d63c314667d1ae18f2c196ae039d1cae7aeca9314d11a0f03cd58.jpg (604x604, 74.28K)

And learn .NET. Nobody -- and I mean nobody -- is looking for a Python developer. Not a single one. You could learn Java, but all their IDEs absolutely suck fucking balls. .NET has a state-of-the-art IDE and you can get the community edition for free with no strings attached. .NET Core is also cross-platform compatible, so these Linux faggots have nothing to bitch about anymore. The .NET framework is also very extensive with a ton of online support. Don't learn VB.NET, either, as this will cement you into your career as a faggot. Learn C#.

every job board ever disagrees with you

Well there are two kinds of programming I guess. The assembleresque one that Zig Forums cares about and the boring one where you develop JavaScript and Java, get paid a shit ton of money but are bored as as fuck. I personally was happier back when I was a C-Larper

Linux is just a kernel, GNU/Linux is the system.
No, it's no ok, Microsoft can sue you if you modify .NET's code.

Nigger, nobody is talking about this deprecated piece of proprietary shit.

Don't forget to watch the lectures as well!

Attached: Abelson Stole The Precious Course - MIT Version-rdj6deraQ6k.webm (640x360, 9.79M)

Easily some of the worst code I've ever seen; not proper use of the language at all.

What's so bad about it?

Underrated post.

Attached: niraka.jpg (949x950, 142.18K)

Learn about pointers and memory addresses. Learn the GDB and asm

find initials of a series of words, and make people who java look at the code and cry at the verbosity.

for god sakes it's a one lineable solution
Arrays.asList(String.join(" ", args).split("\\s+")).stream().map((s) -> { return s.toUpperCase().subSequence(0, 1); }).collect(Collectors.joining("."))

they open sourced it under an mit license you can modify it.

If you put that into my program you're fired. There is such a thing as readability.

Could someone explain these ? I know what's a variable and a boolean but the rest is unknown to me.

"1" is a string but '1' is a char and 1 is an integer whereas 1.0 is a float.

What truly saddens me is that there are people out there who think this is okay and will defend it.
The software industry needs a fucking great purge.

By "this" I meant that abominable one-liner of complete trash; not your objection to it which I agree with.