ThinkPad (and Toughbook) thread

IBM ThinkPad edition. As usual, the old one hit 400 posts again.

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Fully riced W530 + ESP-950

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ThinkPad, ThinkPad, ThinkPad
I'm tired of this shit. There are only two things cool about them - their longevity and that some models have bugs which make it possible to turn off ME, but besides that, they're botnet made by a botnet loving company. How long are we going to use this thing?
I hope EOMA68 will become the new thinkpad, libre by design.

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This. However, things aren't looking good for ARM either.
There is a freedom problem with SOC design where everything IP licenced (eg: memory controller, PCIE, SATA). This is especially true for ARM, a fab-less company. RISC-V is not going to help for the same reason. It is going to be licencing hell and proprietary instruction set extension.
Nevertheless, until Zig Forums managed to diy CPU. A20 and i.mx6 are the best bet.

lima had been upstreamed

It is hell, but Luke (the main dev) is an experienced developer and he has a plan, for example he reuses old, long ago expired patents and standards


A....are they everything they say they are? $1,000 seems like a lot for audio. They must be pretty fancy.

user, it's not just about whether the dev open source his design or not. The problem is when the instruction set and other components are much botnetted. In that case, compiler and software design would be extremely difficult.
Yes, it is possible to create a libre CPU based on RISC-V. However, the current demand for libre hardware is not enough to turn the table with big brothers designs. Not saying it should not be done though.

Cool, got two Adaptec USB2/FireWire cards in the mail and they both work fine. Now my ThinkPads and Precisions have fast USB at last!

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Just realized I got the worst trips... terrible. I don't want em.

Well I guess now since they have virtual reality goggle drones, this seems kinda like overkill, but it's still pretty neat. And toughbook related.

I got a Thinkpad T400 for about $8. Is this still usable in 2019?

Hell yeah it is, drop in a X9100 and watch it fly. Trannyboot capable too, if you're into that shit.

fug where are actual good laptops other than the MNT reform which is NEVER EVER

Holy shit, I installed Windows 7 Thin PC on my D810 and it runs better than I expected, and that on a Pentium M era machine!

I guess the Radeon X600 dGPU and SSD make all the difference, if it was the GMA900 version I bet it would run like dogshit because no hardwar acceleration.

Drooled on my X200 after falling asleep, fried the motherboard in two places. It's £60 for a new X200, buying it piecemeal has cost me about £50 and almost a week of my life.

Managed to get my mum to buy an X230 which she loves, and my dad already had an T23 running XP that he uses for printer work. Mother was complaining that she didn't have more vertical space, and it gave me the idea. Well, it turns out the T23 chassis is the same width as the X230 but taller.

So it got me thinking, I had heard about the X210 and X62 mods, I wondered if there was anyone doing mods for the T20-series. Not only are the laptops super cheap, bezel-wise there would be more than enough room to put a Fancy Screen, and the room in the body is more or less the same. Downside would be you might have to modify the batteries or adapter, given they're not compatible with the newer batteries. I imagine that's the nail in the coffin for this idea.

Does anyone know if anyone else is doing that?

4get about any 51nb-esque mods for the T2x models, oldest you'll possibly find is the illusive T50 board for the T4x models.

W510 for $200 aud (~138 usd)? I might get it if I can confirm that it's a 1080p screen even though it still uses a normal hard drive

You should be able to replace it, both, I believe. Not that big of a bother if you think its a good deal.

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Posting from my cobbled together Precision M6500! Feels good to have a high-end 16:10 laptop again.

I have a nice Toughbook CF-31 mk5 but I keep seeing Getac B-300’s on eBay and I love the aesthetic.

Any reviews/experiences/comparisons?

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I mentioned them in the previous thread. I like the aesthetic too. Some of them don't look nearly as tough as a CF-31 though, but they seem nice. They're botnet though, like toughbooks, intel i7. Sad to think too, because you'd think, of all the units that would NOT be compromised, it would be MilSpec grade units.

If I decided to get one, I'd buy it off eBay too. Never the company itself. Don't wanna enable intel.

Found this thing browsing around (pic), seemed nice too.

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Thanks for the reminder that I should get one soon er or later.

With that being said

That Getac server though..

what kind of support do you even need for those? isnt it just standard intel hardware in a case that they designed

Spare parts, used machines, BIOS password cracking

thinkpad master race

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hey bro why are you calling him a goy....Jews aren't even a problematic's all just hype

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I'd imagine you just gotta do what you do with any other device with this issue. Remove the BIOS battery and power everything off. Remove the battery etc. You manual reset the password that way. At least that's the way it works on toughbooks.

thats indeed good to have. i thought that you meant usage support for brainlets

thats usually how the consumer machines work but on a thinkpad and possibly other business machines the password is actually somewhere on a chip and that wont remove it

Ok, you're right, I shouldn't repeat the Zig Forums propaganda. How can I call him then? A good consumer? I just got used to speech people use here.

I can't get clover to install, even with the updates, this cf-31 a shit. I don't even know who to take it to, to get it fixed.

what makes op's pic computer, so significantly better than a standard thinkpad from todays standard?

What is wrong with buying a brand new Lenovo ThinkPad and paying for Microsoft, Adobe, and Autodesk CAD software on it?

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yes, I'm fully aware I have 2 P keys

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how do people even do this? i have had my thinkpad almost 5 years and the keys arent worn. it happened only once to a really cheap desktop keyboard

i3 addiction is real

I fucked up on a different thread, and was going to ask whats the best under 13" thinkpad. Upon doing my own research, the x200 or x220 seem to be the best. Can anyone substantiate my findings? I don't think there's any thinkpads of recent that have screens around that size. I know that the x200 has libre/trannyboot, but the x220 has a more recent cpu and a higher ram max.

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X200 if you're a die-hard freetard, X230 if not.

my thinkpadburger.
Last add : a R50. Not decided if I keep it on Linux, ordered some RAM for it, getting it at two gigs would be better.

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promise, i won't bring another one home.

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are you just one of those kike collectors? no one needs that many

The keycaps are probably just shit. Are they pad printed? Laptop keyboards are all garbage, as far as I know, never really made to last. I don't personally know any exceptions, though I'm not a laptop guy so maybe I'm wrong. Then again, there probably are old laptops with dye-sublimated keycaps out there. Maybe even doubleshots, but that must be even less common. Still, the advantage is that you can fix it, because there are a few different ways of printing on keycaps. Maybe even 3D print new keycaps, but I don't know anything about that. You clearly have the autism, so just do it.

Hoarding is a mental illness. Just letting you know.

Are they your children? Good grief..

What's that nub thing sticking out of the thinkpad on the top of the stack.

captchas fucking SUCK right now

That's an X60 tablet with an external antenna. I'm guessing that's a mod and not a factory option.

It's actually stock, that's the WWAN antenna.

X200 if you want to trannyboot
X220 is the gold standard
X230 has shitlet keyboard but some models have the better HD Graphics 4000

Going to come into some money in the next few months. Currently using a 2012 W520, but I am interested in upgrade paths (if one even exists).
Need power. Going full freetard is a plus. None of that cuck chiclet keyboard garbage; classic or GTFO.

What are my options if I want power?

W530 with Classic Keyboard.

in fact, not much, I'm more like, recycling PCs and offering them, and keep a bunch for different purposes.
W520 as a secondary PC in addition of the desktop, browsing, arting...
T61P for work ( mostly excel and VPN stuff with an Office pack, and dual booting with RedHat )
T60 for mobility and back-up ( LinuxMint )
X60 tablet for some old 32bit programs and the comfort of a wacom tablet integrated.
Tablet8 for reading ebooks and comics, which is always nice.
R50 for testing or trying things off-line, like, various hardware that requires a parallel port by example, or dubious software. It might likely end up with QNX RTP installed on it or some obscure OS like that.
600X for retro/DOS games/Win9x stuff.

So yeah each kind of serves a purpose, and not all of these are all on the same place at once.

Add a SSD if you haven't already.
i7-2920XM and 16 gigs of DDR3 will be a real upgrade.

It's a lock. Yep.
Call me paranoid but in my job I often; carry this thing to quickly sketch a thing in reunion when we decide what elements we should add in a panel or some stuff, and when I leave, instead of carrying it always with me I just attach the kensington lock to it like the other PCs. The X60 isn't really huge and easy to run away with.

There have been theft a few times in here and since this thing contains works I don't want to see outside, I have been advised to find a way to secure it or kep it with me when we go eat or move out.

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W520 can actually take 32GB RAM with a i7 QM CPU.

t. M6500 with i7 740QM and 32GB RAM

In other news, I won a Best Offer on eBay for a 920XM in Yurop. sigh.. have to take the M6500 apart again.

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I wish I bought an x220 earlier. Now the good ones are all over $100. Add an SSD, 8GB RAM, a battery, and maybe a charger, it'll cost me almost $200 for a computer I'll rarely use. I want one but I'n not sure about it at that price.

To think I got a good condition T60p and T61 both with 1440x1050 screens, usable batteries, and chargers for $50 each just last year.

Just bought a fully refurbished x220 for $150, great little meme machine

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You seem to know how to configure CloverOS properly. How can I get my wallpapers to stick? Only way I can do it is i3 with

exec_always feh --bg-fill /home/(user)/Pictures/(image.png)

.bash_profile runs nitrogen --set-zoom wall.png on X startup

you can change that command or replace wall.png

I'll try that later I guess. I switched back to ubuntu because all my config files are on this OS. Took forever to get clover to install properly. Now I gotta see if I get void and venom linux to work.

forgot link
Nobody ever mentioned it here, that I know of. It's non systemd.

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Don't let him brainwash you, user. A mind a terrible thing to waste on a (water filter). Jesus loves you.

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consolidating double post

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consolidating posts

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What emu are you using in that first picture?

>They use (((Gmail)))


x230 for £90,
good deal?
pics seem like general wear and tear, no bios pic

I'm thinking of disabling RAID on my M6500 since it does jackshit to performance in daily use. Good idea? I know I have to reinstall but that's no big thing.

Which emulator is that? I tried running PCSX2 on i3 and it wouldn't even recognize it.

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t41 I bought just arrived and I only managed to boot it past bios once (to windows7). What should I check? Could it be foulty hdd? I hope it's not motherboard.

op here. can it be gpu issue? and tips how to repair?

Well, pull through installing a distro.
First, if you're buying anything used, you should be swapping the HDD. Preferably for an SSD.
If you try to boot from flashdrive and it doesn't work, maybe you have a problem.
Wait, where you really planning on just using whatever OS came with the used laptop you bought? Lol.

it won't boot from flash drive either, tried it already. I already contacted seller and he'll send me another motherboard.

I needed a laptop with parallel port (db25) it is not meant to be connected to any network, so I don't really care about backdoors.

That X60 is gorgeous. Is the CPU that bad? What can you do with it and using what distros?
I'm talking about general browsing, torrenting and video watching.

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try only setting the BIOS options to different USB types


USB optical drive
USB hard drive
USB floppy disk
USB key

then F10 or whatever your "save changes and reboot" button is.

boot options*

Doesn't even work in the Mk3, in the 31 Mk5 it might.

thanks, already tried it. as I already said seller will send me replacement motherboard from t41 or t42

additionally I bought 2x t42 in unchecked condition (seller states he doesn't have a charger) for 5$ each. Hopefully I'll assemble at least one working unit

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I fell for the 4GB maximum meme. Then I installed 8GB... then I fell for the 8GB meme...till I saw 16GB available on eBay for mk3. Then I decide to do a proper inquiry.

sudo dmidecode -t 16

Handle 0x000F, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: None
Maximum Capacity: 32 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 2

Handle 0x0016, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: Flash Memory
Error Correction Type: None
Maximum Capacity: 16 MB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 1

So I came to the conclusion that I could essentially use my CF-31 as a games developing unit (Blender). But nobody produces the 16GB sticks, that I know of. And I don't think mk5 sticks are backward compatible; toughbooks are real finicky.